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Newsflash, (1 Viewer)


Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Redneck Rivera-Winters / Upper Montana -Summers
Political Leaning
according to former Bush Cabinet members, bush had discussed wanting to invade Iraq before he was appointed!

bush / Cheney held detailed discussions before they were sworn in of his wanting to invade IRAQI......Didn't take much for James A. Baker III to arrange for the family friend who already hated the USA….to launch his attack....

...AFTER being notified that AMERICA was under attack our Fearless Leader President George W. bush sat among the school kids out of harms way reading my pet goat.....I HAVE SEEN THE FILM OF THIS SEVERAL TIMES……. LOOKS TO ME LIKE A MAN THINKING TO HIMSELF >>---OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE”

**QUESTION why after reading my pet Goat for 7 to 9 minutes after being notified of the SECOND plane crashing into the WTC and taking 30 minutes for a Photo Op....did Air Force One fly out of Florida with (>>>NO<<<) military Escort......That is what a real REPORTER would STILL be asking.

That is if they were not afraid of losing their job with the Corporate Owned Media! Some people are sellouts!!!!
Ehhh... You're a little behind the curve... none of this is a news flash.

It's the same rhetoric that Michael Moore put in his movie.
Not news and not flashy.
VTA said:
Ehhh... You're a little behind the curve... none of this is a news flash.

It's the same rhetoric that Michael Moore put in his movie.
Not news and not flashy.

Can't wait until 2009 when he finds out Clinton lied...
Let me see if I've got this.

Your premise is that Team Bush was complicit in the 911 attacks.
To support this you offer these points:
1) Bush had discussed wanting to invade Iraq b4 becoming PotUSA
2) James A. Baker III to arranged for UbL to launch the attack
3) to you, GWB looked horrified at his own actions while in FL w/ My Pet Goat
4) Air Force One flew from FL w/o military escort

Is that about the size of it?

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