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MSNBC... another partisan joke of a news organization (1 Viewer)


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Jun 3, 2010
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I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?
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I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?

I think it is necessary. GE, the parent company needs to be in good standing with Obama. They have a financial group that almost ( and still might) take down the whole company. They have a look of divisions that are involved in medical, defense/ aerospeace and green technology. So it seems to me ( perhaps I am wrong) that this is a way to curry favor with this administration. If I am not mistaken some of their moderators came from the failed air america station.

So I think this is a business decision not a journalistic one.
I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?

So there was nothing wrong with the Documentary -- the commercials for a Chris Mathews show bothered you. Did you watch the show with an open mind? Or just condemn it at face value.

MSNBC is counter programming to FOX. Hardly a revelation. IMO both are right 50% of the time.
The media at large & especially the "Network" types have been "in the tank for the liberal left" for many years....only since talk radio became popular & Fox came into being has the Conservative Movement had a voice. Had the media performed as they are supposed to, asked the questions, did the research of candidates as they have in the past, compared the words to the actions, we would not currently have the President we now have. They have instead tossed aside their moral compass and embraced the liberal agenda they have so long supported.

I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?
hezelnut- thow show airs tonight i think, the documentary i was watching was about utah state prisons. if you saw the commercials you would understand, there were quite ignorant and offensive.
I think it is necessary. GE, the parent company needs to be in good standing with Obama. They have a financial group that almost ( and still might) take down the whole company. They have a look of divisions that are involved in medical, defense/ aerospeace and green technology. So it seems to me ( perhaps I am wrong) that this is a way to curry favor with this administration. If I am not mistaken some of their moderators came from the failed air america station.

So I think this is a business decision not a journalistic one.

Actually a lot of pressure for MSNBC to have a liberal lean is from Microsoft (aka the MS in MSNBC).
I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?

A couple of tips for you that I have found to relieve my high blood pressure. NEVER watch msnbc, and mute all commercials regardless of what channel you are watching. Muteing commercials really annoys my wife too, so thats another plus.
Actually a lot of pressure for MSNBC to have a liberal lean is from Microsoft (aka the MS in MSNBC).
According to Wikipedia Microsoft has only !8% share in stock as of December 23, 2005. I think the reason they lean left is because they realize they couldn't outdo the FNC on the right. Remember they tried Michael Savage and got burned by him.
You should pray on it...

I really hate watching the news on TV... but the other day there was nothing on so I was watching a show on MSNBC about Utah State Prisons, kind of like a documentary about it. Obviously there was nothing wrong with the show I was watching, but the commercials were rediculous. There was an advertisement for a Chris Matthews show about "The Rise of the New Right" and it portrayed the Tea Party as some terrorist military organization. The footage of the "Tea Party" folks was that of people firing rifles and wearing camoflauge, it was complete BS and total fearmongering. The 2nd ammendment is probably MSNBCs most hated law of the land, and the Tea Party is their most hated group, but is that total partisan reporting neccessary?

MSNBC is merely a response to the success of Fox News. Hardball is an honestly opinion-based show.

The partisanship displayed here is no different than Fox.

So if it's "partisan reporting" you're offended by, then I suppose you're offended by the same things occurring on both sides?
MSNBC is merely a response to the success of Fox News. Hardball is an honestly opinion-based show.

The partisanship displayed here is no different than Fox.

So if it's "partisan reporting" you're offended by, then I suppose you're offended by the same things occurring on both sides?

Everyone knows both stations are biased, it's just too bad CNN is so boring! I don't think you can compare MSNBC's bias to FNC though, it's like comparing a kiwi to a grapefruit. Fox is just so shameless in their partisan hackery, from the words ("some people say Obama may be a muslim"), the stories, the selection of weak and unknown liberals to fulfill their fair and balanced facade. I just can't honestly believe that some people think they are a bastion of truth.
Everyone knows both stations are biased, it's just too bad CNN is so boring! I don't think you can compare MSNBC's bias to FNC though, it's like comparing a kiwi to a grapefruit. Fox is just so shameless in their partisan hackery, from the words ("some people say Obama may be a muslim"), the stories, the selection of weak and unknown liberals to fulfill their fair and balanced facade. I just can't honestly believe that some people think they are a bastion of truth.

You are started off well, then fell off in my view. There are people on BOTH stations that for me are impossible to listen to. Beck, Hannity on one network. But Olberman, Maddow and to a large extent Chris ( tingle up my leg) Matthews on the other. I may have left some out I don't see but these types of screamers and in my view distorters are very hard to listen to.
Oh, I agree. I can't stand Olbermann or Matthews' pompous posturing, all i'm saying is that FNC are veterans at this sort of thing. MSNBC is more of a reaction to their success, but they still have the elements of a non-partisan agenda during the day. To me, Fox only has a scant few hours during the daily broadcasts that I could call un-biased. Hell, I was watching this morning on Fox & Friends and Dana Parino was hosting! I can't wait for Karl Rove to jump the shark and get his own show, Palin did.
Oh, I agree. I can't stand Olbermann or Matthews' pompous posturing, all i'm saying is that FNC are veterans at this sort of thing. MSNBC is more of a reaction to their success, but they still have the elements of a non-partisan agenda during the day. To me, Fox only has a scant few hours during the daily broadcasts that I could call un-biased. Hell, I was watching this morning on Fox & Friends and Dana Parino was hosting! I can't wait for Karl Rove to jump the shark and get his own show, Palin did.

