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Newly uncovered bombshell: Crowdstrike had no solid evidence Russians hacked the DNC computers (1 Viewer)

Mr. Henry believed it was the Russians. He seemed to believe that with his whole heart. Nevertheless, he had no concrete proof it was the Russians. This from the transcript:

"Mr. Stewart: All right. So I think that's one of the more interesting things that we've learned from you today, again, that there is no evidence it was actually exfiltrated. ...
Mr. Henry: So there is circumstantial evidence it was taken. ... There is circumstantial evidence that that data was exfiltrated off the network. ...
Mr. Stewart: And circumstantial is less sure than the other evidence you've indicated. ...
Mr. Henry: ...So I said I don't have direct evidence. ..."


No direct evidence does not mean lack of evidence. Papadopolous knew about hacked emails just a few days after the DNC was exfiltrated.

From the transcript...

"...MR. SCHIFF: ln your report, when you stated the data was staged for exfiltration on April 22nd of last year, that would have been the first time that you found evidence that the data was staged for exfiltration?

MR. HENRY: I believe that is correct'

MR. SCHIFF: Did you have a chance to read the information that was filed in conjunction with the George Papadopoulos plea?

MR. HENRY: l did not.

MR. SCHIFF: ln that information, it states that Mr. Papadopoulos was informed at the end of April that the Russians were in possession of stolen DNC or Clinton emails. lf that information is correct, that would be only days after that data was staged for exfiltration?

MR. HENRY: Yes'​

Here's a timeline...

April 19: DCLeaks launches website

April 22: DNC data was exfiltrated

April 28: Mifsud told Papadopolous the DNC was hacked and thousands of emails were stolen.

May 10: Papadopolous told the Australian ambassador that Russia was in possession of emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

May 26: Papadopolous told the Greek Foreign Minister that the Russians had Clinton related emails.

June 14: DNC publicly announced they were hacked by the Russians and opposition research on Donald Trump was stolen.

June 15: Guccifer 2.0 started leaking DNC emails and directing people to the DCLeaks website​

Ya, I don't think there's any doubt that the Russians hacked the DNC and leaked their emails via DCLeaks and Wikileaks....and they did it to help Trump.
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No direct evidence does not mean lack of evidence. Papadopolous knew about hacked emails just a few days after the DNC was exfiltrated.

Papadopolous knew nothing of the sort. A democrat plant told Papadopolous of Russian emails and the spies who set up the plant to tell Papadopolous that took that set up to claim Papadopolous knew of secret Trump involvement with Wikileaks and Russians. The whole set up and spying operation was a lying democrat hoax and stupid gullible Americans fell for it, which is tragic evidence of the state of ignorance and gullibility of so many Americans today.
We also know Trump was impeached, in part, for asking Zelensky the president of the Ukraine for discovery evidence about Russia's involvement in the hacking of the DNC server to conspire in affecting the 2016 election. Ah, another conspiracy theory was that a rich autocrat in the Ukraine had possession of disk servers containing the alleged DNC server data.

There were reports that Ukrainians conspired with American democrats to undermine Trump in 2016 for Hillary's advantage. That rumor, as well as the rumor that Trump conspired with Russians to sabotage Hillary in 2016 are both serious enough to warrant a thorough investigation.
They were trying to steal opposition research on Trump? From the DNC?


Then how did they get from that to, "Trump and his campaign team are coordinating with the Russians to hack the DNC and steal the emails so that they could rig the election?

All campaigns do opposition research, Lutherf...so don't act so surprised. However, some campaigns feel the need to steal their opponents research to gain an advantage. The plumbers did it to help Nixon...and the Russians did it to help Trump.
I find it amazing that in a transcript where it is repeated over and over that it was the Russians that people are taking away from it that they didn't think it was the Russians.
I find it amazing that in a transcript where it is repeated over and over that it was the Russians that people are taking away from it that they didn't think it was the Russians.

But if you believe it with your whole heart, it's a bombshell.
Papadopolous knew nothing of the sort. A democrat plant told Papadopolous of Russian emails and the spies who set up the plant to tell Papadopolous that took that set up to claim Papadopolous knew of secret Trump involvement with Wikileaks and Russians. The whole set up and spying operation was a lying democrat hoax and stupid gullible Americans fell for it, which is tragic evidence of the state of ignorance and gullibility of so many Americans today.


