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NYT reports Biden shared US Intel on Ukraine with China, who then turned it over to Putin! (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!
Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!

Do you have any proof that Biden discussed intel with China under a promise of confidentiality? And were the Russian troop movements at the time something that anyone with access to non-secret satellite images could have deduced on their own?
I'm sure you were all up in arms when Trump handed out classified information like candy to everyone in ear-shot, or directly to Russian diplomats.

Regardless, Biden can declassify that information. Satellite images of Russia's impending attack is exactly the sort of thing he should use to back his argument. Nothing in such photos would give away any source and methods...I mean, who doesn't know we have these things in orbit called "Satellites"? You? You really think Biden didn't get agreement internally on being able to share that information?

Maybe they were all destroyed by Jewish Space Lazers?
Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!
What harm is there in Russia getting "maps and troop deployment info"? Didn't they already know where their troops were?
Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!
And aren't these the same reports/intel that the Biden administration made public almost every day as things changed.
Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!

Why do you folks choose to embarrass yourselves like this?
The OP makes it seem as though Biden was trying to prevent a war.

Wonder why would that would trigger republicans. :unsure:
And aren't these the same reports/intel that the Biden administration made public almost every day as things changed.
If it was ONLY publicly available info, then there'd be no need to turn them over to a country who is the world's #2 superpower, with an enormous intelligence apparatus. They'd already have their own Intel, and they'd already be fully aware of publicly available reports. Also, they are Putin's ally, so they'd know full well what Putin was planning in advance.
Amazing, China told Russia, what Russia was doing. How enlightening for Russia.
The OP makes it seem as though Biden was trying to prevent a war.

Now why would that would trigger republicans. :unsure:
OMG, are you serious? Let me make it clear for you again! NOBODY WANTS A WAR IN UKRAINE, I HAD FRIENDS THERE, AND I HATE PUTIN!

The point is that Biden is so inept that he decided to go to the CCP to try and influence them to tell Putin not to invade. It failed. That's because the CCP are NOT our ally. The CCP is our #1 foreign adversary. They are allies with Putin. If Biden and other globalist neo-liberals and neo-cons really wanted to protect Ukraine, Bush, Obama and Biden should've

1). allowed them into NATO, which would prevented the invasion cold!
2). Armed them with modern anti-tank, and AA weapons before Putin invaded Crimea, as opposed to refusing to do so!
3). Not been hypocrites by invading other countries using the same sort of excuses Putin is now using!
As if China does have their own satellites and intel and already knew exactly what Russia was doing.
Big News! read all about: Biden tells everyone including China that the U.S had intelligence on an iminant Russia invasion of Ukraine.

Does anyone think Russia did anything different because they knew, China knew, Usa Knew, anyone who listened knew Russia was invading Ukraine?
As if China does have their own satellites and intel and already knew exactly what Russia was doing.
Yet some want to confince the ignorant that some big secret intelligence was shared with China. Pathetic!
OMG, are you serious? Let me make it clear for you again! NOBODY WANTS A WAR IN UKRAINE, I HAD FRIENDS THERE, AND I HATE PUTIN!

The point is that Biden is so inept that he decided to go to the CCP to try and influence them to tell Putin not to invade. It failed. That's because the CCP are NOT our ally. The CCP is our #1 foreign adversary. They are allies with Putin. If Biden and other globalist neo-liberals and neo-cons really wanted to protect Ukraine, Bush, Obama and Biden should've

1). allowed them into NATO, which would prevented the invasion cold!
2). Armed them with modern anti-tank, and AA weapons before Putin invaded Crimea, as opposed to refusing to do so!
3). Not been hypocrites by invading other countries using the same sort of excuses Putin is now using!



Come on, who's making you do this to yourself? Did you lose a bet?
At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional.
President Biden was just doing what his "advisers" suggested.

The poor dear does not have a clue.

He should be relaxing in Delaware and enjoying quality time with his family.

Boy, oh boy, did the American people blunder in (reputedly) sending him to the Oval Office.
Even the NYT is finally doing a bit of journalism. They report that Biden repeatedly went to the Chinese communist party(Putin's top ally and financial supporter) in recent weeks, asking them to tell Putin to back down. They denied there was ANY chance of a Russian invasion.

So Biden sent them US Intel on the region of eastern Ukraine and Russia, including maps and troop deployment info, in order to allegedly bolster Biden's argument. That's when the CCP contacted Putin, told him all about what Biden was doing, and then HANDED OVER OUR INTEL REPORTS TO PUTIN!

At some point you have to wonder if some of these obvious blunders were actually intentional. How can you be so gullible as to hand over Intel to your country's #1 enemy, not realizing they will probably hand it over to your #2 enemy(their ally)! It's kinda like leaving 85 billion dollars in advanced weaponry to terrorists and to China!
the article did not say that. Aren't you misquoting ..........?
President Biden was just doing what his "advisers" suggested.

The poor dear does not have a clue.

He should be relaxing in Delaware and enjoying quality time with his family.

Boy, oh boy, did the American people blunder in (reputedly) sending him to the Oval Office.
When someone can point to a strategic error resulting from Biden calling out Russia's imminent attack, including informing China we knew of the imminent attack. Then please post a logical response. Otherwise, as Biden stated, Biden controlled the narrative, not Putin and that was fairly shrewed by Biden. Especially when building an anti Putin coalition
I though we all knew this already. We know that a key tactic of the Biden administration in this matter has been to expose Russia’s movements and show the world everyone knows what Putin is really planning.

Showing China would be part of that because then China can verify against its own satellite imagery and let Putin know America has his number if it chooses to do so. It’s no different than the president getting in front of the cameras over the last few days and telling everyone.

As stated by others here, America has been carefully controlling the narrative. Like, duh.

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