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National Park Service Announces Plan to Turn Abraham Lincoln Statue Around (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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As the Lincoln Memorial approaches its 100th anniversary in May of this year, the National Park Service has unveiled a proposal to ensure the preservation of the colossal statue of the nation’s 16th president well into its second century. Under a plan announced this morning, the seated marble figure of Abraham Lincoln would be rotated 180 degrees, so that the backside of the statue would face the colonnaded entrance to the memorial.

I wonder what this will cost?

There are two clues in the article

As the Lincoln Memorial approaches its 100th anniversary in May of this year, the National Park Service has unveiled a proposal to ensure the preservation of the colossal statue of the nation’s 16th president well into its second century. Under a plan announced this morning, the seated marble figure of Abraham Lincoln would be rotated 180 degrees, so that the backside of the statue would face the colonnaded entrance to the memorial.

I wonder what this will cost?

There are two clues in the article

According to the article, the measure is temporary.

Just IMO tho, most or all of this will end up being scrapped for a different plan.
LOL I did not forget that. The OP apparently did.
Given the lefties literally believe that men can become women we have to assume nothing is too crazy
I am relieved that the powers-that-be will let the statue remain there.

Some activists are not pleased with Mr. Lincoln.

They would probably like the statue to be shipped to a (private) museum.

Then they could replace his statue with a statue of one of their own heroes.
Given the lefties literally believe that men can become women we have to assume nothing is too crazy
A lot of us are waiting for men who aren't crazy.

As the Lincoln Memorial approaches its 100th anniversary in May of this year, the National Park Service has unveiled a proposal to ensure the preservation of the colossal statue of the nation’s 16th president well into its second century. Under a plan announced this morning, the seated marble figure of Abraham Lincoln would be rotated 180 degrees, so that the backside of the statue would face the colonnaded entrance to the memorial.

I wonder what this will cost?

There are two clues in the article

You have to read the entire post people.

Even the cloudy blurb down at the bottom????
It's April Fools Day people. I really hope you didn't fall for this.

I totally did, except that I knew it wouldnt actually ever be implemented!

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