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Not one of these four idiots could have kidnapped a biscuit from the kitchen (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Political Leaning
FBI used drones, key fobs, planes to spy on Whitmer kidnap suspects, agent says
From the Detroit Free Press...
The FBI used key fobs, drones and live pole cameras to spy on the suspects accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, an FBI agent testified Thursday, noting the government was worried the men had access to unidentifiable bomb suppliers.

That's one of the key reasons the FBI arrested the suspects in a sting in October 2020, said the agent, who offered details about what went down that day.

That's a lot of tech to catch these goobers...

"This tyrant bitch constantly does this ... There’s no reason why the gyms can’t open now. I don’t get it ... It’s very frustrating," Fox allegedly vented in June 2020. "These gym owners have to be hurting financially."

Fox added: "I don't know boys, we've got to do something."

Fox continued: "I myself want to offer these gyms constitutional comfort about them reopening. This is really just aggravating the shit out of me," Fox allegedly said, stressing the gym is "one f------ thing" that is good for people during the pandemic.

Well, Bubba what's we gonna do?

“I want to bring formal charges against our governor and tyrants in our state. ... Let’s do something f----- bold,” Adam Fox said in a December 2019 Facebook video.

Jurors also heard Fox saying he wanted to make “real change.”

“No more fake-ass f------ rallies,” Fox is heard saying. “Lets do something ... bold.”

Bold, like what?

"I'm kind of serious about this. But I want to have the governor hog-tied, laid out on a table while we all pose around like we just made the world's biggest god-damn drug bust, bro."

Wait, what? Like hooting' an hollering an squealing'? LOL

These are imbeciles, incapable of coordinating a beer and wings run.

Fox and his co-defendants have claimed that they were never part of any plot to kidnap the governor, but were entrapped by undercover FBI agents and informants who infiltrated their group, egged them on and coordinated everything.

Of course they did. Have you ever been to Ypsilanti? The drinking water is runoff from the Ford plant and the entire village has a dozen teeth.

......Perpetrated by two anti-government extremists with white supremacist, right-wing terrorist sympathies, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing happened at 9:02 a.m. and killed at least 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed more than one-third of the building, which had to be demolished. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, and destroyed or burned 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage......

FBI used drones, key fobs, planes to spy on Whitmer kidnap suspects, agent says
From the Detroit Free Press...

That's a lot of tech to catch these goobers...

Well, Bubba what's we gonna do?

Bold, like what?

Wait, what? Like hooting' an hollering an squealing'? LOL

These are imbeciles, incapable of coordinating a beer and wings run.

Of course they did. Have you ever been to Ypsilanti? The drinking water is runoff from the Ford plant and the entire village has a dozen teeth.
Being stupid does not make them any less dangerous, as a matter of fact from what I can see from trump supporters being stupid makes them more dangerous.

Not one of these four idiots could have kidnapped a biscuit from the kitchen​

In other words they are your typical rank and file republicans.

Which doesn't, BTW, mean they weren't trying.

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