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Nazis? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
“...., editor in chief of Russia Today, pontificated at length Saturday on pro-Kremlin NTV about the psychology of Germans during the Nazi era, arguing that any Ukrainian who resisted Russia must be a Nazi.
“Nazism is Nazism. That’s why we call this operation a special operation for denazification,” she said. “We don’t call them Nazis by accident.”
Simonyan added: “What makes you a Nazi is your bestial nature, your bestial hatred and your bestial willingness to tear out the eyes of children on the basis of nationality.”

Russia Today ( Rossiya Segodnya) is wholly-owned by the Kremlin. Margarita Simonyan is Editor-In-Chief of Rossiya Segodnya subsidiaries RT and Sputnik.

I suppose one could say she is Propagandist-In-Chief. Simonyan is one of only five people on Putin's political action committee.

In May 2016, she was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine by President Petro Poroshenko. In February 2022, Simonyan was included in the European Union sanctions list for promoting "a positive attitude to the annexation of Crimea and the actions of separatists in Donbas." She is barred from entering EU countries and any assets she owns in them are frozen. She is under financial sanctions and travel restrictions by the United States.

Invasion Nazis like Simonyan can't explain how Ukraine has a Jewish president.
“...., editor in chief of Russia Today, pontificated at length Saturday on pro-Kremlin NTV about the psychology of Germans during the Nazi era, arguing that any Ukrainian who resisted Russia must be a Nazi.
“Nazism is Nazism. That’s why we call this operation a special operation for denazification,” she said. “We don’t call them Nazis by accident.”
Simonyan added: “What makes you a Nazi is your bestial nature, your bestial hatred and your bestial willingness to tear out the eyes of children on the basis of nationality.”

Can't read because it's behind a paywall, but I will say this: Like every good lie, there's a sliver of truth behind it. Eastern Ukraine has been in something of a civil war for several years, and there were a handful of far-right neo-Nazi groups that joined to help the Ukrainian forces against the Russian separatists. Not unlike the Proud Boys vs Antifa here in the US, except that it was a hot war with AK-47s and grenades. Then a former leader of one of these groups who has renounced neo-Naziism was elected to a seat in Parliament. So now the entire Ukrainian government is full of neo-Nazis according to Putin.
Can't read because it's behind a paywall, but I will say this: Like every good lie, there's a sliver of truth behind it. Eastern Ukraine has been in something of a civil war for several years, and there were a handful of far-right neo-Nazi groups that joined to help the Ukrainian forces against the Russian separatists. Not unlike the Proud Boys vs Antifa here in the US, except that it was a hot war with AK-47s and grenades. Then a former leader of one of these groups who has renounced neo-Naziism was elected to a seat in Parliament. So now the entire Ukrainian government is full of neo-Nazis according to Putin.
It is a well-established truism that anything Putin claims of an opponent (and this is, in essence, a Putin claim) is projection.

He uses the term for two propaganda reasons: first, it has historical resonance - he fetishizes Stalin, and the heroes of the "great War" were fighting Nazis, notwithstanding they are all dead; and, it's a distraction from his own behavior. While not calling himself a Nazi/fascist, he behaves exactly like one, uses all their propaganda tropes and techniques, from suppression, to scapegoating, to the very language excusing the invasion.

He's the second coming of Hitler. Except for the language (Russian vs German) it would be hard to distinguish them in a blind test.
Who has the frickin 'bestial nature' here, bitch? Who is intentionally bombing residential streets, hospitals and shelters, leaving dead children and their parents laying in the streets? It's not Nazis, it's YOU.
Who has the frickin 'bestial nature' here, bitch? Who is intentionally bombing residential streets, hospitals and shelters, leaving dead children and their parents laying in the streets? It's not Nazis, it's YOU.

Yes, that’s why I posted it. Such an over-the-top statement.

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