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NY Firefighters speak of explosions in the World Trade Centers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 21, 2008
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NY Firefighters speak of explosions in the World Trade Centers

Explosions that almost no one else in the city heard.

Explosions that no seismic equipment picked up.

Explosions that would have been impossible to plant covertly.

Lets file this one with Santa Clause and be done with it.
First vid I'd like to see more of... both before AND after the snips.

The second one is complete crap. Very old and stale. More stale than those tortilla chips I had earlier. And let me tell ya CD, when you have a swamp cooler running on high all day out here, and forget to fold over the top on your bag of chips for a couple days, they get VERY stale.
NY Firefighters speak of explosions in the World Trade Centers

How utterly disingenuous and dishonest of you to use Fire Fighters testimony during a chaotic and frightening event when NO-ONE really KNEW what was happening.

How low can you go creative ???

To use testimony from directly after the event, when those Fire Fighters, despite their enormous courage and bravery are not able DURING the event to know exactly what is happening.

Hindsight is EVERYTHING creative ... did they have that ???

Now, does it ever occur to your self-imposed "intellect" (I use the word most loosely) that if those Fire Fighters stood by those immediate impressions than WHY do you NOT have their full-scale support ???

Why do the men and women of the FDNY not FRONT your delightfully ignorant little movement ... surely THEY as a body of of witnesses and participants would have a HUGE and CREDIBLE voice to question the events of 9/11 ???

Yet to date NONE of the 16,000 uniformed or civilian members of the FDNY ... or anyone else who said "explosion" at that time has EVER come forward and stood by that ... NOT ONE creative !!!

Does that not tell you something ???

I suspect not !!!

So many people went far above the call of duty that day ...

They saw horrors and pain that should dissolve a weaker spirit ...

Yet they endured willingly !!!

Despite losing so much themselves they still to this day, as a GROUP do not give credence to the so-called Twoof Movement.

That ALONE speaks volumes ...

Firefightersfor9-11truth.org - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion

Please show this body of brave individuals the respect they DESERVE by being HONEST enough to real their FULL testimonies and not the shortened, quote-mined, cherry picked "examples" you seem so fond of ... for their FULL words tell a VERY different story.

Are you honest enough of a person with the simple human morality to show them the very least respect as to LISTEN to their FULL words, creative ...

I suspect not !!!

Oral Histories From Sept. 11 Compiled by the New York Fire Department - The New York Times

Joseph Pfeifer is the Battalion Chief (who lost his brother that day too, creative) and who made the "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM" quote ... here are his FULL words ...


(ProTip creative: Purposefully misrepresenting accounts made in a time of great physical and emotional stress and presenting it as "evidence" is often viewed as deceitful, devious and downright douchey, but we have learnt not to expect any better from you)
How utterly disingenuous and dishonest of you to use Fire Fighters testimony during a chaotic and frightening event when NO-ONE really KNEW what was happening.

How low can you go creative ???

To use testimony from directly after the event, when those Fire Fighters, despite their enormous courage and bravery are not able DURING the event to know exactly what is happening.

Hindsight is EVERYTHING creative ... did they have that ???

Now, does it ever occur to your self-imposed "intellect" (I use the word most loosely) that if those Fire Fighters stood by those immediate impressions than WHY do you NOT have their full-scale support ???

Why do the men and women of the FDNY not FRONT your delightfully ignorant little movement ... surely THEY as a body of of witnesses and participants would have a HUGE and CREDIBLE voice to question the events of 9/11 ???

Yet to date NONE of the 16,000 uniformed or civilian members of the FDNY ... or anyone else who said "explosion" at that time has EVER come forward and stood by that ... NOT ONE creative !!!

Does that not tell you something ???

I suspect not !!!

So many people went far above the call of duty that day ...

They saw horrors and pain that should dissolve a weaker spirit ...

Yet they endured willingly !!!

Despite losing so much themselves they still to this day, as a GROUP do not give credence to the so-called Twoof Movement.

That ALONE speaks volumes ...

Firefightersfor9-11truth.org - Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion

Please show this body of brave individuals the respect they DESERVE by being HONEST enough to real their FULL testimonies and not the shortened, quote-mined, cherry picked "examples" you seem so fond of ... for their FULL words tell a VERY different story.

Are you honest enough of a person with the simple human morality to show them the very least respect as to LISTEN to their FULL words, creative ...

I suspect not !!!

Oral Histories From Sept. 11 Compiled by the New York Fire Department - The New York Times

Joseph Pfeifer is the Battalion Chief (who lost his brother that day too, creative) and who made the "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM" quote ... here are his FULL words ...


(ProTip creative: Purposefully misrepresenting accounts made in a time of great physical and emotional stress and presenting it as "evidence" is often viewed as deceitful, devious and downright douchey, but we have learnt not to expect any better from you)

Do you get the feeling that he posts from a cell phone when he gets a break at Wendy's
Do you get the feeling that he posts from a cell phone when he gets a break at Wendy's

Suppose I would if I even knew what "Wendys" was ... seems an import from across the pond not to have landed so far.

Jeez, just found they got one in Vail ... not quite The Larkspur then ???
Are there ANY Truthers anywhere who have any animosity towards , let alone concern about Radical Islam (???) I can't recall any input on almost any forum from the really obsessed guys.
What do you want to debate? You post without any meaningful comment.
Because someone heard an explosion, does not mean a bomb without supporting evidence.
What do you want to debate? You post without any meaningful comment.
Because someone heard an explosion, does not mean a bomb without supporting evidence.

any time a large structure collapses, the sudden expulsion of air from enclosed spaces can sound like "explosions".

my question is why do these truthers recycle the same crap over and over in thread after thread. Do they think that if they repeat it often enough someone might start to believe them?
any time a large structure collapses, the sudden expulsion of air from enclosed spaces can sound like "explosions".

my question is why do these truthers recycle the same crap over and over in thread after thread. Do they think that if they repeat it often enough someone might start to believe them?

YES - they do believe that.Also they are not looking for any numerical majority , but only enough misinformed souls to keep the pot boiling.
Lets look at your first vid.
Where in the clip did the fftr's say the "explosion(s)" was from a bomb? Did I miss something? Don't think so.
Towards the end a fftr's says something like "its not over, any one of the othe buildings could blow up" Did they say they believe there were bombs? Didn't hear that.
IMO, to conclude that the fftr's are supporting controlled demolation is taking what they said out of context. Unless you are a fftr (which I was), it is insulting what some groups do with news clips. Again, spend sometime in a fftr's shoes before drawing conclusions on what they go through.

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