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Never Forget: The Old Guard Remembers 9/11 (1 Viewer)

Chopin Funeral March | JFK State Funeral | Entering Main Gate | Arlington National Cemetery​

3 p.m Monday Nov. 25th 1963 | Old Guard Caisson of the Fallen Warrior Leader​

USMC West Coast Composite Band - 2023 Pasadena Rose Parade​

Mounted Mustang Palamino Horse Color Guard | Led By Commanding General​

I Marine Expeditionary Force | Command Sergeant Major I MEF | From Camp Pendleton CA​

The Army has upward of 320 active horses most of which are assigned to the Horse Cavalry Detachment of the 1st Cavalry Division but none are Clydesdale or Percheron breed horses that are super expensive and need loads of special care. Marines have a couple of dozen horses that are used in training at the Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center. Navy and Air Force ha wouldn't know a horse from a rabbit. :unsure:

Soldiers with the 1st Cavalry Division Horse Cavalry Detachment on September 25, 2023 in El Reno, Oklahoma. The detachment won ribbons in more than 15 different events throughout the week-long competition. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Marcus Floyd, 13th Public Affairs Group.

New Team 1st Cavalry Division, Horse Cavalry Detachment, crossing the creek​

Fort Hood - New Team 1st Cavalry Division, Horse Cavalry Detachment - Pixdaus
JFK State Funeral | Monday Nov. 25, 1963 | Exit From St. Matthew's Cathedral

Riderless -Caparisoned Horse- Blackjack "Got spooked" on the first day of the state funeral

This video gives a view of the principals involved in managing the 450 pound JFK casket, the official flag of the Potus/C'nC and the caparisoned or riderless horse of the Caisson Platoon named Blackjack, which was the nickname Gen. Pershing's troops had for him as "Black Jack." Pershing was well known for equal treatment of Black Soldiers.

In the video we get close in views of the caisson horses and their riders. We're right on top of the then PFC Arthur Carlson of the Caisson Platoon who was assigned to manage the always Restless Blackjack. And there's Navy Seaman 2nd Class Eddie Nemuth from Jersey bearing the official flag of the Potus given JFK was a Navy LT in the Pacific during WW II. The contrast is stark between the totally calm Caisson horses and the displeased Blackjack during the exit of the joint service casket team from the Cathedral.

Old Guard Caisson Platoon PFC | Recalls Leading Restless Riderless Horse | JFK State Funeral

The then PFC Arthur "Andy" Carlson of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon recalls that the caparisoned horse "Blackjack" he led marching behind the President's casket "bout wore mah arm out." Now retired in his home state of 'Bama, the grandpappy Carlson speaks of how he and other retirees spend their days on the boating club outdoor deck "talking about times absolutely and totally verifiably true." :sneaky: "And drinking beer." Each Carlson and Nemuth were in their sixth month in their service ceremonial guard unit in the Nation's capital.

Funeral Drum Cadence Kennedy Funeral | March Up PA Ave | From White House To Capitol​


Indeed, and for the longest time even when I was a civilian again, almost any time someone would bring up the JFK state funeral, right away came "Ohh, those drums!" After I got to TOG in mid 1966 I happened to be talking with the Army Band Major who was in charge of percussion instruments and he itemized to me the several different kinds of drums that were in that formation. I had no clue there were so many different kinds of drums. Which is how we got such an unusual and penetrating sound on that day because they were all together in one drum platoon making their distinct and rarely assembled salient sound.

This video also provides some focused looks at the USN Ceremonial Guard Escort Company that marched perfectly ahead of the caisson. The Navy Guards also marched right in front of the Joint Chiefs. There are three religious leaders marching side by side, one Protestant, one Catholic and one Jewish.

Selected Comments That Are The Same In Every Comment:

**I wonder how many boys and girls from that day never forgot this cadence? I have remembered it my entire life. I was eight years old that day.

**I am 73. I could never get that cadence out of my mind. When I visit DC it comes back, even though I was at home in Atlanta when the funeral occurred.

**The rhythmic drum cadence....the clattering of horses’ hooves on Pennsylvania Avenue as the caisson and casket were being towed. I was 10 years old when all this happened and I’ve never forgotten it.

**60 years ago yesterday. Hearing this still gives me the chills.

**Today is 11/22/20 and I was thinking about my most vivid memory of that day and this was it. I'll never forget the drums and the riderless horse from that day.
JFK State Funeral | Monday Nov. 25, 1963 | Exit From St. Matthew's Cathedral

Riderless -Caparisoned Horse- Blackjack "Got spooked" on the first day of the state funeral

This video gives a view of the principals involved in managing the 450 pound JFK casket, the official flag of the Potus/C'nC and the caparisoned or riderless horse of the Caisson Platoon named Blackjack, which was the nickname Gen. Pershing's troops had for him as "Black Jack." Pershing was well known for equal treatment of Black Soldiers.