Don't watch that stuff during the day much so I really can't comment.
A couple of tips for you that I have found to relieve my high blood pressure. NEVER watch msnbc, and mute all commercials regardless of what channel you are watching. Muteing commercials really annoys my wife too, so thats another plus.
I invented a game to play with the remote when I'm bored. When Hardball, Maddow, Olbermann, or the Ed show is on MSNBC I fick to that channel until someone bashes Bush, Cheney,Palin,Rush,Hannity,Beck or the tea party, then I switch to Fox for a few minutes then back to MSNBC until it happens again. Needless to say my remote gets a workout and I mostly watch Fox.
Inevitable that they will bash the right, so your thumb should get quite a work out...be sure to change hands often also so the thumbs do not become over developed, one to the other....and your right , if the wife gets irked that is a bonus.
A couple of tips for you that I have found to relieve my high blood pressure. NEVER watch msnbc, and mute all commercials regardless of what channel you are watching. Muteing commercials really annoys my wife too, so thats another plus.
that moderator, joe scarborough, former republican congressman, whose pregnant staffer's murder is unsolved and never spoken of
always using his MSNBC position to promote the democrats' political activities ... only never in a good light
name the show after the republican, even. how partisan of msnbc
Actually a lot of pressure for MSNBC to have a liberal lean is from Microsoft (aka the MS in MSNBC).

Microsoft owns but 18% of the network. They are not dictating content. It is also absurd to think that GE dictates content for some type of political benefit. MSNBC has found a nice niche that counters Fox. Its business.
Microsoft owns but 18% of the network. They are not dictating content. It is also absurd to think that GE dictates content for some type of political benefit. MSNBC has found a nice niche that counters Fox. Its business.

Not very good business looking at the ratings. Why would you think that there is not political motive, this would be a way for GE to push a bunch of bucks to the dems. They have a huge interest in green tech, medical and defense, So the government supports billions of revenue dollars for GE.
The media at large & especially the "Network" types have been "in the tank for the liberal left" for many years....only since talk radio became popular & Fox came into being has the Conservative Movement had a voice. Had the media performed as they are supposed to, asked the questions, did the research of candidates as they have in the past, compared the words to the actions, we would not currently have the President we now have. They have instead tossed aside their moral compass and embraced the liberal agenda they have so long supported.

Moral compass? Pray tell. Research on the candidates? Whatcha talkin' bout?

This whole media bias thing has gotten old. It wears like a leisure suit. Perhaps 10-20 years ago there was a distinct media bias and it served, perhaps, to unduly influence people. That was before Rush and AM talk radio (which is virtually all conservative); the fragmentation of the television news through 200 cable channels and the proliferation of Internet access. Now people can pretty much hear what they want to hear / watch what they want to watch/ read what they want to read. Not only are people rarely challenged by dissenting opinion; they are pretty much programmed to think every that does not think like they do is evil.... or lacking a moral compass.

Sorry, but dissent and opposing views is the very thing that makes America great. The whole idea of our system is about the voice of the people... all opinions are to be heard, and through compromise, great ideas can become policy. This whole idea of one side playing power and ramming something down the throats of the other side; or one side adopting a policy of obstruction rather than engaging in the debate, and the electorate thinking that this is all ok; well, that is the lost moral compass
You don't have to be #1 in the ratings (or in any market) to have a great business. The whole idea of being a niche player is to find a segment you can own. Whole Foods, for example, has a great niche.... they will never be Kroger. They don't want to be.

MSNBC owns the liberal segment. While liberals are generally are not the couch potatoes of the other side (hence they are going to be a smaller audience than is available for Fox), they typically have pretty good demographics. Moreover, it appears that MSNBC operates with lower production costs than Fox.

They have stuck with this niche a long time. I can deduce from that they are doing fine.
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They MIGHT have found a nice niche, but since MSNBC was before Fox, and Fox has exceeded MSNBC's ratings by far, perhaps MSNBC chose the wrong niche.....I'm sure they would much rather have Fox's ratings than their own....

Microsoft owns but 18% of the network. They are not dictating content. It is also absurd to think that GE dictates content for some type of political benefit. MSNBC has found a nice niche that counters Fox. Its business.
You can ".....deduce from that they are doing fine." There production costs HAVE TO BE LOWER, they cannot afford anything else as their revenue from advertising is at the bottom of the scale. as opposed to Fox, which is at the top of the scale.....as a business owner I would prefer the later rather than the former.

You don't have to be #1 in the ratings (or in any market) to have a great business. The whole idea of being a niche player is to find a segment you can own. Whole Foods, for example, has a great niche.... they will never be Kroger. They don't want to be.

MSNBC owns the liberal segment. While liberals are generally are not the couch potatoes of the other side (hence they are going to be a smaller audience than is available for Fox), they typically have pretty good demographics. Moreover, it appears that MSNBC operates with lower production costs than Fox.

They have stuck with this niche a long time. I can deduce from that they are doing fine.
I personally try to avoid having to view Glenn Beck as he reminds me of almost any other agitator be they Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Conservative or whatever.

I did notice that folk were really concerned about the content of the commercials broadcast during the airing.

I almost hate having to tell you it actually is the aim of those who submit adverts for TV airing, that those adverts be as hard hitting as possible.
Not an awful lot of point in advertising something, unless the advertiser wants the audience to remember the advert.

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