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Nice piece from Reason on Harris (1 Viewer)


Capitalist Pig
DP Veteran
Aug 6, 2019
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Bridgeport, CT
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

Oh goody, another "watch my video!" thread.
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

Never thought we would see the day a US president (Trump) would kiss the ass of dictators and say how they are "in love" while attacking our allies and US politicians but here we are. It's funny that no matter what you show, you Trump supporters have set the bar SOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOW that NOTHING you can show is worse than Trump. NOTHING.
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

What is it about Harris that this video shows with which you disagree? Or, agree?
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

Harris is a prosecutor who, like most, has had occasional controversial positions in her career.

Trump is a reality TV star who is clinically insane and would not get past the opening round on “are you smarter than a fifth grader?”
A youtube video by some random dude!

I'm convinced. I can't vote for Biden.
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

Thanks for sharing. I'm sure there will still be more information to come as the election continues. Hopefully people can try to make a rational decision about who their leaders should be during these irrational times.
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:
Is there anyone who wants to be near the presidency who should be allowed anywhere near it? The problem isn't the individuals, it's the system. As long as you're just attacking individuals, you're part of the system.
Never thought we would see the day a US president (Trump) would kiss the ass of dictators.

Progressive hero FDR kissed the asses of both Stalin and Mussolini, but I'm sure you don't have a problem with that.
Progressive hero FDR kissed the asses of both Stalin and Mussolini, but I'm sure you don't have a problem with that.

Show me where I approved of such. Additionally, show where FDR said he was "in love" with Stalin or Mussolini. Typical lying from you as usual when it is shown your hero Trump is a lying douchebag. I bet you even think your user name is "clever" :lamo
Show me where I approved of such.

Ok, maybe you don't, but there are millions of progressives who criticize Trump for doing what their hero FDR did much worse.

when it is shown your hero Trump is a lying douchebag.

Trump is not my hero. I'm voting for him because the political left is such a toxic pile of sh**.
Progressive hero FDR kissed the asses of both Stalin and Mussolini, but I'm sure you don't have a problem with that.

Oh how the rabid right can lie, cheat and steal history... :roll:

Even the Cato Institute throws the BS flag at the quote above.

No asses were kissed when FDR admired Mussolini in 1933-34. The world was trying to shake off the toxic effects of unregulated capitalism- the Great Depression Republicans ignored until the 'invisible hand' drove our nation off an economic cliff.... :doh

There were major government works that helped create jobs after the 'job creators' sent millions to bread lines. The Tennessee Valley Authority, the Autobahn, the draining of Italian swamps for new farm lands. None could or would be done by the private sector. That is the admirable part. EARLY fascism.

Now later fascism is more tRump's wheelhouse- attacking a minority as villains and animals- rapists, drug dealers, murderers, criminals. Instead of a TVA or CCC there is a faux 'defensive' wall. Defending past evils as 'cultural history' and not wanting for the nation to move past this evil and embrace the future. Supporting industries viewed as supportive of the tRump mentality and attacking those not kissing tRump ass.

The rabid right attempts this smear to cover their own inaction once the evil side of these dictators came out to the world. FDR tried to support DEMOCRACIES in their fight against the evil side of fascism. Republicans FOUGHT AGAINST any form of help, they fought AGAINST Lend Lease, AGAINST Loans, It was a European problem.... :shock:

Now with 'Uncle' Joe- FDR was the most forward thinking member of the Big 3- Churchill, Stalin and FDR. Churchill wanted his Empire back when the war ended. Stalin wanted to crush Germany and become the greatest power in Europe, and FDR wanted an international peace keeping force with a strong democratic Europe. Russia born the huge cost of the war in dead- civilians and soldiers. D-Day was touch and go even with the withdrawal of German forces due to the collapse of the Eastern Front.

Early communism where the people worked together was admired by millions of Americans when comparing that to the cut throat practices of unregulated capitalism. Some tend to forget the midwest was very active with communal politics.

But the rabid right wants to re-write history and claim one tiny portion is all there is and ignore the ignorant/dangerous positions of the GOP for little more reason than it was the opposite of what FDR wanted... :peace
I can't imagine anyone wanting someone like this being anywhere near the presidency:

Vox went after her as a candidate. She is a right of center zealot when it matters. She did a progressive make-over to move to DC, but let there be no mistake about it, she is only a gender-reassignment surgery away from being Ken Cuccinelli.
Thought the same thing about Trump, but here we are.

they support a con man and crook while criticizing others.

it's just all too funny.

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