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NYT proves it's bias again (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2005
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Very Conservative
Interesting article in the paper of record, the New York Times.


Hollywood Waits to See Wiretapping Indictment

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18 - Anthony Pellicano, the onetime private detective to the stars now finishing a 30-month sentence on federal firearms charges, expects to be indicted again in weeks, his lawyers say.

In the article it says
"Mr. Pellicano, 61, whose clients included celebrities defending their reputations and entertainment lawyers seeking to bolster their cases,"

But it left out a reference to his most famous clients who are politicians. Who?

The Clintons. Now why would they leave out any reference to them. Had he worked for Tom Delay or Gingrich do you think the NYT would have prominately referenced their names?

" The acts that Mr. Pellicano and others are expected to be accused of include wiretapping and witness tampering."

Hmmm exactly what he was accused of doing for the Clintons.

And in another instance the NYT reports that special prosecutor Fitzgerald has decided not to issue a final report. The Times reports this as evidence that he MUST be considering indictments then. But in fact Fitzgerald is prevented by law from issuing a public report.

As NewsMax reports on former federal prosecutor Joesph DiGenova's appearance on ABC's "This Week"

"Asked Sunday whether he thought the Leakgate prosecutor would issue a report on his nearly two-year-old probe, DiGenova told ABC's "This Week": "He's not legally entitled to do so. He cannot issue a public report."
Sounding disappointed, "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos insisted: "Well, [he can] if the court says he can."

Once again, DiGenova set the record straight, explaining that Fitzgerald would "have to get a very special court order which is rarely granted." Even Democratic lawyer Richard Ben-Veniste, who was also on 'This Week," said he agreed with DiGenova that Fitzgerald cannot legally issue a report."

The paper of record can't even get the law straight and totally misrepresnt, without any basis, the actions of Fitzgerald.
Funny how you didn't bother to report about that conservative article that was written a few days ago. Oh but you don't read the New York times do you?! You just get this stuff from conservative websites. I guess media bias just depends on who you ask.
FinnMacCool said:
Funny how you didn't bother to report about that conservative article that was written a few days ago. Oh but you don't read the New York times do you?! You just get this stuff from conservative websites. I guess media bias just depends on who you ask.

Funny how that has nothing to do with the what I did post nor did you demonstrate that it did. Nor did you even cite it or state what it was about and how you believe it shows bias.

When you do have something of substance to repy with let me know.
FinnMacCool said:
It was on the front cover you should've seen it. That is if you actually read it.

And once again you fail to respond to what I posted and try to divert without even being able to cite the supposed article you mention.

Sorry but that dog don't hunt.
Hopefully the NYT will post a correction. They do so on page two every day.

It just cracks me up that the standard for them and CBS etc. is so high, when FOX news can just make stories up all day long with no accountability or retractions.

Hell, you can't even sue them for making newz up.

BTW- I think Judy Miller did the paper a great disservice and the NYT should fire her.
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hipsterdufus said:
It just cracks me up that the standard for them and CBS etc. is so high, when FOX news can just make stories up all day long with no accountability or retractions.

Can you give me any evidence that the level of accountablity is as high? How about posting evidence of a news story FOX "just made up".
Stinger said:
Can you give me any evidence that the level of accountablity is as high? How about posting evidence of a news story FOX "just made up".

Wow - that's the easiest assignment I've ever had!
Here are some lies from Fox just in October: From Media Matters

Here's one: In effort to smear Plame leak prosecutor, Will, Kristol baselessly claimed that investigation was limited to 1982 law.On October 16, columnist George Will suggested that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has "changed statutes in midstream," overstepping the original mandate granted him by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in his investigation of the CIA leak case. This argument -- also recently advanced by Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen -- rests on the unfounded claim that Fitzgerald's prosecutorial authority was limited to a single statute, the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act (IIPA), which forbids the intentional disclosure of a covert intelligence officer's identity. In fact, Fitzgerald received a broad mandate to investigate the alleged leak of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA operative by Bush administration officials and is not limited to investigating possible violations under any one specific statute.

