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Name a new justice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
No reason Trump who is NOT a lame duck cant name a new justice now!!!!

If the democrats could run a lying dog and pony show impeachment in an election year, no reason President Trump can name and get a new justice on the SC!!!
I'd be fine with AOC.
No reason Trump who is NOT a lame duck cant name a new justice now!!!!

If the democrats could run a lying dog and pony show impeachment in an election year, no reason President Trump can name and get a new justice on the SC!!!

As usual, you seem horribly confused.

Nobody is saying Trump lacks the power to nominate a justice. They are instead talking about what craven lying scum the GOP is for inventing a pile of bull**** to justify preventing Obama from putting Garland on SCOTUS, and then turning around and inventing more bull**** to excuse themselves from honoring their earlier bulll**** so they can take another seat.
As usual, you seem horribly confused.

Nobody is saying Trump lacks the power to nominate a justice. They are instead talking about what craven lying scum the GOP is for inventing a pile of bull**** to justify preventing Obama from putting Garland on SCOTUS, and then turning around and inventing more bull**** to excuse themselves from honoring their earlier bulll**** so they can take another seat.

The Republicans held control of the Senate for the pick of Obama.....they were not going to confirm Obama's pick.....they do have the right to deny, huh? This time is NOT the same, as today we have a Republican President and a Republican majority in the Senate....it's not the same, but you will NEVER admit this, for you have a false talking point, and we all know it.
Obama was a lame duck!!!
Nobody is saying that Trump can't name a justice. He can.

Nobody is saying that President Biden and the Democrat majority Congress in response can't nuke the legislative filibuster. They can.

Nobody is saying that President Biden et. al. can't expand the Supreme Court by two, four, or six seats, and then pack it with liberal justices who will then reverse decades of poor conservative decisions from Citizens United to a host of voting rights and second Amendment nonsense. They can.
Why isn't Judge Judy on the list?? She would be GREAT! "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining! I wasn't born yesterday! I talkin' to you, Gorsuch!"
Why isn't Judge Judy on the list?? She would be GREAT! "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining! I wasn't born yesterday! I talkin' to you, Gorsuch!"

And that would be in the first paragraph of the first decision she'd write. You gotta warm everyone up first, then you can dive into the deep water after a page or two.
No reason Trump who is NOT a lame duck cant name a new justice now!!!!

If the democrats could run a lying dog and pony show impeachment in an election year, no reason President Trump can name and get a new justice on the SC!!!
My point exactly. In 2016 Obama was done for. There was no way he would be the president for a third term. We should have waited for the next president to to fill the SC vacancy and let voters decide the issue. This time around, there is about a 50/50 chance that the "next president" (using RGB's terminology) won't happen for four more years. Why should we wait four more years to fill a SC vacancy?
I love all of these new reasons.

Keep sifting through your poop. I'm sure you'll find more corn.
Why isn't Judge Judy on the list?? She would be GREAT! "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining! I wasn't born yesterday! I talkin' to you, Gorsuch!"
Judith Scheindlin was going to be my suggestion.
My vote is for Hugo Stiglitz

My point exactly. In 2016 Obama was done for. There was no way he would be the president for a third term. We should have waited for the next president to to fill the SC vacancy and let voters decide the issue. This time around, there is about a 50/50 chance that the "next president" (using RGB's terminology) won't happen for four more years. Why should we wait four more years to fill a SC vacancy?

Why would we have to wait 4 years? The election is in 2 months. If Trump wins, he can make his nomination. If not, the will of the people will have spoken.

For what its worth, though, it IS the precedent that the Republicans have set. See, before they pulled that stunt, presidents had a full term to utilize the responsibilities of the position. They are the reason that a president gets kneecapped at 3.5 years now....you know, just in case.

They won't adhere to thier precedent, of course, but the reality is that they should and they damned well know it.
Why would we have to wait 4 years? The election is in 2 months. If Trump wins, he can make his nomination. If not, the will of the people will have spoken.

For what its worth, though, it IS the precedent that the Republicans have set. See, before they pulled that stunt, presidents had a full term to utilize the responsibilities of the position. They are the reason that a president gets kneecapped at 3.5 years now....you know, just in case.

They won't adhere to thier precedent, of course, but the reality is that they should and they damned well know it.

Of course, they should stick to the standard that they swore up and down was the standard, but now Trump supporters, suddenly smacked in the face by wisdom about the political world, will tell you that we were naive ever to believe that that was the actual standard, and that the true standard has always been, "If you can do anything to win, you should do it."

