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Nike... Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything... Pure BS (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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In the summer of 2016, around the same time as Kaepernick began his protests, an attempted coup against the Turkish government sparked a crackdown on dissenting voices by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Kanter is a longtime critic of the regime and a supporter of US-based Fetullah Gulen, who Erdogan blamed for the coup. And so he became a target.

The New York Knicks player had his Turkish passport revoked, and Erdogan issued a warrant for his arrest. Kanter’s father even had to disown him in a bid to safeguard their family.

Despite playing for a popular NBA team, the 26-year-old cannot find a sponsor. This is because, he says, sportswear companies are wary of damaging their commercial prospects in Turkey. And in an interview with Vice Sports last month, he singled out (you guessed it) Nike as one of those companies:

I talked to Nike and they said “we want to give Enes a contract, but if we give him one [the Turkish government] will shut down every store in Turkey, so we cannot”… I’m an NBA player with no shoe deal. No endorsement deal. And I play in New York!’


“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” Nike.

Pure bull**** Nike. Pure... Bull... ****.


They should change the name of the company to Obama-Nike... because what they spew are “words... just words”.
Some people seem to be very upset over very little.
“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” Nike.

Pure bull**** Nike. Pure... Bull... ****.


They should change the name of the company to Obama-Nike... because what they spew are “words... just words”.

You mad bro!?
“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” Nike.

Pure bull**** Nike. Pure... Bull... ****.


They should change the name of the company to Obama-Nike... because what they spew are “words... just words”.

It’s very simple. Don’t buy anything from Nike if you dislike them.

Problem solved.

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“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” Nike.

Pure bull**** Nike. Pure... Bull... ****.


They should change the name of the company to Obama-Nike... because what they spew are “words... just words”.

By that logic, you should change your user name to "Obama-zimmer"
First principle of business is making money. Everything else follows after. Hopefully Kanter will be able to scrape by with the paultry $18.6M he’ll be paid this year.

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