And another: On the October 19 editions of both Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor and the nationally syndicated The Radio Factor, host Bill O'Reilly claimed that "3 million," then "4 or 5 million," illegal immigrants crossed the border last year into the United States. But these claims contradict three recent academic studies that have all put the number of new illegal immigrants arriving in the country each year at around 500,000.

Ooh there's more: Appearing on the October 13 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, Media Research Center (MRC) president L. Brent Bozell III made the remarkable claim that, "if you've looked at any study that we've ever done, no one has ever questioned the findings that we've come up with." This assertion is false; the "studies" that the MRC conducts are often based on faulty assumptions, techniques, and conclusions.

Still more: On Fox News Channel, Morton M. Kondracke made the even more baseless assertion that now-discredited reports of Iraq's alleged effort to acquire uranium from Niger were "never one of the major arguments that the Bush administration used for going to war with Iraq." Kondracke apparently forgot that, in fact, those reports were the basis for claims President Bush made in his 2003 State of the Union address and served as the basis for Bush administration efforts to win support for the Iraq war.

Last one: Fox News, Factiva transcripts misattribute O'Reilly remark criticizing judge in Abu Ghraib photo case to Wesley Clark.
Transcripts on both the Fox News website and Factiva.com misattribute a remark made by Fox News host Bill O'Reilly to former Democratic presidential candidate and Fox News contributor Gen. Wesley Clark. Because of the error, the websites' transcripts of the October 3 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor read as though O'Reilly persuaded Clark that U.S. district judge Alvin K. Hellerstein was wrong to order the release of photos depicting prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In fact, Clark said on the show that he thought the photos should be released.

I could go on and on and on and on................
Stinger said:
Funny how that has nothing to do with the what I did post nor did you demonstrate that it did. Nor did you even cite it or state what it was about and how you believe it shows bias.

When you do have something of substance to repy with let me know.

Lets see, you get virtually all your news from ultra right wing rags like newsmax, but you seem to think that one article that fails to mention that a lawyer represented the Clintons proves that paper is biased?

Wow, you sure are objective.:roll:
SouthernDemocrat said:
Lets see, you get virtually all your news from ultra right wing rags like newsmax................

Well since your intial premise is so wrong the rest of your post isn't worth reading.
Originally Posted by hipsterdufus

It just cracks me up that the standard for them and CBS etc. is so high, when FOX news can just make stories up all day long with no accountability or retractions.

My reply
Can you give me any evidence that the level of accountablity is as high? How about posting evidence of a news story FOX "just made up".

hipsterdufus said:
Here's one: In effort to smear Plame leak prosecutor, Will, Kristol baselessly claimed that investigation was limited to 1982 law.

Kristol works for the Weekly Standard and is an opinion contributor, he is not a FOX NEWS reporterm news producer or news writer for them. And unitl you cite exactly what it is you claim he said with a source to it you claim from Media Matters has not bearing.

On October 16, columnist George Will

George Will does not work for FOX he is a regular on ABC.

And another: On the October 19 editions of both Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor

O'Reilly is not a news reporter he commentates and debates news issues.
Ooh there's more: Appearing on the October 13 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, Media Research Center (MRC) president L. Brent Bozell III made the remarkable claim that,

Brent Bozell does not work for FOX NEWS and what he says is not written by FOX NEWS and he does not report for them.

Still more: On Fox News Channel, Morton M. Kondracke made the even more baseless assertion that now-discredited reports of Iraq's alleged effort to acquire uranium from Niger were "never one of the major arguments that the Bush administration used for going to war with Iraq."

Kondracke is a news commentator not a reporter for FOX NEWS. But he was correct anyway in his assertion and Media Matters is wrong.

Last one: Fox News, Factiva transcripts misattribute O'Reilly remark criticizing judge in Abu Ghraib photo case to Wesley Clark.

Someone misattributted something someone says? What does that have to do with making up the news which is what was claimed?

I could go on and on and on and on................

