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Muslims for Assimilation (as long as you fall in with them of course)! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
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Political Leaning
More bellyaching from the bigots:

Tory MP refuses to meet Muslim women wearing Burkas | Mail Online

If me and my mates moved to a foreign land and tried to conduct business with our new masters in constant disguise, we'd expect to cop some flak for it.

In this country it's considered rude to cover yourself up when talking to people. Just as it's rude to complain when your local MP needs to know he's talking to who they say he is.

(And there are also various security issues to consider; but no, as long as the bullheaded arrogance is satiated, nothing else matters!)

Respecting peoples' cultural values is one thing. But when it comes to yet another unreasonable whinge from the usual quarters that everyone must revolve the world around them alone, it's very difficult to sympathise with folk who wish to close themselves off whilst calling for others to do all the running.

Not all Muslims wear the full Darth Vader outfit. And when it suits them, cocksure Muslims are rarely slow to tell us that wearing the bell tent is NOT an ordinance from the Koran. So that means they can show some manners and their faces with those they wish to help them, and blimmin' well remember where they are!


Mind, we could always compromise if they're too stubborn to show their faces......



All I ask is for sanity.......

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Do you support Mr Hollobone's attempts to get it banned?
Well, after that incident in the camera shop and having to face that embarassment at the magistrates court, I think I'd better.

I thought she was one of those retro things, just like they make those old-looking record players again!


We've been here before ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europe/66007-jack-straw-wont-risk-muslim-wrath-ii.html

Muslim women can be double the victims of Islam as we are and I don't like Islamisation: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europe/71554-belgian-burkha-ban-only-30-women.html#post1058719953

The burka/niquab isn't just a piece of religious cloth. In the wrong hands it's both a tool of oppression over the 'lower' Muslims and an aloof symbol of superiority over the 'pigs and apes' infidels. Ban it.
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Well, after that incident in the camera shop and having to face that embarassment at the magistrates court, I think I'd better.

I thought she was one of those retro things, just like they make those old-looking record players again!


We've been here before ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europe/66007-jack-straw-wont-risk-muslim-wrath-ii.html

Muslim women can be double the victims of Islam as we are and I don't like Islamisation: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europe/71554-belgian-burkha-ban-only-30-women.html#post1058719953

The burka/niquab isn't just a piece of religious cloth. In the wrong hands it's both a tool of oppression over the 'lower' Muslims and an aloof symbol of superiority over the 'pigs and apes' infidels. Ban it.
Are you wanting to ban hoodies, too?
Hmmmm...... Not damn bad!

Though it's not just the clothes as what they mean. The 'ringleaders' of the more overt hoodies are also demanding and petulant. And also generally protected by crackpot liberals who think that they just need 'care' or a ban on people criticising them to make them sociable.

Don't call them 'hoodie scum', police tell victim who complained about yobs | Mail Online

'Hoodies, louts, scum': how media demonises teenagers - Home News, UK - The Independent


Mind you, I wouldn't mind seeing louts receive a Sharia-style thrashing though. Just for five minutes, we could let the pro-Sharia Muslims loose on our street creatures if the liberals say we really must give them what they want!

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-- If me and my mates moved to a foreign land and tried to conduct business with our new masters in constant disguise, we'd expect to cop some flak for it


Respecting peoples' cultural values is one thing. But when it comes to yet another unreasonable whinge from the usual quarters that everyone must revolve the world around them alone, it's very difficult to sympathise with folk who wish to close themselves off whilst calling for others to do all the running--

Have you ever visited an ex-pat club in a foreign country?

I'm not likening British ex-pats in Nigeria or Kenya or any of the other places I've lived with muslim women wearing a full body outfit in England but you'll find refusal to integrate and refusal to modify behaviour in order to respect the cultural values of the home nation is not just a muslim immigrant thing.

I've always found foreign oil-workers in Africa the worst, they get a huge UK untaxed salary, have a daily living allowance that most natives could live on and feed a family for a year and are some of the nastiest andn most arrogant people in the world.

In terms of (lack of) manners and respect for a migrant's workplace - a woman in a burkha is nothing compared to how offensive a drunk leery ex-pat in his exclusive drinking club in another country.

I expect you'll find similar views by Greeks and Spaniards about a lot of English either on holiday in their country.

Mind, we could always compromise if they're too stubborn to show their faces......


Just not my type of thing, yuk. I don't find such clothing attractive or appealing but I also don't think they should dress in any way for my eyes or tastes. Choice of clothing is a personal thing except in an office or branch of Govt.
Hmmmm...... Not damn bad!

Though it's not just the clothes as what they mean. The 'ringleaders' of the more overt hoodies are also demanding and petulant. And also generally protected by crackpot liberals who think that they just need 'care' or a ban on people criticising them to make them sociable.

