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NYPD Officer/Army Reservist Arrested as Chinese Spy (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Tennessee, USA
Political Leaning
  • Baimadajie Angwang, a 33-year-old NYPD officer and US Army reservist, was arrested on Monday and accused of spying for China, multiple reports say.
  • Federal prosecutors said in their complaint that Angwang spied on Tibetans living in New York and offered Chinese officials access to NYPD officials and information about the department.
  • Angwang became a naturalized US citizen after seeking asylum under the claim that he had been arrested and tortured in China "due partly to his Tibetan ethnicity," the complaint said.
  • In reality, both of his parents are Chinese Communist Party members and his brother is a reservist in the People's Liberation Army, the complaint said.

Squeeze him dry for info. Then feed him to the wolves.
Try him for treason and if he is convicted, have him shot and send his family the bill for the bullets. I hear that is a popular sentencing technique in China.
Try him, jail him if convicted and deport him. Living in New York was punishment enough.

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