Well how about trying something that shows FOX NEWS makes things up, not only did you mistattribute to FOX NEWS what indepedent anyalist state as thier opinion you didn't even show they were wrong or what they said was made up. So give me a story that FOX NEWS just made up and reported as news. Not something that was reporter erroneously based on the information they had but that the just made up as you claimed.
Stinger said:
My reply
Can you give me any evidence that the level of accountablity is as high? How about posting evidence of a news story FOX "just made up".

Kristol works for the Weekly Standard and is an opinion contributor, he is not a FOX NEWS reporterm news producer or news writer for them. And unitl you cite exactly what it is you claim he said with a source to it you claim from Media Matters has not bearing.

George Will does not work for FOX he is a regular on ABC.

O'Reilly is not a news reporter he commentates and debates news issues.

Brent Bozell does not work for FOX NEWS and what he says is not written by FOX NEWS and he does not report for them.

Still more: On Fox News Channel, Morton M. Kondracke made the even more baseless assertion that now-discredited reports of Iraq's alleged effort to acquire uranium from Niger were "never one of the major arguments that the Bush administration used for going to war with Iraq."

Kondracke is a news commentator not a reporter for FOX NEWS. But he was correct anyway in his assertion and Media Matters is wrong.

Someone misattributted something someone says? What does that have to do with making up the news which is what was claimed?

Well how about trying something that shows FOX NEWS makes things up, not only did you mistattribute to FOX NEWS what indepedent anyalist state as thier opinion you didn't even show they were wrong or what they said was made up. So give me a story that FOX NEWS just made up and reported as news. Not something that was reporter erroneously based on the information they had but that the just made up as you claimed.

OK, so let me clarify my remarks. The people that come on Fox News from the right and talk all day long make sh** up all day long. Hows that? :spin:
hipsterdufus said:
OK, so let me clarify my remarks. The people that come on Fox News from the right and talk all day long make sh** up all day long. Hows that? :spin:

You're referring to spin doctors, not journalists. Right?
mpg said:
You're referring to spin doctors, not journalists. Right?

Unfortunately that's becoming a distinction without a difference.
For example, Sean Hannity has no journalistic credentials, but he's featured on Fox News. Are bloggers journalists? What about talking heads who only read the teleprompters?

According to his bios posted on Fox’s web site and his personal web site, Sean has not attended any journalism classes, has no formal training in journalism and has not been a reporter. He was a talk show host on a college radio station and he made a very successful jump to AM radio.
hipsterdufus said:
Unfortunately that's becoming a distinction without a difference.
For example, Sean Hannity has no journalistic credentials, but he's featured on Fox News. Are bloggers journalists? What about talking heads who only read the teleprompters?


Not to defend Hannity, mostly because he's not worth defending, but this stuff is irrelevant...

The best case is sports...Some announcers know more about the sport than the players...Some color analysts who've played the game sound better than the announcers without taking one class...

Background is nice, but it definitely not a necessity...

How many times have you seen something on TV and said, "I can do that...probably better!"?...

There are people that go out and prove it everyday...
hipsterdufus said:
OK, so let me clarify my remarks. The people that come on Fox News from the right and talk all day long make sh** up all day long. Hows that? :spin:

I think your little icon at the end describes your post quite well.
hipsterdufus said:
Unfortunately that's becoming a distinction without a difference.
For example, Sean Hannity has no journalistic credentials, but he's featured on Fox News.
As a political journalist he does. But that doesn't make him nor has he ever claimed to be a news reporter.

Are bloggers journalists?

Depends on what they are doing.

What about talking heads who only read the teleprompters?

If that's all they do no.

Judith Miller is leaving the New York Times effective immediately, after getting critism for poor reporting I'm betting she shows up on Fox within the next month :roll:

Miller, 57, who covered national security for The Times, came under professional fire for stories she wrote on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that echoed Bush Administration stances and turned out to be based on faulty intelligence.

Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi leader accused of giving U.S. officials flawed information about Saddam Hussein's weapons program, was a source on prewar Iraq for Miller.


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