Which is really just fine by me, because when Biden and the Democratic Senate take over, we will use precisely that standard when we nuke the legislative filibuster, expand the Supreme Court, and reverse decades of conservative decisions.

In short, conservatives, buy your guns now.

And when they squeal about tyranny and how Democrats have truly lowered the bar and are morally despicable and so on and so forth, throwing themselves down the stairs, walking back up the stairs, and throwing themselves down the stairs again, we can say, "Pigeons. Roost," and leave them the rest of their lives to solve that riddle.

We're lucky that they're short-sighted and emotional. They are not a strategic people.
Why would we have to wait 4 years? The election is in 2 months. If Trump wins, he can make his nomination. If not, the will of the people will have spoken.

For what its worth, though, it IS the precedent that the Republicans have set. See, before they pulled that stunt, presidents had a full term to utilize the responsibilities of the position. They are the reason that a president gets kneecapped at 3.5 years now....you know, just in case.

They won't adhere to thier precedent, of course, but the reality is that they should and they damned well know it.
Because Trump is already president. He isn't going to be the "next president". If Trump wins he won't be president number 46. We would have to wait four more years until the "next president". In Obama's case in 2016 there was no way he was going to be the "next president", or president at all, because his two terms were up.
Because Trump is already president. He isn't going to be the "next president". If Trump wins he won't be president number 46. We would have to wait four more years until the "next president". In Obama's case in 2016 there was no way he was going to be the "next president", or president at all, because his two terms were up.

You do realize that we have an election in less than 8 weeks, right?

The will of the people had spoken in 2012, and Obama was granted another 4 year term....not 3.5, but a full 4.

By the rationale of the Republicans, Trump is just as lame duck as Obama was at this point, since there is a chance he might not win reelection. Since that is the case, its possible we could have the "next president" in less than 8 weeks.
Why would we have to wait 4 years? The election is in 2 months. If Trump wins, he can make his nomination. If not, the will of the people will have spoken.

For what its worth, though, it IS the precedent that the Republicans have set. See, before they pulled that stunt, presidents had a full term to utilize the responsibilities of the position. They are the reason that a president gets kneecapped at 3.5 years now....you know, just in case.

They won't adhere to thier precedent, of course, but the reality is that they should and they damned well know it.
They can Spin anything. That's why they like liars so much.
My point exactly. In 2016 Obama was done for. There was no way he would be the president for a third term. We should have waited for the next president to to fill the SC vacancy and let voters decide the issue. This time around, there is about a 50/50 chance that the "next president" (using RGB's terminology) won't happen for four more years. Why should we wait four more years to fill a SC vacancy?
If trump wins he will be a lame duck as well.
The Republicans held control of the Senate for the pick of Obama.....they were not going to confirm Obama's pick.....they do have the right to deny, huh? This time is NOT the same, as today we have a Republican President and a Republican majority in the Senate....it's not the same, but you will NEVER admit this, for you have a false talking point, and we all know it.
Amen, Bro :)

I tend to think that's all that need be said

But ..sigh

That won't b all that's said

That we know
As a liberal, I want him to nominate and the Senate to confirm a new Justice as soon as possible.

Before the election is much better than after, but both are good.

Well, Trump supporters, you have your marching orders.

You agree with me. So hop to. And make it snappy.
You do realize that we have an election in less than 8 weeks, right?

The will of the people had spoken in 2012, and Obama was granted another 4 year term....not 3.5, but a full 4.

By the rationale of the Republicans, Trump is just as lame duck as Obama was at this point, since there is a chance he might not win reelection. Since that is the case, its possible we could have the "next president" in less than 8 weeks.
Ginsburg herself said she wanted us to wait for the "next president". If Trump wins he won't be the next president so this election is moot. Come to me in 2024 with these same circumstances and you might have a point. We may have to wait four more years until the election for president number 46. It isn't up to RGB to decide. In any event, the rules are quite clear. The president picks a nominee to fill a supreme court vacancy and the Senate votes to confirm. It's really that simple. The rules don't state anything about being close to election time. It's always just sour grapes from the other side. In 2016 things went down the way they went down because we were following the Constitution, even if the left didn't like the way it was done. Obama could have nominated a staunch conservative back then to replace Scalia and Republicans would have confirmed them. Obama knew that the Senate votes on his nominee.
No reason Trump who is NOT a lame duck cant name a new justice now!!!!

If the democrats could run a lying dog and pony show impeachment in an election year, no reason President Trump can name and get a new justice on the SC!!!
Merrick Garland

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