In the video we get close in views of the caisson horses and their riders. We're right on top of the then PFC Arthur Carlson of the Caisson Platoon who was assigned to manage the always Restless Blackjack. And there's Navy Seaman 2nd Class Eddie Nemuth from Jersey bearing the official flag of the Potus given JFK was a Navy LT in the Pacific during WW II. The contrast is stark between the totally calm Caisson horses and the displeased Blackjack during the exit of the joint service casket team from the Cathedral.

Horses are often "spooked" on public ceremonies:

Still no apology for interjecting Nazis at the Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's Holiday time away from hate and ugliness.

There seems to be a stubborn resistance against the proper course of action which is to be contrite.

Flippancy rules too I'm afraid. By posters who depend on and work off the creative work of others. For as long as a decade in a certain instance.
Still no apology for interjecting Nazis at the Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's Holiday time away from hate and ugliness.

There seems to be a stubborn resistance against the proper course of action which is to be contrite.

Flippancy rules too I'm afraid. By posters who depend on and work off the creative work of others. For as long as a decade in a certain instance.

The Filipino school has apologized.
Still no apology for interjecting Nazis at the Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's Holiday time away from hate and ugliness.

There seems to be a stubborn resistance against the proper course of action which is to be contrite.

Flippancy rules too I'm afraid. By posters who depend on and work off the creative work of others. For as long as a decade in a certain instance.

Creative work.....

You spam YouTube videos.
For as long as a decade in a certain instance.

That's 10 years.

Going for 11 years.

And beyond.
Remember how many Saudis where part of the plot. The same regime Trump sucked up to his last administration.
Be sure to enjoy your Holidays watching bloody horses fight one another.

During the Season of Peace and Goodwill.

On earth. Although not everyone on earth actually lives on earth.
Be sure to enjoy your Holidays watching bloody horses fight one another.

During the Season of Peace and Goodwill.

On earth. Although not everyone on earth actually lives on earth.

Fighting in a thread located in the MILITARY sub forum?

Not all military actions are marching to and fro....

Happy New Year all.
The New Year of 2025 will be the 11th consecutive year of it by a certain someone.

Who's now endorsing bloody horses fighting during the end of year Holiday Season of families, friends, neighbors, colleagues; old acquaintances. Then again there are always people in any society who can't think either properly or just plain right. People who are bent.
Army Maj-Gen Trevor Bredenkamp commanding the Carter State Funeral released today the specific times, places and participants of the formal joint service ceremonies in Washington.

On the Carter casket's arrival in Washington a joint service march of companies led by the Old Guard Caisson & Horse detail will march 7 blocks from the USN Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue via Constitution Avenue to the Capitol where the remains of the former president will lie in state under a joint service "Death Watch" by guards of honor.

Maj-Gen Bredenkamp is commanding general of the Joint Force - National Capital Region that assures the continuity of government in a national emergency.

TUESDAY, JAN. 7, 2025
Washington DC State Funeral
6 a.m. –
Lying in Repose in Atlanta concludes.

9:30 a.m. – A departure ceremony from the Carter Presidential Center.

10 a.m. – The motorcade departs for Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia.

10:40 a.m. – The late president and his family arrive at Dobbins Air Reserve Base and board Special Air Mission 39 after an arrival ceremony.

11:15 a.m. – Special Air Mission 39 departs for Washington. SAM 39 is a model of Air Force One.
12:45 p.m. – Special Air Mission 39 arrives at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, and Carter’s remains are transferred with ceremony to the hearse

1:15 p.m. –
The motorcade departs for the U.S. Navy Memorial at Memorial Plaza on Pennsylvania Avenue.

2 p.m. – The motorcade arrives at the U.S. Navy Memorial and Carter’s remains are transferred from a hearse to a horse drawn caisson with ceremony.

United States Navy Memorial Plaza

Memorial Plaza is midway between the U.S. Capitol and the White House and directly across from the National Archives on “America’s Main Street” of Pennsylvania Avenue. Millions of people visit the Memorial each year to reflect on their service, attend events, and pay tribute to the men and women of the Sea Services.

Memorial Plaza contains the largest map in the world, known as the “Granite Sea.” It is home to the iconic Lone Sailor statue, towering masts with signal flags, fountain pools, and 26 bronze sculptures depicting Navy history. Each year a Special Ceremony pours a pitcher of water from each of the 7 Seas into the fountain pools.

