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No Separation Issues here? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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I have always wondered why the left never have an issue with Rev. Jackson or Sharpton. Anyone care to enlighten me?

May 26, 11:56 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Democratic Party, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and two groups associated with the civil rights activist have agreed to pay a total of $200,000 in civil fines for campaign finance violations in the 2000 elections.

At issue in the Federal Election Commission case was about $450,000 in election spending by Jackson, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and the Citizenship Education Fund using funds from the groups. The two non-profit groups were incorporated, making their money corporate and subject to restrictions under federal campaign finance laws.

According to the FEC, the money was used for a partisan get-out-the-vote effort and voter registration speaking tour that was coordinated with the Democratic National Committee and included appearances by Jackson and Democratic House and Senate candidates.

Federal campaign finance law bans the use of corporate money for partisan, candidate-specific federal election activities.

Under an agreement with the FEC, Jackson and the two groups will share in a $100,000 civil penalty, and the DNC will also pay $100,000. The commission announced the outcome of the case Thursday.

The $450,000 in election spending was eventually reimbursed by the Democratic National Committee and various other Democratic entities.


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