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NAACP: Kanye West is a 'voter-suppression' tactic (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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President of the NAACP describes Kanye West's campaign as 'a voter-suppression method because it is put in place to mislead voters'

Johnson argued that the campaign by Kanye West "is a voter-suppression method because it is put in place to mislead voters."


Derrick Johnson became president of the NAACP during President Trump's first year in office, and he's not sure he would survive another four-year term. In an interview with Business Insider, Johnson spoke about voter suppression and how his civil rights organization plans to fight it; Kanye West's pseudo-campaign for the White House; and why he thinks the upcoming election is a matter of life and death for African Americans — one that could also determine whether democracy persists in the United States.
Davis:That's voter suppression. Are you at all concerned about voter siphoning? And what I mean by that is that it now seems increasingly obvious that the Kanye West campaign, if it's not merely a vanity campaign, is being helped by Republican operatives (and he's met with members of the White House) and did not deny that his campaign could be a a spoiler. Do you think that could work, or do you think it could actually backfire? Because some polls suggest that Kanye West actually pulls more support from Trump voters.

Johnson:One, we see this as a voter-suppression method because it is put in place to mislead voters. Two, this is just one of many tactics that we've seen in the past, and we anticipate to see new and emerging tactics. Elections are won by [fractions of] a percent, and we expect that this administration and those individuals who are aligned with it will do all they can to siphon off as many voters as possible, either by misdirecting who they vote for or suppressing their ability to cast a ballot.

RNC operatives are assisting Kanye West with qualifying for a ballot position in some states. Even so, West has no mathematical possibility of collecting enough EC votes to win the election.

Kanye West has one task: To siphon votes from the Biden/Harris ticket. So yes, in an indirect way he is acting as a GOP Democrat-vote-suppression tactic.
We already know this, Republicans are all for it anyway.

But the harshest of truth be told, if someone out there was legitimately going to vote for Kenye West and mean it then it speaks volumes about that person (as well as start to explain the many things that are wrong with this nation.)
Well not so much "suppression" as much as "division". True. And I think it has certainly been coming to light that Kushner has been involved and likely there are others pushing him to run. He's missed out on several ballots already, I think he may mathematically be unable to win. But split the vote, it's what they want, it's what they need. I do not put it past them.

But two can play that game. The DNC should really be pushing Jorgensen into the national spotlight. Maybe throwing some campaign dollars and national TV coverage her way. :mrgreen:
I don't think even kanye's fans think he's qualified to be president...because of his mental condition.

"....In a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, West garnered 2 percent support overall among registered voters, 7 points behind the “no opinion” option. His support among African American voters is just as meager — 2 percent — and Biden’s 9-point national lead over Trump is unmoved with or without West on the ballot.

“I think a lot of people of color view Kanye’s bid for the presidency as a quixotic one, and they don’t see him as being legitimate for the office. It’s more of yet another Kanye publicity stunt,” said Ron Christie, a Black Republican strategist and former aide to Dick Cheney. "Democrats traditionally get 90-plus percent of the black vote. I think a lot of people are going to look at Kanye and just say, ‘I don’t think so.’”

Kanye flops among Black voters - POLITICO

Republicans must think Black voters are stupid.
LOL. West tells people to go out and vote. Is accused of voter suppression.

Ladies and gentlemen, your modern Democratic party.
President of the NAACP describes Kanye West's campaign as 'a voter-suppression method because it is put in place to mislead voters'

Johnson argued that the campaign by Kanye West "is a voter-suppression method because it is put in place to mislead voters."


RNC operatives are assisting Kanye West with qualifying for a ballot position in some states. Even so, West has no mathematical possibility of collecting enough EC votes to win the election.

Kanye West has one task: To siphon votes from the Biden/Harris ticket. So yes, in an indirect way he is acting as a GOP Democrat-vote-suppression tactic.

He'll mostly get people to vote for him that otherwise would not have voted at all.
There are too many pictures of Kanye sporting a MAGA hat at trump rallies for him to pull anything but conservative votes.

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