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NYT Connections (1 Viewer)


Princess of Barsoom
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DP Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
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Olympus Mons
Political Leaning
Anyone Wordle people play this? Today's made me want cancel my subscription.
Yes, I'm addicted. Stuck at two today.
I'm not talking about Wordle. I'm talking about the NYT Connections game that's right next to the Wordle game.
I'm not talking about Wordle. I'm talking about the NYT Connections game that's right next to the Wordle game.
You talking to me? I know what you are talking about....I'm hooked. Only got two groupings yesterday but most times I complete it successfully
You talking to me? I know what you are talking about....I'm hooked. Only got two groupings yesterday but most times I complete it successfully
Okay, I got confused.

Yesterday's puzzle had me steamed. The second word in titles of Tarantino movies? C'mon.
Okay, I got confused.

Yesterday's puzzle had me steamed. The second word in titles of Tarantino movies? C'mon.
I rarely get the 4th one....but then again you don't have too! LOL The point of the last 4 words is really to confuse you over choice for the other three.
The one that gave me trouble was from earlier in the week.
Easy one today although the yellow one was a bit confusing.

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