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Norway Navy Ship Sinks (1 Viewer)

Lord Tammerlain

DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2010
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Political Leaning

A big oops

A Norwegian navy frigate that collided with an oil tanker last week was almost completely submerged on Tuesday despite efforts to salvage the sinking vessel, pictures taken by the Norwegian Coastal Administration showed. The ship’s plight off the Norwegian coast is, however, not disrupting the nearby Sture crude oil export terminal. “We are in normal operations,” said a spokeswoman for the plant’s operator, Equinor.
The Norwegian military has been working since Thursday to salvage the ship by tethering it with several cables to the shore. Some of these had broken

A Norwegian navy frigate that collided with an oil tanker last week was almost completely submerged on Tuesday despite efforts to salvage the sinking vessel, pictures taken by the Norwegian Coastal Administration showed. The ship’s plight off the Norwegian coast is, however, not disrupting the nearby Sture crude oil export terminal. “We are in normal operations,” said a spokeswoman for the plant’s operator, Equinor.
The Norwegian military has been working since Thursday to salvage the ship by tethering it with several cables to the shore. Some of these had broken

A big oops

Yep, that's right up there with douching with Draino.
Sea water in the electronic, ewwww.
Sea water in the electronic, ewwww.

They put bar codes on the hull of their ships …

… so they can ScanDaNavyIn.

Guess not this one.
Sea water in the electronic, ewwww.

One article I read yesterday said about 80% of the components in the ship would need to be replaced if they recover it, and make it usable again. From engines to the HVAC and of course electronics. That one ship represents the budget for one year for Norway's navy
Norway is a good ally in the region. This loss is a bummer.

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