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Nobody is better than Trump (1 Viewer)

"Over 300,000 manufacturing jobs added in his first 30 months. Lowest minority unemployment rate in history.

And Joe?"
"Over 300,000 manufacturing jobs added in his first 30 months. Lowest minority unemployment rate in history.

And Joe?"
More jobs added in his first three months and a lower minority unemployment rate.

Biden's Economic Performance Has Proved Unbeatable​

No first-year president comes close to matching the current White House occupant’s No. 1 or No. 2 ranking in each of 10 key measures.

All of which makes Biden's first year in the White House the standout among the seven previous presidents, based on 10 market and economic indicators given equal weight. According to data compiled by Bloomberg, no one comes close to matching Biden's combination of No. 1 and No. 2 rankings for each of the measures:

  • Gross domestic product (1)
  • Profit growth (1)
  • S&P 500 performance (2)
  • Consumer credit (1)
  • Non-farm payrolls (2)
  • Manufacturing jobs (2)
  • Business productivity (2)
  • Dollar appreciation (2)
  • S&P 500 relative performance (2)
"Over 300,000 manufacturing jobs added in his first 30 months. Lowest minority unemployment rate in history.

And Joe?"
And Joe is a senile dumbass with little to no accomplishments to show in an almost half century of sucking on the public teat.....currently every single thing he has touched as president has turned to shit!

There is also ample evidence that He is the leader of the Biden crime family and has been selling pollical influence to foreign powers and companies for millions of dollars through his crack smoking kid and his partners.
And Joe is a senile dumbass with little to no accomplishments to show in an almost half century of sucking on the public teat.....currently every single thing he has touched as president has turned to shit!

There is also ample evidence that He is the leader of the Biden crime family and has been selling pollical influence to foreign powers and companies for millions of dollars through his crack smoking kid and his partners.
Don't facts matter to you?

See Post 7
I don't support him, either, but it must be said the Democrats manage to make it a less amazing occurrence than you might think.
You will vote for him again if he runs.

And I doubt you'll ever admit it.
I challenge you to give even ONE instance that makes you think that.....just one.
The Democrats' policies on taxes, economic stimulus, student loan forgiveness, the role of the judiciary, social justice, public education, the role and scope of the federal government, energy, free speech, crime and punishment, the 14th Amendment, the definition of gender, when and where to administer sex education, and immigration all do a fine job of driving over 70 million of our fellow voters into the arms of Donald J. Trump.
You will vote for him again if he runs.

And I doubt you'll ever admit it.
I will definitely vote for him again if he runs and am happy to admit it!!!
More jobs added in his first three months and a lower minority unemployment rate.

Biden's Economic Performance Has Proved Unbeatable​

No first-year president comes close to matching the current White House occupant’s No. 1 or No. 2 ranking in each of 10 key measures.

All of which makes Biden's first year in the White House the standout among the seven previous presidents, based on 10 market and economic indicators given equal weight. According to data compiled by Bloomberg, no one comes close to matching Biden's combination of No. 1 and No. 2 rankings for each of the measures:

  • Gross domestic product (1)
  • Profit growth (1)
  • S&P 500 performance (2)
  • Consumer credit (1)
  • Non-farm payrolls (2)
  • Manufacturing jobs (2)
  • Business productivity (2)
  • Dollar appreciation (2)
  • S&P 500 relative performance (2)


The Democrats' policies on taxes, economic stimulus, student loan forgiveness, the role of the judiciary, social justice, public education, the role and scope of the federal government, energy, free speech, crime and punishment, the 14th Amendment, the definition of gender, when and where to administer sex education, and immigration all do a fine job of driving over 70 million of our fellow voters into the arms of Donald J. Trump.
Those 70 mil. (a minority) have a diff. opinion. There is, in reality, nothing wrong with the Dem's policies in any of those issues you list. In fact, History proves they are correct, not wrong....
You just lost credibility if that's all you have. Infl. is worldwide and has very little to do with the WH..........
Please...it has everything to do with the WH and dementia Joe's policy decisions. Inflation was flat till Dementia Joe got in office and started immediately screwing it all up!

and if Senile Joe's "build back better" B.S had actually passed we'd now look like Weimar Germany with probably 25% inflation
Those 70 mil. (a minority) have a diff. opinion. There is, in reality, nothing wrong with the Dem's policies in any of those issues you list. In fact, History proves they are correct, not wrong....
That's nice.
I don't support him, either, but it must be said the Democrats manage to make it a less amazing occurrence than you might think.

There used to be reasonable conservatives to oppose the Democrats. What happened to them?
The Democrats' policies on taxes, economic stimulus, student loan forgiveness, the role of the judiciary, social justice, public education, the role and scope of the federal government, energy, free speech, crime and punishment, the 14th Amendment, the definition of gender, when and where to administer sex education, and immigration all do a fine job of driving over 70 million of our fellow voters into the arms of Donald J. Trump.

Cant help think that if your side had reasonable counter arguments, it wouldn't be worshipping at the feet of a corrupt demagogue.

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