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North Korea fires ballistic missile (1 Viewer)

Those tweets do something the media could never do.

Focus everyone’s attention.

He brings it out raw... for all the leaders to see...

And for the public to see.

You want to deal with China... they are masters at negotiation. With their culture you have to go in with a high bid or high pressure and worldwide awareness (in this instance), and have room to get something done.

It’s in their interest. If they fail... They pay the premium, not the west, as this mess is on their doorstep.

They screw up... they have 1.3 billion mouths that need feeding, and not enough production on their own to satisfy their growing tastes and bellies. (Even though, as the old joke goes... the Chinese eat everything with four legs except chairs and tables.)

That failure could lead to massive failures, and misery, and their demise...
You make a good point.

I think just as the 20th century was America's, the 21st will be China's.

But your last line is the wildcard. As the entire populace of China becomes aware of the new prosperity and the economic chasm between urban and rural, will 1B rurals left out of prosperity accept that 2-300M are prospering beyond the rural's wildest imagination?

China could implode. But I have no idea of the odds of this. And I think yours, is an astute observation.
So why should NK enter into any diplomatic negotiations with us?? What do they have to gain?? Right now, they think that they are big and bad, so what's the motivation for them?? Right now, the worst thing that we can do to them is get Lil Kim to spend money doing stupid crap. Trade sanctions are meaningless and military intervention is off the table. So what pressure do we (or anyone besides China - who isn't going to do more than make token efforts) have to bring to bear on NK that will get them to make any concessions??
It's not nescessarily direct negotiation with us, but negotiation with our allies to act as a group, including China.

We need China, and yeah Russia, and the rest of the region, to keep putting tougher sanctions and restrictions upon NK, while presenting a united front. Perhaps those restrictions eventually lead to a blockade. Who knows?

But you squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze some more, until they use China as an emissary to acquiesce.

And all this takes diplomacy. A lot of diplomacy.
I think Trump doesn't remember or care what he said 30 seconds ago unless he wants to.

So he could go out tomorrow and say "we're pulling our forces back from the borders of North Korea and starting talks between China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and ourselves, to eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons."

And be perfectly serious and not give a flying **** about anything he said before.

I wonder if North Korea would actually go for that.
Trump which you and the left don't give him credit through diplomacy has gotten China to step up its game to control N.Korea.

And no they are not hyperbolic tweets of "insane hollow threats". Mattis, Tillerson, McMaster, Kelly, and Haley have stated publicly that the threats are not hollow but real.
It seems to me that when the brass does defend Trump's Tweets, they are doing it in a perfunctory manner, and rather than specifically they speak in terms of general (no pun intended) support. It feels very much like the tail wagging the dog.

But you are right, in that all roads to PRNK lead through China.
You make a good point.

I think just as the 20th century was America's, the 21st will be China's.

But your last line is the wildcard. As the entire populace of China becomes aware of the new prosperity and the economic chasm between urban and rural, will 1B rurals left out of prosperity accept that 2-300M are prospering beyond the rural's wildest imagination?

China could implode. But I have no idea of the odds of this. And I think yours, is an astute observation.

The 21st century will be amazing... so unpredictable, such amazing things to occur I wish I could see... but the greatest leaps to transform society were made during the 20th century. To think of 1901 to 2001... 1901 had more in common with the year 1501 than with 2001.

Today, 99.99% of sober Americans live better than John D. Rockefeller.

There is talk about the displacement of workers due to robotics. If that happens, China... again will have a massive problem on their hands. America less so.

Then again, there have been all manner of predictions about society and its eminent demise... food and energy shortages being the more memorable, which look foolish now looking back.
Yeah, he used Smart Power instead.....uh er sanctions. They accomplished nothing. Deal with that.

the point member Praxas is making (that obviously went right over your head) is the fact that Obama was not a bombastic orator constantly bloviating agitating meaningless bull****, which is what Clown Chaos does, like a little bully boy would do. That is not being presidential; that is being a childish jackass ..................