Don't call them 'hoodie scum', police tell victim who complained about yobs | Mail Online

'Hoodies, louts, scum': how media demonises teenagers - Home News, UK - The Independent


Mind you, I wouldn't mind seeing louts receive a Sharia-style thrashing though. Just for five minutes, we could let the pro-Sharia Muslims loose on our street creatures if the liberals say we really must give them what they want!

So in fact, it's nothing to do with the clothing. It's you targeting a section of society who dress differently from you and trying to enact a law which forces them to abide by your cultural norms.

If there's a good reason, in a certain situation, for someone to show their face - then ask them to show their face. Otherwise, get over your own sense of self-importance, realise that not everyone has the same viewpoint as you, and get on with your life; and let them get on with theirs.

Kudos to the Conservatives for not agreeing with you.
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I expect you'll find similar views by Greeks and Spaniards about a lot of English either on holiday in their country.

We know people like the Greeks can't stand us because the louts and other youngsters who go to Ibiza are noisy, spread disease, cause antisocial behaviour and make no effort to actually interact with people. So much so that local politicians make much hay with promises of crackdowns. (Though if they set up holiday resorts whose prime attractions are very loud discos playing retarded electronic noise, what else do they expect to attract?)

Difference seems to me that whilst foreign hosts aren't slow to moan and want to see things changed, we pander to the foreign bad behaviour we get. This burka thing comes on top of everything else don't forget.

So in fact, it's nothing to do with the clothing. It's you targeting a section of society who dress differently from you and trying to enact a law which forces them to abide by your cultural norms.

It's both. Not all women want to wear the burka but feels crushed by convention and their overbearing husbands. (That's probably why Muslims think pigs are disgusting - bit too much like looking in the mirror for some of the brutes I've read about.)

As Muslims themselves claim, there's nothing in Islam ordering women to wear the burka. And if increasingly bombastic Muslims make hay causing a rumpus when even left wing politicians make the reasonable assumption that they should see who they're speaking with, they should have it removed. (So to speak!)

__________________________________________________ _________

Don't make the obnoxious supremacist teacher remove her Dark Side costume... IT'S NOT BRITISH, eh Tory Party?!

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It's both. Not all women want to wear the burka but feels crushed by convention and their overbearing husbands. (That's probably why Muslims think pigs are disgusting - bit too much like looking in the mirror for some of the brutes I've read about.)

As Muslims themselves claim, there's nothing in Islam ordering women to wear the burka. And if increasingly bombastic Muslims make hay causing a rumpus when even left wing politicians make the reasonable assumption that they should see who they're speaking with, they should have it removed. (So to speak!)
I'm not even going to comment on the pigs, ass we're not in the basement right now.

If you feel it's bad that some people are being forced to wear it, but accept that other people want to wear it, you are being a tad hypocritical by forcing no-one to wear it.
Not altogether. As I say, it's a symptom of institutional Islamic supremacism from without, so must be resisted on principle. And if those on the Left take the same attitude with Christian totems and traditions inherent in the very native culture, then there's no reason I should be disbarred from from pronouncing judgment on the insolent.

What's more, if your wanting to wear a disguise extends to refusing to unmask yourself when required then you've overstepped your bounds and must be corrected. You don't get this constant 'I want, me me' bombardment from the Jews or Hindus.

I'm not even going to comment on the pigs, ass we're not in the basement right now.

So you don't think it's valid for me to consider the likes of Abu Hamza or Anjem Choudary as the firebrand pigs they are? Well well well, might raise a question would that.
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Not altogether. As I say, it's a symptom of institutional Islamic supremacism from without, so must be resisted on principle. And if those on the Left take the same attitude with Christian totems and traditions inherent in the very native culture, then there's no reason I should be disbarred from from pronouncing judgment on the insolent.
I don't think a cross should be banned, unless all jewelery is (as is often the case in 'cross-banning' stories). I'm not sure you'd be too proud of modelling your own views on what you consider the Left to want, either...

What's more, if your wanting to wear a disguise extends to refusing to unmask yourself when required then you've overstepped your bounds and must be corrected. You don't get this constant 'I want, me me' bombardment from the Jews or Hindus.
I can sympathise with this - I think it's a sign of personal insecurity that you feel uncomfortable talking to someone in a burqa, but I don't particularly disagree with asking people to take it off.
For an MP, though, you'd think that he'd show a little more open-mindedness.

So you don't think it's valid for me to consider the likes of Abu Hamza or Anjem Choudary as the firebrand pigs they are? Well well well, might raise a question would that.
What I consider invalid - and offensive, frankly - is your implication that all Muslims look like pigs, and your utter insensitivity to any culture but your own.
@ Republic -- You're one angry guy! ;-) I think your one point about doing business in a country holds water very well. American businessmen take all kinds of cultural sensitivity courses before they try to do business anywhere in the Middle East. Even to the point of eating live monkey brains if they're offered. So why can't Middle Easterners respect our values?
....your implication that all Muslims look like pigs....

You wish. Let's not get paranoid or pull things from backsides here.

You're one angry guy!

Baby, I'm having a ball!
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