2:15 p.m. –
The funeral procession begins marching up to the U.S. Capitol via Pennsylvania Avenue, turning left onto Constitution Avenue past the Rayburn House Office Building.

2:40 p.m. – Upon arrival at the U.S. Capitol, the late president is carried up the stairs by military body bearers and into the Rotunda.

3 p.m. – Congress pays their respects during a service in the Rotunda.

3:45 p.m. – Carter begins lying in state while the military maintains a guard of honor. Lying in State occurs in the US Capitol only.

7 p.m. to midnight – Lying in state opens to the public.

Main State Funeral Procession

Main Funeral Procession
- Moves along Constitution Avenue.

Composition of Main Funeral Procession (in order of march):
  • Washington DC Motorcycle Police Wedge Escort
  • Military units, including federal service academies, Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, and military bands
  • Cortege – the segment of the main funeral procession in a state funeral that includes, in order of march:
    • Special Honor Guard - USN Ceremonial Guard Marching Company
    • Honorary pallbearers
    • National colors
    • Clergy
    • Caisson
    • Armed Forces body bearers
    • Presidential colors
    • Caparisoned horse
    • Family

USN Memorial Plaza is managed by the National Park Service and Rangers are on site to give tours.


Lone Sailor Statue At the USN Memorial In Washington DC | A Senior Second Class Petty Officer​

The Lone Sailor© statue took command of his place on the memorial October 13, 1987, during the dedication ceremony of United States Navy Memorial on 7th and Pennsylvania Ave. The celebration was held during the 212th birthday of the United States Navy.

The first Lone Sailor statue was created by sculptor Stanley Bleifeld and was funded through a national appeal to service members, veterans and friends of the Sea Services. There are 19 Lone Sailor statues at battle sites around the world, including this original at the Navy Memorial in Washington, DC.
Remember how many Saudis where part of the plot. The same regime Trump sucked up to his last administration.

The Saudis Trump "sucked up" to were the religious fanatics
They were the kind of people that Trump loves the most - the ones with $$$

Pres. George HW Bush's casket lands at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland​

Arrival Ceremony | Joint Force Guards - National Capital Region | AF Band​

3 Dec 2018 | Family Escorted By Maj.Gen. Allan M. Pepin​

Commanding General Joint Force - National Capital Region & CG State Funeral​

George H.W. Bush came back to Washington for a final time onboard Special Air Mission 39 which is another functional designation for Air Force One which as we know is also a designated ID. Former Potus Bush 41 was greeted by a Joint Service Ceremonial Guard detail and a 21 gun salute from the Presidential Salute Battery of The Old Guard that also fires the 21 gun salute at inaugurations of the Potus. The AF Band played Hail To The Chief and a hymn.

From Andrews he headed for the Capitol to lie in state as the nation paid tribute to the 41st president for a lifetime of service that began in the Navy during World War II. Due to his Naval service a Navy Ceremonial Guard Sailor carried the Flag of the President. Sent off with a formal departure ceremony from his beloved Texas with a 21-gun salute, Bush's casket was carried to Andrews Air Force Base outside the capital city aboard an aircraft that often serves as Air Force One.

The casket or body bearers were led by the Sergeant principal casket team leader of The Old Guard with the designated lead body bearer of each service premiere funerals company. The officer in charge is the casket bearers platoon leader lieutenant of The Old Guard premier casket bearers platoon among its companies. The casket team was rapid redeployed by a Navy helicopter from Andrews to the Capitol ahead of the funeral motorcade. The format and organization structure of the ceremonies for Jimmy Carter's state funeral in Washington will be the same.

President George H.W. Bush’s casket arrives at the U.S. Capitol | Hail To The Chief​

The Bush Family Declined a Horse Drawn Caisson March To The Capitol From the White House​

Carter's State Funeral Will Have A 7-Block Caisson March From the Navy Memorial To Capitol​

Carter of course was a grad of the Naval Academy which is a route of total disinterest by anyone in the Bush family. Indeed, Sen. John McCain the Annapolis grad is buried at the Naval Academy Cemetery. Gen. Schwartzkopf the West Point grad is buried at the USMA cemetery. And so on.

