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Need to vent (NFL) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 11, 2017
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The double header Monday night season opener needs to end. Hardly anyone nationally watches the second game, those of us that have teams playing in it have their entire Tuesday ruined by the disrupted sleep schedule. And the worthless second tier hack crew can't even show important replays during the game - probably because they are groggy from being up so late.

Bad policy from the NFL - and it needs to end. Not only were ratings down over 35% from last year, but the second game draws 7.7 million viewers compared to 10.8 million for the first game. (SNF drew about 15 million and the season opener on Thursday drew about 22 million for prime time comparisons).

The last of the double header - the last "prime time" game - is a whopping pile of bovine feces.

And I am a Broncos fan (insert your joke here).
it's always been a test. they wanted to see if they could get more eyeballs with two games.

now, i will say that the people on the left coast probably like it more than me.
I don't watch the second game.
It probably would have done better ratings if there were two more popular teams.
Its not late for the West Coast. The Weezest Coast has lots of people. Stop being so east coast centric.
Its not late for the West Coast. The Weezest Coast has lots of people. Stop being so east coast centric.

You assume too much. I am not in the east or central time zone. Besides, regardless of how many people are on the west coast, the ratings year after year fail to compete with the other prime time games. Bad policy.
it's always been a test. they wanted to see if they could get more eyeballs with two games.

now, i will say that the people on the left coast probably like it more than me.
The two people in Hawaii who like to watch football love it, at least so I hear.
Back in the 70's I was on the east coast and Monday Night Football could be a bear to watch. Many, if not most, games went past midnight. Not many east coasters could stay up to see the end.
The two people in Hawaii who like to watch football love it, at least so I hear.
There are way more than that. It's very popular there. I was on Maui for last year's MIN/SEA game and the bar was PACKED with Seahawks fans. I work with a guy who spent most of his childhood in the islands and he confirmed that Seattle is a favorite, but there are also large segments that go for SF, and Oakland. Some even go as far inland as Denver. Sometimes it depends on hoe any of them are doing. But there are plenty of football fans in Hawaii.

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