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Obama Announces His Endorsement of Hillary Clinton (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2011
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Lost at sea~
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Libertarian - Right
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Why did you expect him to endorse Donald Trump or something?
President Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in video - CNNPolitics.com
This pretty much confirms two things:

(1) Obama believes Clinton will continue where he left off, which means 4 more years of Obamaism_

(2) Obama's Justice Department will not indict Hillary for crimes she committed as Secretary of State_

(just as I have said all along)

It confirms nothing other than that he supports the Democrat's candidate for President rather than the Republicans?

I truly hope that this did not surprise you...
Why did you expect him to endorse Donald Trump or something?
It confirms nothing other than that he supports the Democrat's candidate for President rather than the Republicans?

I truly hope that this did not surprise you...
I think there were some behind the scene reasons Obama waited so late in the game to make it official_

I believe the Democrat Party Elites thought long and hard before deciding to accept HC as their candidate_

Just as the Republican Establishment has done, and still is to some extent!
I think there were some behind the scene reasons Obama waited so late in the game to make it official_

I believe the Democrat Party Elites thought long and hard before deciding to accept HC as their candidate_

Just as the Republican Establishment has done, and still is to some extent!

Why should it matter to anyone that you "think" unsupported things?

Absolutely nothing you have said provides any reason to believe that Obama's endorsement "proves" anything you said it proved.
Why should it matter to anyone that you "think" unsupported things?

Absolutely nothing you have said provides any reason to believe that Obama's endorsement "proves" anything you said it proved.
This certainly ain't rocket surgery, Mr Person_

As a general rule, things are usually what they appear to be_

Not always of course, there are exceptions to every rule_

But Hillary is indeed dishonest, corrupt and a notorious liar_
President Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in video - CNNPolitics.com
This pretty much confirms two things:

(1) Obama believes Clinton will continue where he left off, which means 4 more years of Obamaism_

(2) Obama's Justice Department will not indict Hillary for crimes she committed as Secretary of State_

(just as I have said all along)


The FBI is conducting a Security review.

josh earnest.jpg
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Thursday that President Obama
won't interfere with 'any criminal investigation' like the one Hillary Clinton faces
over classified documents in her private emails.


That little bastard said what?
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President Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton in video - CNNPolitics.com
This pretty much confirms two things:

(1) Obama believes Clinton will continue where he left off, which means 4 more years of Obamaism_

(2) Obama's Justice Department will not indict Hillary for crimes she committed as Secretary of State_

(just as I have said all along)

No.What that means is...."It's time to drop out and get behind the Democratic nominee, Bernie. It's over. Don't be a disupter like Ralph Nader."

Lol. Quite the change.
Looks like Obama knows who his owners are.

Pretty nice of Obama to show up and endorse Bernie Sanders for his mid-term election as Senator of Vermont. I'm sure Obama still thinks Bernie is a good senator for that state.

You didn't cite a reputable news source for the quote on Clinton. Not sure why you even stated that, since it's unrelated to the video. I'm sure you just forgot to quote the source. If he said that, it would've been years later, during his presidential campaign against Clinton. You know how politics works. You're in a political forum, after all.

How disingenuous of you to try to create the wrong impression of Obama's endorsement, regardless of what you think of it. If you have to resort to games, that means there's nothing of substance to criticize.
Pretty nice of Obama to show up and endorse Bernie Sanders for his mid-term election as Senator of Vermont. I'm sure Obama still thinks Bernie is a good senator for that state.

You didn't cite a reputable news source for the quote on Clinton. Not sure why you even stated that, since it's unrelated to the video. I'm sure you just forgot to quote the source. If he said that, it would've been years later, during his presidential campaign against Clinton. You know how politics works. You're in a political forum, after all.

How disingenuous of you to try to create the wrong impression of Obama's endorsement, regardless of what you think of it. If you have to resort to games, that means there's nothing of substance to criticize.

One crook endorsing another crook. This is news to you?
I didn't see a crook in that video. Bush wasn't there.
Why do all these extremists randomly bring up Bush in a discussion about Obama and Hillary?

Is that your best deflection? Sack up. You guys are pathetic.

Obama is just as much of a crook as Hillary, as bush, as Bill...and the wheels turn. Your bias is showing all too much.
Pretty nice of Obama to show up and endorse Bernie Sanders for his mid-term election as Senator of Vermont. I'm sure Obama still thinks Bernie is a good senator for that state.

You didn't cite a reputable news source for the quote on Clinton. Not sure why you even stated that, since it's unrelated to the video. I'm sure you just forgot to quote the source. If he said that, it would've been years later, during his presidential campaign against Clinton. You know how politics works. You're in a political forum, after all.

How disingenuous of you to try to create the wrong impression of Obama's endorsement, regardless of what you think of it. If you have to resort to games, that means there's nothing of substance to criticize.
IMO; Obama is far more aligned with the ideo-political policies of Socialism and therefore would have much preferred to be endorsing Bernie Sanders rather than Hillary Clinton_

Unfortunately, the Progressive/Democrat Elites desperately want control of the Supreme Court and believe Hillary has a better chance of winning the White House than does Bernie; and I agree_

Obama's endorsement was simply the result of this unified Democrat Party consensus, which is banking on Bernie's devout supporters throwing in with Hillary after she picks him to be her VP running mate!

I'm fairly certain this was the main topic of discussion when Sanders was recently invited to a White House meeting with Obama; rather than 'to ask him to pull out and concede' as reported by the press_

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