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New species of stegosaur is oldest discovered in Asia, and possibly the world (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Relatively small, but fearsome-looking stegosaur measured about 2.8 metres (9 feet) from nose to tail -- but scientists can't tell whether the remains are those of an adult or juvenile.

A new species of one of the most recognisable types of dinosaur is the oldest stegosaur ever found in Asia, and one of the earliest unearthed anywhere in the world, according to research published today in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Remains of the stegosaur, which included bones from the back, shoulder, thigh, feet, and ribs, as well as several armour plates, date to the Bajocian stage of the Middle Jurassic period -- much earlier than most known stegosaurs.

From Middle Jurassic rocks. This was a time for diverisification & specialization among armored dinosaurs.
Stegosaur stock photo

Stegosaur stock photo.jpg
Always amazed me that the dinosaurs lived for around 165,000,000 years. Damn, that's a long time for one species to be around.
They probably would still be here if Mr. Astroid hadn't paid a visit. I still admire them.
Always amazed me that the dinosaurs lived for around 165,000,000 years. Damn, that's a long time for one species to be around.
They probably would still be here if Mr. Astroid hadn't paid a visit. I still admire them.
But Noah could not fit all the species that existed into an Ark. Not enough room.

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