In this video we see a constant Navy problem of the wind blowing the caps off the heads of some Sailors in their ceremonial formation. In this instance it couldn't be more visible because the tall Sailor bearing the official Flag of the Potus loses his cap as soon as the body bearers are removing the casket from the hearse. In fact the Sailor places his feet apart to brace himself against the wind which only aggravated the disaster. "The wind" in this instance is indeed a constant blast that occasionally whips through East Capitol Street that we see in the video frame. E Capitol St. is between the Supreme Court and the main Library of Congress building and is a virtual straight line to the Baltimore Washington Parkway north. There are dayze when E Capitol St becomes a wind tunnel and this happened to be one of 'em. However, I didn't notice any other Guard lose their gourd. We know "stuff" happens and I'd say the chances were pretty good this Sailor was reassigned to stand guard outside Santa's house at the North Pole. And this "Ready Step" stuff by the casket bearers is for kindergarten only. Why not Simon Says instead. This is not encouraging I'm afraid.

While TOG Presidential Salute Battery fired the 21 gun salute at Andrews, the Navy Ceremonial Guard fired their 8" guns at the Capitol. The Army and the Navy are the only ceremonial guard units in Washington that have cannons used at ceremonies.

President Eisenhower: State Funeral in Washington D.C. 1969​


Watch as a procession of thousands of prestigious guests follow the state funeral of former US President General Dwight 'Ike' Eisenhower as he is transported through Washington D.C. to Washington Cathedral. I was there for this one as a participant doing Death Watch as OIC of one of four teams in the Capitol Rotunda, one hour each in rotation. It was very different from the JFK state funeral I attended to watch while at Princeton Army ROTC. The JFK death was a shock and a tragedy that was bewildering, while Americans accepted Ike's peaceful death and paid their respects accordingly.
Last edited:
The New Year of 2025 will be the 11th consecutive year of it by a certain someone.

Who's now endorsing bloody horses fighting during the end of year Holiday Season of families, friends, neighbors, colleagues; old acquaintances. Then again there are always people in any society who can't think either properly or just plain right. People who are bent.

Who are you speaking of as I haven't been endorsing bloody horses fighting.

Oh, and your last two posts are not 9/11 related.

On Tuesday the remains of Jimmy Carter will arrive at Andrews AFB aka Joint Base Andrews across the Maryland state line from Washington.

There will be an official arrival ceremony by troops of the Joint Task Force - National Capital Region with the US Air Force Official Band.

A dignified transfer of Carter's remains will be made from Special Air Mission 39 aka an Air Force One to a hearse by a Joint Service Casket Team of the premier casket bearer(s) of each armed service guard -- an Old Guard Sergeant is the casket team leader. Because Carter was in the Navy and is a grad of the USNA Annapolis, a ceremonial guard Sailor will bear the official flag of the President-Commander in Chief.

The funeral motorcade will proceed into the District to the US Navy Memorial on PA Ave where Carter's remains will be transferred onto the horse drawn caisson of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon and its Military Horsemen. As required, the dignified transfer and march begin within sight of the White House, which makes perfect Carter's Naval service, the situated Naval Memorial and the mandated proximity of the transfer within view of the WH.

Washington DC March Route of Caisson Led State Funeral Procession of Armed Forces Units, Joint Task Force - National Capital Region, Tuesday, Jan. 7th for the 39th President of the United States James Earl Carter Jr.

Principal marching units represented include cadets of the US Military Academy, the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Active Duty Ceremonial Guard Companies of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force & Space Force, Coast Guard. Selected National Guard & Reserve Units to include from Georgia, DC, Maryland and Virginia. U.S. Navy Band Washington DC. Caisson Casket Special Escort Company Marching In Front of Caisson By Navy Active Duty Ceremonial Guard. Procession is led by the Washington DC Police Marching Company. Source: Joint Task Force - National Capital Region

These are some of the Operational Rules as it were of the laws of a state funeral as commanded by the HQ JTF-NCR. These are but a few of the rules that apply to members of the media:

When media are on a ceremony site, there should be no talking and/or commentary from the moment the motorcade comes into view, throughout the ceremony, and until the motorcade/procession is out of camera sight.

If approved for a position, media organizations are required to submit additional information for U.S. Secret Service background checks. A state funeral is a Special National Security Event which places the Secret Service in charge of security.

Due to security restrictions, satellite trucks may be required to stage the day prior to a ceremony and must remain in-place until the conclusion of the ceremony.

When on a military installation, animals media are only permitted in designated areas and must be escorted by military personnel at all times.

The standard JTF-NCA casket team of each service and by joint service teams consists of 8 members. On a joint service team two each are from the Army, Marines, Navy while there is one each from the Air Force and the Coast Guard. At the funeral service of GHW Bush in 2018 the former Potus were seated side by side in the same row as Potus Trump: OB, Clinton, Carter with GW being in the family. None of 'em liked it ha. The Secret Service said having 'em together facilitated security.

