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New York does away with Electoral College (1 Viewer)

One of the consistent problems with the lust for political power is the lack of considering the future. If the roles were reversed, it would be republicans wanting a total vote and the democrats wanting the electoral college. Those roles could very well be reversed in the future. Imagine how the New Yorkers would feel if the total vote were for a a republican candidate and they could have changed the electoral outcome had they voted their state's preference rather than the national one.

It is foolishness. We need to remember that we are supposed to be a union of states, not a national government with 50 provinces. The decline of states' rights hasn't improved anything in my view. We just have more government, more spending, more waste and less prosperity. Since power always corrupts, we are better with power being diffused more throughout the states than centralized in Washington. The more we centralize, the greater the concentration of power and the greater the level of corruption. We've been doing it wrong for as long as I've been alive.
I understand the original function of the Electoral College. They are the last defense against mob rule in case the mob is about to elect someone tyrannical, etc.

Honestly though, at this point it doesn't matter. It's the aristocracy and financial elites who choose the candidates who make it into the Presidential races, and then it's big money that gets their campaigns running. No matter who is elected now, they don't represent the People, just those with money and market control.

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