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NATO makes fun of Trump? (1 Viewer)

It's far past time: Europeans need to take the lead in their own defense.
It's far past time: Europeans need to take the lead in their own defense.
Why would we want that? European states have never been able to defend themselves even from each other.
It's far past time: Europeans need to take the lead in their own defense.
The point of NATO from the US point of view is that it is vitally important to US national security to secure Europe. Europe defending themselves misses the point of why the US helped establish NATO and why it is still vital.

Republicans used to understand foreign policy.

Amazing how ignorant the party has become.
The point of NATO from the US point of view is that it is vitally important to US national security to secure Europe. Europe defending themselves misses the point of why the US helped establish NATO and why it is still vital.

Republicans used to understand foreign policy.

Amazing how ignorant the party has become.

No, it's not vital to US national security in 2022 and beyond.

The Russians have been exposed. More importantly, the Military Industrial Complex, their lobbyists and partners, and media warmongers have been exposed for feeding Americans a steady diet of FEAR of these idiots.

We won the Cold War. Russia has lost to Ukraine. We don't need NATO in the US.
Why would we want that? European states have never been able to defend themselves even from each other.

Not our problem. Let them work it out.
It's far past time: Europeans need to take the lead in their own defense.

The less dependant the less an ally.
We don't defend the free world for others, we do it for us.

Understand how the world really works and why.

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