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Navy readies for Chinese power grab on shipping (1 Viewer)

I couldn't disagree more. We're talking basic reading and writing ability here.
I couldn't disagree more. We're talking basic reading and writing ability here.

Public education prior to 1970 or so was different than it is today. Different philosophies, different levels of bureaucracy, different culture....different result.
When a democratic, republican or constitutional form of govt. become riven with factions they are likely to become extremist as each faction strives for supremacy in a winner takes all polity.

Sectarianism (or, at the extreme, separatism) is probably a better way to put it. I don't think "too many factions" is a common problem among functional parliamentary democracies, certainly not in the U.S. But even just two factions driven far enough apart can = trouble.
More politically involved =/= better educated/more intelligent, necessarily.

Less education indicates ignorance. A quality education unlocks potential. More education holds at least the possibility of understanding.
I strongly, strongly, disagree with your characterization. First of all my point is centered upon the premise that true democratic states, that have popular legitimacy, are far less prone to the excesses of extremism, and the actual carrying out of an extremist takeover. Beyond issues of general political and societal liberalization (in the behavioral sense) it is also practically more difficult since it has more moving parts that must be co-opted and a greater burden to be overcome. Whereas in an autocracy all it takes is a palace coup or any number of other possible options. Secondly comparing India to German 'Democracy' in the Weimar era shows, if you'll forgive me, either a deep misunderstanding of what was going on Germany or of what the situation is on contemporary India. The comparison is not valid.

Shows your ignorance and arrogance... Most dictatorships happen in western style democracies, and if you're looking for extremism in Hindu India then you only need to look as far back as the partition...
If you think "what happened in the Weimar Republic" is the reason for nazism then you have no idea at all how far proto-nazi ideology goes back in Germany... Apart from that, what is to stop the same happening in India ON A FAR LARGER SCALE..?

Shows your ignorance and arrogance... Most dictatorships happen in western style democracies, and if you're looking for extremism in Hindu India then you only need to look as far back as the partition...
If you think "what happened in the Weimar Republic" is the reason for nazism then you have no idea at all how far proto-nazi ideology goes back in Germany... Apart from that, what is to stop the same happening in India ON A FAR LARGER SCALE..?


Your right. I'm stymied.
Shows your ignorance and arrogance... Most dictatorships happen in western style democracies, and if you're looking for extremism in Hindu India then you only need to look as far back as the partition...
If you think "what happened in the Weimar Republic" is the reason for nazism then you have no idea at all how far proto-nazi ideology goes back in Germany... Apart from that, what is to stop the same happening in India ON A FAR LARGER SCALE..?


Little Brother,

Time to go to bed. Ne hoy fung gao.
Shows your ignorance and arrogance... Most dictatorships happen in western style democracies, and if you're looking for extremism in Hindu India then you only need to look as far back as the partition...
If you think "what happened in the Weimar Republic" is the reason for nazism then you have no idea at all how far proto-nazi ideology goes back in Germany... Apart from that, what is to stop the same happening in India ON A FAR LARGER SCALE..?


Contradiction of terms here... look around the world today... most dictatorships around the world are in Africa and Asia, hardly bastions of western-style democracy. In fact, dictatorship and western-style democracy can't co-exist within the same polity.

Whomever is President after 2012 better be ready to handle this growing concern in the Pacific region. Consider our allies like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, who we trade with.

What do you think the pivot to the Pacific is for?

We're trying to contain and press China as much as possible. They're a top tier economic threat. But we are actually going with policy that will probably engage them at some point. And it is because China is going to surpass us at current trajectory by 2016.

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