The individual that holds the office of POTUS should have the ability & the restraint to comport themselves accordingly; Clown Chaos not only does NOT do that, he doesn't even have a ****ing clue as to what the **** that even means.

Clown is like some ****ing red neck hillbilly, that just so happens to have a few dollars more than your average hillbilly, constantly talking **** like he is a spectator at some ****ing ultimate fighting match. That type of behavior is not ****ing presidential behavior.

Do you get it now?
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It's not nescessarily direct negotiation with us, but negotiation with our allies to act as a group, including China.

We need China, and yeah Russia, and the rest of the region, to keep putting tougher sanctions and restrictions upon NK, while presenting a united front. Perhaps those restrictions eventually lead to a blockade. Who knows?

But you squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze some more, until they use China as an emissary to acquiesce.

And all this takes diplomacy. A lot of diplomacy.

China will never be a real player in reining in NK, they have a vested interest in keeping South and North Korea separate. A united Korea would a very threat to a lot of Chinese businesses and that's not something that China will allow. We can apply all the sanctions we want, but China will keep any real pressure off of NK. What we need is to make NK as expensive as possible to sustain as a nation. Diplomacy won't do that, but making NK spend, spend, spend just might do the trick. They already have a military that is paid for and Kim isn't going to spend money to improve the lot of his people, so we need to find other ways to get them to spend money. Throwing away a bunch of money on missiles that will never be launched against anything other than the Pacific Ocean is a great way to do that. Additionally, every time NK launches a missile, we find out more about their capabilities. It's like in the comics when the bad guy launches into a big oration about his evil plans and the good guys use that to help stop him. We're pushing Kim to expose his abilities at no cost to ourselves.
Stop drawing red lines that he doesn't intend to keep. He's an embarrassment.

I see - so if Trump does this, then what happens?

You won't feel "embarrassed" by tweets - and meanwhile you'll be proudly groveling under the shadow of a North Korean nuclear arsenal?

Behold - The Genius of Left-wingers.

Thanks to the Left and their fellow socialist infant Kim, we'll all get to be living A Good Life:

I see - so if Trump does this, then what happens?

You won't feel "embarrassed" by tweets - and meanwhile you'll be proudly groveling under the shadow of a North Korean nuclear arsenal?

Behold - The Genius of Left-wingers.

Thanks to the Left and their fellow socialist infant Kim, we'll all get to be living A Good Life:

Thanks to the left? So both Bush's are "left" to you now?

As for groveling, the same **** folks like you spewed about China and Russia having nukes as well. Spare me your fear mongering.

so tell us, what has Trump's "big boy" talk done to stop NK? Oh yeah, NOTHING. Hot air is what you think will stop NK. Laughable but I don't expect cons to come up with anything but hot air.
Thanks to the left? So both Bush's are "left" to you now?

As for groveling, the same **** folks like you spewed about China and Russia having nukes as well. Spare me your fear mongering.

so tell us, what has Trump's "big boy" talk done to stop NK? Oh yeah, NOTHING. Hot air is what you think will stop NK. Laughable but I don't expect cons to come up with anything but hot air.

Your reply was totally vacuous. Bush Jr, Obama and Clinton were mainly to blame.

So you're equating Russia and China having nukes with North Korea getting them? So I take it you don't support the NPT then - because it's pretty clear on North Korea's weapons program being illegal.

Mark my words, North Korea would sell its nukes to other rogue states, and even to non-state actors.
Our constitution should not permit a draft dodger/coward to commit our troops anywhere in the world to make war.
Our constitution should not permit a draft dodger/coward to commit our troops anywhere in the world to make war.

Are you talking about Bill Clinton?
The North Korean & Iran alliance could be a real problem soon.

Exactly. North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Al-Qaeda, etc. A new Axis of Instability.

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