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No evidence is evidence... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
What kind of idiocy is this? No evidence is the definition of fraud?

"There's no evidence of widespread voter fraud"

"There's no evidence that there's not either. That's the definition of 'fraud', Jake."

"There's no evidence of rape."

"There's no evidence there wasn't rape. That's the definition of rape."


"There's no evidence of aliens.'

"There's no evidence there isn't aliens. That's the definition of aliens."

You could replace "voter fraud" with pretty much anything to show how mind numbingly ridiculous the statement is.
The best part of all.. Mark Meadows hired the same group that is at the heart of the NC voting fraud scandal....

He’s worked for U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, who has paid Red Dome $52,850 since 2014, for campaign expenses associated with advertising and online marketing.

A Meadows spokesman didn’t return a message seeking more information about work Red Dome did for the congressman. Red Dome’s client list also includes work on behalf of N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell, state Rep. Andy Dulin, the 2016 Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Access Denied
The best part of all.. Mark Meadows hired the same group that is at the heart of the NC voting fraud scandal....

He’s worked for U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, who has paid Red Dome $52,850 since 2014, for campaign expenses associated with advertising and online marketing.

A Meadows spokesman didn’t return a message seeking more information about work Red Dome did for the congressman. Red Dome’s client list also includes work on behalf of N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell, state Rep. Andy Dulin, the 2016 Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Access Denied


But, but, but, but OBAMA!!!!


Democrat socialist commie-nazi facist USA party knows that's the real story! Soros is using Biden to become WORLD EMPEROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The extra exclamations PROVE the truth and veracity of the statement!)


/thread win! #MAGA! Q2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040 and on and so on and on and on!

You guys just got pwned! :mrgreen:
The best part of all.. Mark Meadows hired the same group that is at the heart of the NC voting fraud scandal....

He’s worked for U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, who has paid Red Dome $52,850 since 2014, for campaign expenses associated with advertising and online marketing.

A Meadows spokesman didn’t return a message seeking more information about work Red Dome did for the congressman. Red Dome’s client list also includes work on behalf of N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell, state Rep. Andy Dulin, the 2016 Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Access Denied


But, but, but, but OBAMA!!!!


Democrat socialist commie-nazi facist USA party knows that's the real story! Soros is using Biden to become WORLD EMPEROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The extra exclamations PROVE the truth and veracity of the statement!)


/thread win! #MAGA! Q2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040 and on and so on and on and on!

You guys just got pwned! :mrgreen:
Ooops I didn't mean to double post, and I waited to long and can't edit....

In fairness to me though, when I hit post the sight got all glittchy and hung up for minutes making that post....

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