Exactly. Joseph Misfud, the mysterious character who approached Papadopolous with the supposed evidence of Trump collusion with Russia and the basis of the Mueller charges against Papadopolous, has vanished. He cannot be cross examined. His testimony is suspect. The whole arrangement which was initiated by Misfud appeared to have been nothing more than a set up by democrats to provide the appearance of a legitimate backdrop support for the fake democrat Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

That is Twilight Zone conspiracy theory stuff alright.
Exactly. Joseph Misfud, the mysterious character who approached Papadopolous with the supposed evidence of Trump collusion with Russia and the basis of the Mueller charges against Papadopolous, has vanished. He cannot be cross examined. His testimony is suspect. The whole arrangement which was initiated by Misfud appeared to have been nothing more than a set up by democrats to provide the appearance of a legitimate backdrop support for the fake democrat Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

That is Twilight Zone conspiracy theory stuff alright.

There's more evidence that Papadopolous's wife, Simona Mangiante was a Russian spy than there is of a Democrat set up. After all, she knew Mifsud for years and worked for him knowing full well that he was a Russian spy and that was before she met her husband, George. Not to mention, she's changed her story, lied about her past...and has a russian accent.

Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos is misleading the public about her background
There's more evidence that Papadopolous's wife, Simona Mangiante was a Russian spy than there is of a Democrat set up. After all, she knew Mifsud for years and worked for him knowing full well that he was a Russian spy and that was before she met her husband, George. Not to mention, she's changed her story, lied about her past...and has a russian accent.

Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos is misleading the public about her background

What we have here are conflicting accounts and no priimary witness. That means the case against Mifsud cannot be resolved.
What we have here are conflicting accounts and no priimary witness. That means the case against Mifsud cannot be resolved.

The only conflicting account is coming from the source of your conspiracy theory...Simona Mangiante.

It was George Papadopoulos decision to lie the FBI....not Misfud's. The case was resolved when George freely admitted his guilt in court and did his time in prison.

It's over...time to move on, marke.
The only conflicting account is coming from the source of your conspiracy theory...Simona Mangiante.

It was George Papadopoulos decision to lie the FBI....not Misfud's. The case was resolved when George freely admitted his guilt in court and did his time in prison.

It's over...time to move on, marke.

Democrats do know how to turn non-crimes into major criminal infractions due to the liberal interpretation of "lying." Flynn never crossed the line in his dealings with the Russian ambassador but the democrats, including the racist black judge in the case, want to burn him in hell for supposedly "lying" to two snakes about the innocent conversation. Comey and Mueller nailed Scooter Libby years ago also for "lying" about something which was not a crime. The dummass leftist Trump-hating prosecutor, judge and jury forewoman wanted Stone roasted in hell for supposedly "lying about" and "obstructing" a fake investigation of the President of the United States.

Democrats hired Misfud to meet with Papadopolous and dishonestly mention the fake democrat conspiracy theory that Russia stole the emails from the DNC and gave them to Wikileaks, which was an outright lie, so they could then accuse him of conspiracy with Russians for supposedly being in on the alleged Russian theft. The whole thing was a lie. If all the democrats who lied, deceived, and committed lies of deception were jailed for lying we would have to build new jails to hold them all.
But if you believe it with your whole heart, it's a bombshell.

It was written in the official memo and documentation that they didn't think it was the russians.
These are called facts. Facts do not care about your feelings.

There was a reason that guy was killed. That was a hit job and covered up to look like another suicide attempt.
That seems to happen a lot around the Clinton's or anyone that finds any kind of dirt on them.

They end up dead for some reason.
I find it amazing that in a transcript where it is repeated over and over that it was the Russians that people are taking away from it that they didn't think it was the Russians.

it's so friggin dishonest.
You can blame Hannity if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but I have been quoting from the actual transcript of the congressional testimony. Here is more: (from pp. 13-19):

"Mr. Stewart: So help me understand. ... Help me understand if they suspect a hack has occurred, which is a criminal activity, true?

