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Nunberg VS Giuliani (1 Viewer)


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Jan 21, 2013
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I think what Giuliani did today on the Sunday Talk Shows is something very similar to what Sam Nunberg (one-time Trump policy consultant) did in March. Yes, it's only been that long since that crazy night.

Remember if you must: On Monday March 5, 2018, Nunberg spoke to multiple cable news outlets and newspaper reporters without the knowledge of his attorney. He said he had been subpoened by a grand jury to testify and provide documents relating to Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. Why do I remember this? It was my birthday eve and I created the thread!

On Friday March 9, 2018 Nunberg testified before a federal grand jury for more than six hours.

So following this pattern can we expect Giuliani (or someone else big??) to be called in by Mueller and testify/flip on Trump??? Will it then happen this Thursday or Friday??

Many are saying that this interview is just typical Rudy crap, however, it is very much almost identical talking points to what Nunberg was saying in the same freaking style. The reverse trolling media crap that is almost certainly being handled by either Roger Stone or Steve Bannon with the approval of Trump.

The Giuliani thing today was no accident and was not the feels more crazy than his (many) other interviews. He may have purposefully contradicted himself and called out for help numerous times. Recall that Nunberg wanted the spectacle of the FBI breaking in the TV studio and arresting him live on air. Rudy said that Mueller would only take him or Trump over his dead body. Rudy also mentioned that he can lie to the American public on national TV because he is not under oath.

Every legal scholar has called this defense a crazy death spiral that makes absolutely no sense. Even the ones on Fox News. So we have to look past that and wonder who told Rudy to go on TV and is he acting scared... When you lose Fox News, you know you lost. The question now becomes how much are you lost and how fast will it all be exposed.

Rudy Giuliani Is Back With Another Round of Unhinged Interviews
I think what Giuliani did today on the Sunday Talk Shows is something very similar to what Sam Nunberg (one-time Trump policy consultant) did in March. Yes, it's only been that long since that crazy night.

Remember if you must: On Monday March 5, 2018, Nunberg spoke to multiple cable news outlets and newspaper reporters without the knowledge of his attorney. He said he had been subpoened by a grand jury to testify and provide documents relating to Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. Why do I remember this? It was my birthday eve and I created the thread!

On Friday March 9, 2018 Nunberg testified before a federal grand jury for more than six hours.

So following this pattern can we expect Giuliani (or someone else big??) to be called in by Mueller and testify/flip on Trump??? Will it then happen this Thursday or Friday??

Many are saying that this interview is just typical Rudy crap, however, it is very much almost identical talking points to what Nunberg was saying in the same freaking style. The reverse trolling media crap that is almost certainly being handled by either Roger Stone or Steve Bannon with the approval of Trump.

The Giuliani thing today was no accident and was not the feels more crazy than his (many) other interviews. He may have purposefully contradicted himself and called out for help numerous times. Recall that Nunberg wanted the spectacle of the FBI breaking in the TV studio and arresting him live on air. Rudy said that Mueller would only take him or Trump over his dead body. Rudy also mentioned that he can lie to the American public on national TV because he is not under oath.

Every legal scholar has called this defense a crazy death spiral that makes absolutely no sense. Even the ones on Fox News. So we have to look past that and wonder who told Rudy to go on TV and is he acting scared... When you lose Fox News, you know you lost. The question now becomes how much are you lost and how fast will it all be exposed.

Rudy Giuliani Is Back With Another Round of Unhinged Interviews

Did you watch him at all? He looks nuts. Like seriously insane nuts.
I think Giuliani is faced with the President's position being untenable. It can't be defended in a somber, logical manner. It's indefensible. So he, the President, Sarah Sanders, Hannity, and the other Trump surrogates go into their gas-lighting hyperbolic nonsensical mode. It works well for Fox viewers & Trump supporters, and that's what matters.

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