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MTG Hearing on Ballot Eligibility (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 19, 2013
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Political Leaning

If anyone is interested in watching the Marjorie Taylor Greene Hearing on eligibility to be on the ballot.


If anyone is interested in watching the Marjorie Taylor Greene Hearing on eligibility to be on the ballot.

So far this is what I'm getting from mtg. I don't remember, I don't recall, I have no memory of anything at all.
A truly silly court case that is going NO where fast!!
A truly silly court case that is going NO where fast!!
Uh huh. She's getting the boot. Her and her lawyers double talk gobbledygook isn't going to work. She can't remember anything, I know that's what I want in a representative.

She's lying and it's very obvious. She can deny all she wants but that doesn't make her comments and tweets go away.
How can anyone want this brain dead clown to represent them.
Is it possible that she’s lying? Is I don’t recall the new 5th Amendment?
Is it possible to prove that she does recall? I mean how can anyone forget so much & dress themselves?

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