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NeverTrump runs CIA operative in hope of splitting vote to defeat GOP candidate (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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WASHINGTON (UPI) — Evan McMullin, a CIA veteran and the House Republican Conference’s chief policy director, will make an Independent presidential run as part of the anti-Donald Trump movement in the GOP.

McMullin has never been elected into office but has an “impressive” resume, is connected to Republican politics and has the support of key Republican Party donors, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough reports.

After graduating with an MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, McMullin worked briefly for Goldman Sachs before beginning work on Capitol Hill.

GOPUSA ? NeverTrump Republicans to run GOP operative in hope of splitting vote to defeat Trump


So much for party unity, called for by Paul Ryan.
WASHINGTON (UPI) — Evan McMullin, a CIA veteran and the House Republican Conference’s chief policy director, will make an Independent presidential run as part of the anti-Donald Trump movement in the GOP.

McMullin has never been elected into office but has an “impressive” resume, is connected to Republican politics and has the support of key Republican Party donors, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough reports.

After graduating with an MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, McMullin worked briefly for Goldman Sachs before beginning work on Capitol Hill.

GOPUSA ? NeverTrump Republicans to run GOP operative in hope of splitting vote to defeat Trump


So much for party unity, called for by Paul Ryan.
Did Ryan endorse McMullin?

I mean, I'm NeverTrump, and I've never even heard of this guy.
WASHINGTON (UPI) — Evan McMullin, a CIA veteran and the House Republican Conference’s chief policy director, will make an Independent presidential run as part of the anti-Donald Trump movement in the GOP.

McMullin has never been elected into office but has an “impressive” resume, is connected to Republican politics and has the support of key Republican Party donors, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough reports.

After graduating with an MBA from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, McMullin worked briefly for Goldman Sachs before beginning work on Capitol Hill.

GOPUSA ? NeverTrump Republicans to run GOP operative in hope of splitting vote to defeat Trump


So much for party unity, called for by Paul Ryan.

It would seem better to vote for johnson or something. It is a little late to be starting now.
All this anti-Trump stuff is likely to backfire. This will further encourage those who never vote (the real silent majority) to get behind him.
A bit late to get on any state ballots isn't he?
Sounds like these guys have decided Hillary's their girl!
A bit late to get on any state ballots isn't he?
“You can get on ballots for up to 300 electoral votes,” he noted. “You can bring lawsuits in the other places. I think at this point, the people that are talk about funding this are more interested in Trump losing than electing their candidate.”

– Joe Scarborough

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