The service representation on the joint service casket team is based on service seniority. So because Congress created the Army, then the Marines, then the Navy, each of 'em gets two. After all, Congress didn't create the Air Force until after WW II. Each service has its assigned position on the team btw, for all state funerals. On our left front to rear it's: Marine, AF, Navy, Army. On our right its: Army NCOIC, Navy, CG, Marine. The always Army OIC of TOG is at the rear.

The Coast Guard as we know, and that originally was assigned to the Department of the Treasury, currently is with Homeland Security. We know of course that in a time of declared war the CG is assigned to the DeptNavy. So it doesn't matter when the CG was established by Congress, which was in 1790. Actually the Army always has three members given the casket team officer in charge is always from the Army, The Old Guard premier casket bearer platoon leader among the regiment's companies, as is the TOG SGT casket team leader the premier casket team leader in the regiment.

The civilian senior official overseeing a state funeral is the Under Secretary of DoD for Personnel & Readiness.
View attachment 67549374

On Tuesday the remains of Jimmy Carter will arrive at Andrews AFB aka Joint Base Andrews across the Maryland state line from Washington.

There will be an official arrival ceremony by troops of the Joint Task Force - National Capital Region with the US Air Force Official Band.

A dignified transfer of Carter's remains will be made from Special Air Mission 39 aka an Air Force One to a hearse by a Joint Service Casket Team of the premier casket bearer(s) of each armed service guard -- an Old Guard Sergeant is the casket team leader. Because Carter was in the Navy and is a grad of the USNA Annapolis, a ceremonial guard Sailor will bear the official flag of the President-Commander in Chief.

The funeral motorcade will proceed into the District to the US Navy Memorial on PA Ave where Carter's remains will be transferred onto the horse drawn caisson of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon and its Military Horsemen. As required, the dignified transfer and march begin within sight of the White House, which makes perfect Carter's Naval service, the situated Naval Memorial and the mandated proximity of the transfer within view of the WH.

Washington DC March Route of Caisson Led State Funeral Procession of Armed Forces Units, Joint Task Force - National Capital Region, Tuesday, Jan. 7th for the 39th President of the United States James Earl Carter Jr.

View attachment 67549357
Principal marching units represented include cadets of the US Military Academy, the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Active Duty Ceremonial Guard Companies of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force & Space Force, Coast Guard. Selected National Guard & Reserve Units to include from Georgia, DC, Maryland and Virginia. U.S. Navy Band Washington DC. Caisson Casket Special Escort Company Marching In Front of Caisson By Navy Active Duty Ceremonial Guard. Procession is led by the Washington DC Police Marching Company. Source: Joint Task Force - National Capital Region

These are some of the Operational Rules as it were of the laws of a state funeral as commanded by the HQ JTF-NCR. These are but a few of the rules that apply to members of the media:

When media are on a ceremony site, there should be no talking and/or commentary from the moment the motorcade comes into view, throughout the ceremony, and until the motorcade/procession is out of camera sight.

If approved for a position, media organizations are required to submit additional information for U.S. Secret Service background checks. A state funeral is a Special National Security Event which places the Secret Service in charge of security.

Due to security restrictions, satellite trucks may be required to stage the day prior to a ceremony and must remain in-place until the conclusion of the ceremony.

When on a military installation, animals media are only permitted in designated areas and must be escorted by military personnel at all times.

The standard JTF-NCA casket team of each service and by joint service teams consists of 8 members. On a joint service team two each are from the Army, Marines, Navy while there is one each from the Air Force and the Coast Guard. At the funeral service of GHW Bush in 2018 the former Potus were seated side by side in the same row as Potus Trump: OB, Clinton, Carter with GW being in the family. None of 'em liked it ha. The Secret Service said having 'em together facilitated security.

View attachment 67549368
The service representation on the joint service casket team is based on service seniority. So because Congress created the Army, then the Marines, then the Navy, each of 'em gets two. After all, Congress didn't create the Air Force until after WW II. Each service has its assigned position on the team btw, for all state funerals. On our left front to rear it's: Marine, AF, Navy, Army. On our right its: Army NCOIC, Navy, CG, Marine. The always Army OIC of TOG is at the rear.

The Coast Guard as we know, and that originally was assigned to the Department of the Treasury, currently is with Homeland Security. We know of course that in a time of declared war the CG is assigned to the DeptNavy. So it doesn't matter when the CG was established by Congress, which was in 1790. Actually the Army always has three members given the casket team officer in charge is always from the Army, The Old Guard premier casket bearer platoon leader among the regiment's companies, as is the TOG SGT casket team leader the premier casket team leader in the regiment.

The civilian senior official overseeing a state funeral is the Under Secretary of DoD for Personnel & Readiness.

Never Forget: The Old Guard Remembers 9/11​


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