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No clemency for Williams. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger, today, has refused to grant clemency to Tookie Williams. Williams will be executed according to law. The Governor expressed disappointment that California no longer uses gas for executions. He did however offer something to Williams relatives, he asked if they planned to cremate Tookie and if so he knows of a German firm with great experience in that area who would be glad to "take care" of Tookie.
I don't see how executing him will do anything. It will make Arnold feel happy but thats where the benefit ends. Who knows? His death might cause more violence from his devoted gang underlings.
Inuyasha said:
The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger, today, has refused to grant clemency to Tookie Williams. Williams will be executed according to law. The Governor expressed disappointment that California no longer uses gas for executions. He did however offer something to Williams relatives, he asked if they planned to cremate Tookie and if so he knows of a German firm with great experience in that area who would be glad to "take care" of Tookie.

HUH? He said all of that? That sounds very cold in my opinion, do you have a link for that?
Deegan said:
HUH? He said all of that? That sounds very cold in my opinion, do you have a link for that?

No I was just kidding. It's Hollywood after all.
I don't feel bothered by this one way or another. The man murdered 4 people in cold blood. To this day, he claims he is innocent. He had been found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. What are the chances that he is innocent? Very little. No matter how much he has redeemed himself now, it doesn't take away the fact he murdered 4 people. I can't stand people who don't take responsibility for their actions.

Good riddance.
Inuyasha said:
No I was just kidding. It's Hollywood after all.

Oh, LOL, you had me going there.:lol:
Inuyasha said:
The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger, today, has refused to grant clemency to Tookie Williams. Williams will be executed according to law. The Governor expressed disappointment that California no longer uses gas for executions. He did however offer something to Williams relatives, he asked if they planned to cremate Tookie and if so he knows of a German firm with great experience in that area who would be glad to "take care" of Tookie.

I find that usually when someone has nothing rational to offer and only post hyperbole that the bottom line is their own position is unteniable and therefore cannot be offered as a proper rebuttle. That seems quite clear in this case.
Seriously there could be some problems in the street, especially in Los Angeles. I find the fuss over this strangely interesting. I understand those who are against the death penalty but aside from that there is another thing. His supporters say he is innocent of the 4 homicides he is charged with. maybe he is and maybe he isn't. I am not privy to the evidence so i don't know. But what about all the other murders he ordered ans/or carried out himself?

As the founder and leader of a criminal organization with an exceptionally brutal history one would have to be pretty naive to think that he wasn't mixed up in other murders. In reality, he is no different that Arnold Rothstein, Al Capone or John Gotti in that respect. We know that they ordered deaths but they did not (except for one Gotti case) kill innocent people outside of the mob. No one would mourn their deaths. People were sorry that they were not caught for the actual crimes they committed.
Stinger said:
I find that usually when someone has nothing rational to offer and only post hyperbole that the bottom line is their own position is unteniable and therefore cannot be offered as a proper rebuttle. That seems quite clear in this case.

Oh for heaven's sake.. it's a joke. lighten up.
FinnMacCool said:
I don't see how executing him will do anything.

It will carry out proper justice for the horrendus crimes he committed.

It will make Arnold feel happy

Why do you say it will make him "happy". You have squat evidence that if fact it does. Yet you have to use such invectives since you can't justify your own position. Is it your belief that we should not execute him because you think it will make the Gov happy? Or is it just specious garbage?

Who knows? His death might cause more violence from his devoted gang underlings.

Hmmm well maybe we shouldn't arrest and prosecute any of them since surely that will **** them off too and they will just get MORE violent.
Alptrauma said:
Here is a link to the story. . .


Personally, I am quite displeased with this decision. . . I was hoping the sentence would be Life without Parole, but I should have known better.

If he is redeamed and made-up and all good now why on earth would you still hold him in prison. I heard an actor on TV today saying he was innocent how can we hold him if he is innocent? Surely he can do much more good on the outside.
Inuyasha said:
Oh for heaven's sake.. it's a joke. lighten up.

I think it's a rotten joke and very low attempt at humor then. You are using a very serious situation involving the execution of someone and insulting someone else over a part of their heritage they had nothing to do with.
Stinger said:
I think it's a rotten joke and very low attempt at humor then. You are using a very serious situation involving the execution of someone and insulting someone else over a part of their heritage they had nothing to do with.

You have a right to your opinion and to be politically correct to the degree that you wish. Like Tookie, I am not apologizing. What now? The death penalty?
Stinger said:
If he is redeamed and made-up and all good now why on earth would you still hold him in prison. I heard an actor on TV today saying he was innocent how can we hold him if he is innocent? Surely he can do much more good on the outside.

Tookie has not "redeemed" himself nor has he done anything that qualifies as redemption. He can't bring back the people he killed, he can't make it better. He has never "made up" or apologized for the murders he committed. He has been proven guilty in a court of law by jury and sentenced to death. He appealed his case and the judgment has been help up in every court afforded to him, state and federal. If the people of California don't actually want people to die when given a death sentence, then they need to change the law through their legislative body and/or vote on it. The governor and all the courts who have heard this case agree that children's books and empty Nobel nominations are not enough to change his sentence.

Let’s all remember what the Nobel nominee did that got him to this place. Williams was convicted in 1981 of killing Albert Owens as he lay facing downward on the floor of a 7-Eleven convenience store in a $120 robbery. Two weeks later, Williams shot dead an elderly Taiwanese immigrant couple running a motel, as well as their visiting daughter for $100 robbery. You don't want to see the pictures of the victims that Mr. Williams killed either . . . I did by accident and they're horrific. Funny how Williams sought mercy, the very mercy he so callously denied his four victims.
FireUltra 98 said:
Tookie has not "redeemed" himself nor has he done anything that qualifies as redemption.

Not according to his supporters. He IS redeamend and is just an all around fine fellow. So I ask them, if he is so redeamed and made up for what he did how can they even support him being held behind bars at all. And so much for life without parole, they would just be clamoring for his release so he could "do more good".

He can't bring back the people he killed, he can't make it better.

Doesn't seem to matter to the left.
Inuyasha said:
You have a right to your opinion and to be politically correct to the degree that you wish. Like Tookie, I am not apologizing. What now? The death penalty?

Not insinuating someone is a Nazi is being politically correct?
Stinger said:
Not according to his supporters. He IS redeamend and is just an all around fine fellow. So I ask them, if he is so redeamed and made up for what he did how can they even support him being held behind bars at all. And so much for life without parole, they would just be clamoring for his release so he could "do more good".

What is this "redeamed" you keep bringing up? Maybe Tookie's supporters think he IS "redeamed". But Stanley has not been "redeemed" as we know it.
FireUltra 98 said:
What is this "redeamed" you keep bringing up? Maybe Tookie's supporters think he IS "redeamed". But Stanley has not been "redeemed" as we know it.

It's his supporters claim not mine.
Inuyasha there is a place in Poland for that sort of thing, Arnold could always

lite it up again,mind u the US is going the same way. what do u exspect.

Stinger said:
If he is redeamed and made-up and all good now why on earth would you still hold him in prison. I heard an actor on TV today saying he was innocent how can we hold him if he is innocent? Surely he can do much more good on the outside.

I meant it in terms of the worst I would do to him. I don't believe in giving people the death penalty before they are proven guilty. I don't believe in the death penalty at all! However, I don't believe some people (some people) can redeem themselves. Of course, unless you know them personally, you cannot trust yourself to judge them well.

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