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New NBC News/Survey Monkey Poll: Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates (1 Viewer)

This, I believe, was the rallying cry of those for whom the tea party movement resonated. But I don't think most of them would vote for Trump; instead, while serving as a "useful idiot" for the Democrats, he's temporarily useful for them because other--and I mean more viable--candidates will be forced to address the issues about which Trump is railing.
The poll, as per its methodology, is aptly named.

Anyone who believes the results are accurate or reflective of Republican primary voting intentions deserves to be called a monkey.

What makes you say that, specifically? The results are not dramatically different from other ones.

Agreed. Perhaps that is Trumps motivation. I think it's difficult for the campaign brain trusts among the other candidates to understand Trumps poll numbers. It's refreshing to see them be forced to address the issues that the electorate is concerned about, rather than replay the broken record like platitudes rehashed from every preceding election cycle.
What makes you say that, specifically? The results are not dramatically different from other ones.

Seriously? Cruz is nothing more than a rounding error in most polls and yet he's second in this one? What did Cruz do in the debate to almost triple his numbers? And where are Bush/Walker/Kasich in this poll, the consensus field from which the actual nominee will come?

Read the methodology. You'll see it's an internet interactive poll with no screening of the respondents - even with over 3,000 respondents, it's presumed range of error considering it has no idea whom actually is a Republican voter is about 5.4% - that's massive in polling.

I'm not suggesting a conspiracy, but this poll is entirely the wet dream of Democrats everywhere and simply shows the Democrats' priority listing of whom they'd love to see up against Hillary. It lists the most unelectable Republicans in the race and is not believable.

This poll isn't worth the bandwidth used to manufacture it. The Progressives can play with this all they want, but there is no way in hell any serious republican came away from that debate thinking Trump was still the best bet, no one.

This poll isn't worth the bandwidth used to manufacture it. The Progressives can play with this all they want, but there is no way in hell any serious republican came away from that debate thinking Trump was still the best bet, no one.


i dont think anyone is saying he is the best bet for the GOP

what he is right now is a pain in the ass for every politician on both sides of the aisle

he is going to talk about what he WANTS to talk about....not what others want him to

he is going to make life uncomfortable for a lot of career politicians

will he earn the GOP nomination....hell no

will he maybe change the way politicians are talking to the american public.....i dunno

but i kinda hope so.....that is why he is still running so hot in the polls

it isnt his message...it is his delivery.....his no nonsense, no bull**** type of talking

even when he inserts his whole foot in his mouth, his supporters dont care right now

maybe some of them can learn to be a little more like him in certain ways....not rude & brash

but willing to speak from the heart
Ultimately, this is an online poll which are notorious for being some of the absolute worst method of polling out there.
SMH. I thought Carly was a democratic candidate. :shock:

Trump has no chance. He should do like Clinton did and paint himself as having no chance so that when he actually does beat somebody he can declare himself the winner for beating expectations.
I dont know what was in their minds, how do you?

Looks like he's still popular... Clinton Trails Four GOPers in Latest Iowa Poll

Read more at: Clinton Trails Four GOPers in Latest Iowa Poll | National Review Online

The debates are going to keep launching Republicans ahead of her. Clinton can keep to her manufactured campaign and giving prepared answers to prepared questions and still "um, um, uh, uh, well, um, um" her way through the answers while her poll numbers sink.

Id love to see Cruz or Trump get the nomination then just absolutely weave a bitch-slap web around here and cinch her Presidential hopes shut.

Yes, every week there is another scandal, or blunder on her part. All this after her "soft" rollout in Iowa.

Im looking forward to her loosing in a very messy and public manner.

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