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No contradictions in the Bible? (1 Viewer)

Iow, you’ve got nothing. Got it.
Well, quite the contrary. My take on the bible explains human history over the past 2,000 years quite well - and right up until today. Contrast that with so-called "belief" in the bible as the word of god, which does nothing to explain why any alleged adherence to the same text creates the grotesque disparities in interpretations. And that is especially true in this country, perhaps more than any other.
Well, quite the contrary. My take on the bible explains human history over the past 2,000 years quite well - and right up until today. Contrast that with so-called "belief" in the bible as the word of god, which does nothing to explain why any alleged adherence to the same text creates the grotesque disparities in interpretations. And that is especially true in this country, perhaps more than any other.
Time has a way of watering down the accuracy of the Bible. By the time it was first published quite a bit of it was changed to fit with the received doctrine of the time. The Trinity is a good example of the liberty the translators took with the texts.
In my upcoming Bible 2.0 we will be fixing all of these inconsistencies. We also will be removing Noah and the flood stuff, thus removing all that uncomfortable incest, however the Noah archetype will remain and be repurposed as a space pirate with a heart of gold.
In my upcoming Bible 2.0 we will be fixing all of these inconsistencies. We also will be removing Noah and the flood stuff, thus removing all that uncomfortable incest, however the Noah archetype will remain and be repurposed as a space pirate with a heart of gold.
Acts 17:32 “And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.”

Not difficult to know which category you fit in. Once again the Bible correctly judges you.
Acts 17:32 “And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.”

Not difficult to know which category you fit in. Once again the Bible correctly judges you.
Phoenix 17:22-27 “Then Jesus, Thor and Shiva popped open some beers, having slain C’Thulu, and reflected on their fallen ally Satan who, originally a foe, joined them in common cause to defeat true evil.”

Bible 2.0 will have broader cinematic appeal, with several major crossover events with other religions. Jesus himself is fairly excited by the possibilities, and he never really liked all that weird incest stuff that humans threw into the Bible so he’s pretty stoked about the update.
Phoenix 17:22-27 “Then Jesus, Thor and Shiva popped open some beers, having slain C’Thulu, and reflected on their fallen ally Satan who, originally a foe, joined them in common cause to defeat true evil.”

Bible 2.0 will have broader cinematic appeal, with several major crossover events with other religions. Jesus himself is fairly excited by the possibilities, and he never really liked all that weird incest stuff that humans threw into the Bible so he’s pretty stoked about the update.
It’s a shame that some among you aren’t interested in a civil discussion. Instead you try to get mileage out of ridiculing/mocking beliefs.
The bible is riddled with contradictions. And that's just part of its charm. It has so many different translations, it leads to so many different interpretations, there's such a variety of cherry picking, which now results in literally many hundreds of different denominations, and all claiming to base their bedrock beliefs on the same book - which of course is anything but "the same book". It has all led to more than its fair share of entertainment.
The 'bible' has been bastardized in so many different ways to fit each individual person's needs or wants. How people can believe the stories are actually true blows me away.

Look at the first response, what translation are you using? That sounds like a challenge to the accuracy of the op to me, almost implying, you could be incorrect.
Salvation is obtained through a faith in Christ and an adherence to the doctrine of salvation. I think Holiness...or as some might consider it 'Exaltation'...is a journey.
I find this very entertaining. You talking about holiness and god and then reading other things you post here on DP.
It’s a shame that some among you aren’t interested in a civil discussion. Instead you try to get mileage out of ridiculing/mocking beliefs.
On the contrary I am one of the few working to improve on the Bible. While you sit on the sidelines trying to rationalize or defend all the weird bits like the incest promotion, I am working to create a better, stronger Bible that is free of both inconsistency as well as the pervy parts. Since the Bible was created by a bunch of dudes, there is no reason we cannot modernize it for the 21sr century.

And it’s not just me. Many pastors think the Bible is too woke and want a Jesus who doesn’t turn the other cheek. So, we are going to give Jesus some testosterone. He’s going to be CCW in the update, and the randos who attempt to crucify him are going to get Equalized, Denzel-style. It’s going to be awesome, and this update should stop the decline of Christianity amongst young people.
I will entertain debate on what is called 'the bible' when someone can tell me with precision when it was written and by whom?

Yes, the books have names like "John", "Luke" etc., but there is NOTHING to show that anyone with these names even existed at the time of the alleged christ. The ONLY character in the entire book can be supported in history - Pontius Pilot, but there is no historical record that Pilot ever left North Africa.

