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New Iraqi Leadership (1 Viewer)

If the new leadership in Iraq wants the US out, should we respect their wishes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


If the new leadership in Iraq wants the US out within a reasonable time, let's say one year for the sake of argument, should we respect their wishes and leave?
hipsterdufus said:
If the new leadership in Iraq wants the US out within a reasonable time, let's say one year for the sake of argument, should we respect their wishes and leave?

Yes, we should respect thier wishes and leave.

Because if we do NOT respect thier wishes and leave, it would prove to be a "kick in the nuts" if you will of our whole purpose there in the first place...

We are there to setup a Free Democratic Nation. If they make the decision to ask us to leave, and we refuse, what would that be telling the people about our presence there?
In my opinon it would be telling the Iraqi people, and the world, that we were not just there to give them Iraqi Freedom as the conflict has been named, but we are there for some other reasons instead, reasons which I do not know. That being said, it would show that we, in fact, are not "liberators" but occupiers. Which would furthur damage our image in the international community.

Anyone have anything else to add?
If the duly elected government asks us to leave we will do so.........
Navy Pride said:
If the duly elected government asks us to leave we will do so.........

I sure hope so........
The way our Administration has acted in the past, I have my doubts.

But im certain they understand how it would look if we were NOT to leave.
As well as a large amount of Iraqi's would turn against us.
Of course we should and would leave, if we were asked to. The premise of this question is like asking if we should invade Israel.

I'm predicting near-unanimity on this poll.
Kandahar said:
Of course we should and would leave, if we were asked to. The premise of this question is like asking if we should invade Israel.

I'm predicting near-unanimity on this poll.
I don't doubt that we will find someone who believes we shouldn't.
It seems like we've sound some common ground here.

To me - this scenario is a win/win : Iraq controls their country, thanks us for getting rid of Saddam and installing Democracy, and asks us respectfully to leave when prudent. We declare victory and keep our fingers crossed!
hipsterdufus said:
It seems like we've sound some common ground here.

To me - this scenario is a win/win : Iraq controls their country, thanks us for getting rid of Saddam and installing Democracy, and asks us respectfully to leave when prudent. We declare victory and keep our fingers crossed!

Accept for the leaders in your party like Dean and Murtha who say we can't win and our great military is broken........
Navy Pride said:
Accept for the leaders in your party like Dean and Murtha who say we can't win and our great military is broken........

Why am I not surprised you had to bring some partisan bullshit into this again.
Caine said:
Why am I not surprised you had to bring some partisan bullshit into this again.

If you don't believe there is partisanship involved my friend you live in a fantasy land......When it comes to the dems and this prez its all about partisanship.........You included.....

It has to reallly stick in your craw when a democrat like Leiberman puts aside his partisanship for the better of our country..........
Navy Pride said:
If you don't believe there is partisanship involved my friend you live in a fantasy land......When it comes to the dems and this prez its all about partisanship.........You included.....

It has to reallly stick in your craw when a democrat like Leiberman puts aside his partisanship for the better of our country..........

No, I happen to like Leiberman, he is an Orthodox Jew :2razz:

Anyways, this thread has ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY NOT A GOD DARNED THING to do with partisan bullcrap. So take it somewhere else.

Wait, I mentioned the Administration and how it hasn't been the greatest in making decisions. Nothing to do with partisan politics because its true, your the only one who can't accept it.
Now you bring Lieberman into this? What the heck does he have to do with it?
Navy Pride said:
If you don't believe there is partisanship involved my friend you live in a fantasy land......When it comes to the dems and this prez its all about partisanship.........You included.....

It has to reallly stick in your craw when a democrat like Leiberman puts aside his partisanship for the better of our country..........

That's funny, because you are clearly the only one on this thread interested in partisan bickering. No one else has mentioned or implied anything about liberals or conservatives, Democrats or Republicans, in this thread.

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