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North Korea reportedly fires at South (1 Viewer)

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
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Northern Illinois
Political Leaning
North Korea shot dozens of rounds of artillery onto a
populated South Korean island near the
countries' disputed western border Tuesday,
and South Korean troops returned fire,
military officials said.

Meanwhile, South Korea's presidential aides
were in an emergency security meeting in an
underground bunker at the presidential
compound, Reuters reported.

South Korea's YTN television said two people
were injured, several houses were on fire and
that shells were still falling on Yeonpyeong
island. Yonhap news agency, quoting a military
official, said four soldiers were wounded. The
reports couldn't be immediately verified.

CONTINUED: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40329269/ns/world_news-asiapacific/#
Last edited:
Update: South Korea's Yeonpueong Island is engulfed in thick smoke as North
Korea reportedly fired hundreds of rounds of artillery from its stronghold
on the west coast toward the South Korean waters and the Island around 2:34 p.m. on Nov. 23, injuring several soldiers and citizens

Picture looks like it's pretty bad...

This is all we need, involvement in another civil war. Like two is not enough already. The U.S. Should Withdraw From The Korean Peninsula NOW.
I think at this point it is time that we come to the side of our incredible personal, political, and economical ally South Korea. The time for talk right now has passed. The time for action is at hand and I believe that ramping up our armed forces in the Pacific surrounding North Korea would be in the best interest of our allies in Asia.
This is all we need, involvement in another civil war. Like two is not enough already. The U.S. Should Withdraw From The Korean Peninsula NOW.

What you say is not without flaw. This is not any ordinary civil war; this is not theological such is that in the middle east, this will have dire economical impact on United States if something is not done.
I think at this point it is time that we come to the side of our incredible personal, political, and economical ally South Korea. The time for talk right now has passed. The time for action is at hand and I believe that ramping up our armed forces in the Pacific surrounding North Korea would be in the best interest of our allies in Asia.

Yup. These pricks have gotten WAY out of control. We should get the hell out of Afghanstan and get our ass over to Korea.
Yup. These pricks have gotten WAY out of control. We should get the hell out of Afghanstan and get our ass over to Korea.

I couldn't agree more. Apparently North Korea is using this as a way to leverage talks about trading their nuclear program for economical aid and guarantees from United States. I got a guarantee for them. It's called a guaranteed carpet bombing of Pyongyang.
I couldn't agree more. Apparently North Korea is using this as a way to leverage talks about trading their nuclear program for economical aid and guarantees from United States. I got a guarantee for them. It's called a guaranteed carpet bombing of Pyongyang.

Darn tootin!!!
YouTube - America - **** Yeah!
LOL!!!!! Classic! I love when the guy mentions Bed Bath & Beyond:lol:

Seriously though I ****ing hate North Korea. Not their people, they seem sad and oppressed just the **** knocker(s) that run it.
The thing that people have to understand is that NK was designed to be the pit bull that guards the gates. "Warning: mad dog, keep out." It has bite, although primitive, but it's mentally crazy enough that you wouldn't want to go near it. Now with the modernization of china, NK is realizing that it's being left behind. Think of it as a starved, maniacal pit bull. No one wants to touch it with a 10 foot pole. Now that China no longer needs it, China doesn't want to touch it either.

Stuff like this keeps happening and it just gets swept under the carpet. NK is definitely taking pushing the boundaries to a new level but we'll see what happens. It's basically down to whether the political leadership in NK remains intact, and if the pitbull can be controlled by tossing it a steak every so often.

China will keep buying it off. If not, it's going to get very messy.
For now, the Chinese just get a kick out of how agitated we get about the antics of the N Koreans. Eventually, the N Koreans will even scare the crap out of he Chinese and then N Korea will go away.

It's not that simple. China doesn't want conflict in the region anymore than we do, because right now China is in a prosperous position economically. Despite all of the talk and posturing, China historically prefers to avoid war at all costs. This is especially true now. NK was China's creation but now its purpose has come full circle and no one knows what to do with it, including the Chinese government. It seems that we keep trying to pacify and pacify. One day it's not going to work anymore and I hope that when that day comes NK does not have nuclear weapons.
And leave our Ally to fight alone? If this escalates this COULD bring in China AND Russia. THis is VERY not good.

You're right this is not very good, and there comes a time when the US has to say enough is enough and we can't play world's police force anymore.
And this internal security sixty year old open wound conflict should be handle without the help of big brother.
I got an idea of how we can help China, South Korea, and Japan out. It's called:

Operation: **** North Korea

Give it a week of vigorous bombing and North Korea won't be anything. China don't like it tough **** what are they going to do? Start a war with the nation that they prosper off of? Sure they could try that if they'd like to bad that would cripple them economically in a heart beat.
It's not that simple. China doesn't want conflict in the region anymore than we do, because right now China is in a prosperous position economically. Despite all of the talk and posturing, China historically prefers to avoid war at all costs. This is especially true now. NK was China's creation but now its purpose has come full circle and no one knows what to do with it, including the Chinese government. It seems that we keep trying to pacify and pacify. One day it's not going to work anymore and I hope that when that day comes NK does not have nuclear weapons.

Do you really think that NK exists at more than the whim of the Chinese? The Chinese can make NK go away without "conflict." The Chinese can tell Kim-whatever, that they will look after Kim-whatever and provide all the perks without all the day-to-day nonsense of overseeing an actual country. Throw in the fact that this is not a negotiation and the Koreas will suddenly be reunited.
You're right this is not very good, and there comes a time when the US has to say enough is enough and we can't play world's police force anymore.
And this internal security sixty year old open wound conflict should be handle without the help of big brother.

There is a fundmental difference here and with other nations we do this with; South Korea is our genuine ally and both countries (SK and US) are economically intertwined.
Basically global war is inevitable to happen.....no matter what lights the fuse.

It is mathmatically better for the U.S. to be in a global war now instead of a few years from now....especially with it being imminent for China to be the most powerful country eventually.

The world is at a tipping point in so many issues that it truly is inevitable for a total global conflict.

China will very likely back N Korea in a conflict.....and in turn Russia will likely back China

If America waits much longer for the imminent global conflict then the less chance of America's survival.

Anyone with an I.Q. high enough can see the clear and distinct pattern and steps leading up to a total global war....

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