Nor can anyone explain how the ****ing "new testament" can be anywhere NEAR accurate since there is NO evidence anything was written down for 70 years AFTER the alleged events!

It is a work of fiction. It has been corrupted even further and used as a moral bludgeon to support rape, sodomy, witchcraft, greed, moral corruption and child abuse! As children starve in various places in the world a senile old man wanders around in $5 million silk slippers!

When the old whores in Rome confess their sexual sins, I will consider forgiving Christians for the terror, death, rape and abuse they have suffered on the world. Until then, let them burn in the hell they created.
Wonderful, well said. A moral bludgeon, how accurate. I despise some of these sanctimonious bastards who rant and rave and then we find out they've been praying on little kids for years. I refuse to subscribe to any such religion or any such make believe god others think exist. I think they are crazy, adults believing in an invisible entity that's all powerful but does nothing as we kill and starve each other. That kind of god, I don't need or want.
On the contrary I am one of the few working to improve on the Bible. While you sit on the sidelines trying to rationalize or defend all the weird bits like the incest promotion, I am working to create a better, stronger Bible that is free of both inconsistency as well as the pervy parts. Since the Bible was created by a bunch of dudes, there is no reason we cannot modernize it for the 21sr century.

And it’s not just me. Many pastors think the Bible is too woke and want a Jesus who doesn’t turn the other cheek. So, we are going to give Jesus some testosterone. He’s going to be CCW in the update, and the randos who attempt to crucify him are going to get Equalized, Denzel-style. It’s going to be awesome, and this update should stop the decline of Christianity amongst young people.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Put simply, the new testament god was created because the old testament god was too harsh.
That’s not the testimony of the NT. In fact you’ll find God being praised for His righteousness in the NT.
Put simply, the new testament god was created because the old testament god was too harsh.
God needed a makeover between testaments. Maybe his angels acted as a PR team to change his image? 😆
God needed a makeover between testaments. Maybe his angels acted as a PR team to change his image? 😆
We have an excellent opportunity to give him another makeover now. Imagine if Jesus were recast as Mal from Firefly type: tough, principled, defensive and seeking control. Then, he embarks upon his hero’s journey. Along the way he experiences compassion, he learns to break bread with Satan and evolve their relationship from foe to frenemy to brothers. His once-crew becomes his family, and he learns to connect with the world while staying true to his principles.

Also, he has an Irish accent.

This would be far more compelling.
God needed a makeover between testaments. Maybe his angels acted as a PR team to change his image? 😆
Hebrews 13:8 makes the Trinity look good to arguments like yours.

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

But then there are verses like Malachi 3:6

“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

So the NT wasn’t written as a PR. God doesn’t answer to us; we will answer to Him.
Time has a way of watering down the accuracy of the Bible. By the time it was first published quite a bit of it was changed to fit with the received doctrine of the time. The Trinity is a good example of the liberty the translators took with the texts.
Supporting my contention. Thank you.
So the NT wasn’t written as a PR. God doesn’t answer to us; we will answer to Him.
Speak for yourself. I don't give God a free pass just because he's god.
Supporting my contention. Thank you.
I’m fully aware of the apparent contradictions that are found in the Bible. I’m also fully aware that most of them can be explained.
And yet every time I post God's Word, which conveys His overarching Message throughout the Bible, not a single fundamentalist Christian here will agree with it. Most wont acknowledge it, the few who do outright deny it.

God's Word is forgiveness, peace, brotherly love, and compassion. Anything that doesnt break that Word isnt a sin.

And yet, somehow, I've been told, here, that that's a self-indulgent, "easy" interpretation. What? It can be very hard to go thru a day and uphold that Word in all you do and with all whom you interact.

And think what an amazing world it would be if we could all actually do much better job of that? I'm not saying I succeed.
If Jesus had preached what you're preaching, he would've never been crucified...
I’m fully aware of the apparent contradictions that are found in the Bible. I’m also fully aware that most of them can be explained - ...
... with other contradictions. There is no end to the circular reasoning of so-called "biblical scholarship". Once you've driven into the "word of god" cul-de-sac of biblical inerrancy, the only place you can go is round and around and around. No vision beyond - no exit.

Just a dog chasing it's own tail.
... with other contradictions. There is no end to the circular reasoning of so-called "biblical scholarship". Once you've driven into the "word of god" cul-de-sac of biblical inerrancy, the only place you can go is round and around and around. No vision beyond - no exit.

Just a dog chasing it's own tail.
I do just fine with my study of the Bible.

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