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Murray's Pomade (1 Viewer)

Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Geelong, Australia
Political Leaning
Here in Australia we are lucky to get Murray's Pomade. Great stuff for styling your hair, gravity defying! Thing is does anyone have any good tips on getting the stuff out of your hair.

I know that the stuff is meant to stay in your hair, but every now and then you need to to get it out on command. It would be great to hear your tips.

And if anyone has good tips on applying the pomade, because it can be a real SOB to work with at times. :mrgreen:
Australianlibertarian said:
Here in Australia we are lucky to get Murray's Pomade. Great stuff for styling your hair, gravity defying! Thing is does anyone have any good tips on getting the stuff out of your hair.

I know that the stuff is meant to stay in your hair, but every now and then you need to to get it out on command. It would be great to hear your tips.

And if anyone has good tips on applying the pomade, because it can be a real SOB to work with at times. :mrgreen:

Has it been that light of a news day down under?...:2wave:
Australianlibertarian said:
Here in Australia we are lucky to get Murray's Pomade. Great stuff for styling your hair, gravity defying! Thing is does anyone have any good tips on getting the stuff out of your hair.

I know that the stuff is meant to stay in your hair, but every now and then you need to to get it out on command. It would be great to hear your tips.

And if anyone has good tips on applying the pomade, because it can be a real SOB to work with at times. :mrgreen:

Try this


This stuff is a bitch. I worked in a hair salon in the late '80s, Murray's became really popular then and we had the same problem. USE IT SPARINGLY, then wash with a clarifying shampoo. But if you've been using it heavily and regularly for a while now you may have to use the "melting technique" specified in the link - use a fine tooth comb. Good luck with that, I don't envy you.

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