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NEW POLL: Johnson Rises To 1st Place With Young Voters, Trump Last (1 Viewer)

How much experience in foreign affairs does he bring to the table?

Way more than Trump...probably not as much as Clinton since she was Secretary of State.
How much experience in foreign affairs does he bring to the table?

If I had to guess, Johnson probably knows we were at war with Japan during World War II, and that we subsequently beat and occupied them. If I'm wrong and Johnson didn't know that, then it turns out I may have been a history genius my whole life and never knew it.
There's no poll to this thread, nor does there seem like it was set up for one.

However, I'm happy to hear that Johnson is polling high with young voters, but that needs to translate into votes for it to be useful. He is polling quite high right now, over 13% generally, much higher regionally, and if allowed to compete I think he'd really make an impact on the election.

However, I still expect that the media will do its best not to mention him too much and that he'll be kept out of the debates. The Republocrats cannot risk their power base by showing that a third party could have an effect.
Moderator's Warning:
Thread moved as there's no poll.
How much experience in foreign affairs does he bring to the table?

Anything different than Clinton's foreign policy is a plus, why? Clinton's ideas have already proven to be flawed. Besides, is the foreign affairs the only thing happening?
Anything different than Clinton's foreign policy is a plus, why? Clinton's ideas have already proven to be flawed. Besides, is the foreign affairs the only thing happening?

Clinton was not as good as SoS as one would have liked, but she now has ecperience.
And you are right that FA are not the only issue. But it probably is at this juncture in time the most important.

Where Clinton does fall down is on economics. Johnson I cannot judge.
There's no poll to this thread, nor does there seem like it was set up for one.

However, I'm happy to hear that Johnson is polling high with young voters, but that needs to translate into votes for it to be useful. He is polling quite high right now, over 13% generally, much higher regionally, and if allowed to compete I think he'd really make an impact on the election.

However, I still expect that the media will do its best not to mention him too much and that he'll be kept out of the debates. The Republocrats cannot risk their power base by showing that a third party could have an effect.

I'm less happy to see young people supporting a candidate who is the only presidential candidate supporting the TPP, as well as someone who fundamentally believes that we should destroy medicare, medicaid, social security, welfare, and lower taxes on the wealthy.

I love rightist libertarians on social issues and foreign policy, and that's it. Their economic, tax, fascal, and trade policies are beyond disastrous.
I'm less happy to see young people supporting a candidate who is the only presidential candidate supporting the TPP, as well as someone who fundamentally believes that we should destroy medicare, medicaid, social security, welfare, and lower taxes on the wealthy.

I love rightist libertarians on social issues and foreign policy, and that's it. Their economic, tax, fascal, and trade policies are beyond disastrous.

Cool story bro. Though I'm sorry to hear that there are people who think differently than you out there. Must suck.
Cool story bro. Though I'm sorry to hear that there are people who think differently than you out there. Must suck.

I genuinely don't know how someone goes from Bernie Sanders to Gary Johnson, unless your entire vote was for the anti-establishment candidate, and not for any of Sanders policy positions. You can call that a "cool story" or whatever you like, it doesn't change the rampant disregard for policy substance.
Gary Johnson IS the anti-establishment vote
I'm less happy to see young people supporting a candidate who is the only presidential candidate supporting the TPP, as well as someone who fundamentally believes that we should destroy medicare, medicaid, social security, welfare, and lower taxes on the wealthy.

I love rightist libertarians on social issues and foreign policy, and that's it. Their economic, tax, fascal, and trade policies are beyond disastrous.

The only thing he likes about the TPP is that it takes the key to our economy out of China's hands. They said if they find where our personal intellectual rights have been compromised, they'll reconsider supporting it. Much of it is still secret. He's going based on what he knows so far.

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