Mr. Henry: Yes

Mr. Stewart: So there's a crime that's been committed. Why sould not the FBI have at least some role in the investigation subsequent to that hack? ...

After much prevarication and several minutes of refusing to offer a clear answer to the clear question, Mr. Henry offered this explanation for why the FBI did not take charge of the criminal investigation into the alleged hacking:

Mr. Henry: "You're asking me to speculate. I don't know the answer."

There are a lot of unanswered questions which still need further investigation if we are ever to sort out the truth from the lies.

SIAP. We know that that DNC REFUSED any arm of US gov't whether that be the FBI or Mueller investigation, for examples, to investigate the server(s) on which stolen DNC emails allegedly resided. Both the FBI and Mueller investigation based their ASSUMPTION that Russia hacked the DNC emails ENTIRELY from the Crowdstrike Report on the server(s).
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It turns out CrowdStrike is not a conspiracy theory after all. We've been going over their congressional testimony here for hours already.

The conspiracy theory that Trump was acting upon in a portion of the Zelensky phone call was the conspiracy theory that a rich autocrat in the Ukraine had possession of the server(s) in question which held the DNC emails that were allegedly hacked by Russia. Why would the server(s) be allegedly held in the Ukraine? Because one of the main owners of Crowdstrike was the rich autocrat in the Ukraine.What Is CrowdStrike And How Are They Connected To Ukraine? * American Truth Today
Trump was just trying to verify the information that Crowdstrike, solely, claimed...That Russia hacked the emails from the DNC server(s). Trump was impeached for his troubles.

That Crowdstrike had issued a report on the server(s) in question was an established fact.
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They were trying to steal opposition research on Trump? From the DNC?


Then how did they get from that to, "Trump and his campaign team are coordinating with the Russians to hack the DNC and steal the emails so that they could rig the election?

Mebe opposition research like the Steele dossier, for example, resided on the DNC server?:lamo
no direct evidence does not mean lack of evidence. Papadopolous knew about hacked emails just a few days after the dnc was exfiltrated.

From the transcript...

"...mr. Schiff: Ln your report, when you stated the data was staged for exfiltration on april 22nd of last year, that would have been the first time that you found evidence that the data was staged for exfiltration?

Mr. Henry: I believe that is correct'

mr. Schiff: Did you have a chance to read the information that was filed in conjunction with the george papadopoulos plea?

Mr. Henry: L did not.

Mr. Schiff: Ln that information, it states that mr. Papadopoulos was informed at the end of april that the russians were in possession of stolen dnc or clinton emails. Lf that information is correct, that would be only days after that data was staged for exfiltration?

Mr. Henry: Yes'​

here's a timeline...

april 19: Dcleaks launches website

april 22: Dnc data was exfiltrated

april 28: mifsud told papadopolous the dnc was hacked and thousands of emails were stolen.

May 10: Papadopolous told the australian ambassador that russia was in possession of emails relating to hillary clinton.

May 26: Papadopolous told the greek foreign minister that the russians had clinton related emails.

June 14: dnc publicly announced they were hacked by the russians and opposition research on donald trump was stolen.

June 15: guccifer 2.0 started leaking dnc emails and directing people to the dcleaks website​

ya, i don't think there's any doubt that the russians hacked the dnc and leaked their emails via dcleaks and wikileaks....and they did it to help trump.

There were reports that Ukrainians conspired with American democrats to undermine Trump in 2016 for Hillary's advantage. That rumor, as well as the rumor that Trump conspired with Russians to sabotage Hillary in 2016 are both serious enough to warrant a thorough investigation.

The conspiracy theories in your post is not the conspiracy to which I refer. See post#43.
Mebe opposition research like the Steele dossier, for example, resided on the DNC server?:lamo

Maybe the Democrats got a quick glance at what had potential to be leaked and decided that instead of taking the heat for their own internal issues they would hire a firm to create a boogeyman to blame.
Can I assume Hillary will be going to jail because she personally murdered Seth Rich?

Don't assume Hillary did it. Let's call for a better investigation into the murder to find out who really did it and why.

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