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Motorcyclist killed in crash 3 minutes after being stopped for speeding (1 Viewer)

It's sad for all involved.

If you ride you have close calls. If you are smart you do everything you can to avoid them. Sometimes you can't avoid close calls. A few years ago it dawned on me that close calls didn't scare me. I quit riding.

You don't always die in an accident. I know people who have legs sheared off at the hip, guys in wheelchairs, two ladies with fused ankles, and a couple of guys with traumatic brain injuries. I get that it is part of the risk you take for the fantastic experience and freedom of riding. I accepted that when I rode. But when you reach a point that you don't hedge your bets you're tempting an ugly fate.
It's sad for all involved.

If you ride you have close calls. If you are smart you do everything you can to avoid them. Sometimes you can't avoid close calls. A few years ago it dawned on me that close calls didn't scare me. I quit riding.

You don't always die in an accident. I know people who have legs sheared off at the hip, guys in wheelchairs, two ladies with fused ankles, and a couple of guys with traumatic brain injuries. I get that it is part of the risk you take for the fantastic experience and freedom of riding. I accepted that when I rode. But when you reach a point that you don't hedge your bets you're tempting an ugly fate.

Man, very few people realize the bolded. As soon as I start feeling cocky on my bike I park it for a few weeks.
I have not ridden in a while - but I never felt cocky on my bike.

I never lost sight of the dangers. No offense to others, but I have never understood how people can forget the obvious danger of a situation.

Of course that is probably why my auto racing career did not go on longer...I just never could let go of the danger completely like the best drivers could.
It's sad for all involved.

If you ride you have close calls. If you are smart you do everything you can to avoid them. Sometimes you can't avoid close calls. A few years ago it dawned on me that close calls didn't scare me. I quit riding.

You don't always die in an accident. I know people who have legs sheared off at the hip, guys in wheelchairs, two ladies with fused ankles, and a couple of guys with traumatic brain injuries. I get that it is part of the risk you take for the fantastic experience and freedom of riding. I accepted that when I rode. But when you reach a point that you don't hedge your bets you're tempting an ugly fate.

We have a bar & grill here in Virginia Beach named as Boneshakers. I go there every now and then when I am working in the area. Sometimes I almost think I am sitting in a V.A. Hospital when I see some of the bikers limp into the place. Almost 1/3 of them have been in serious accidents.
I don't have a huge problem with this other then it is too bad he died.

The guy died doing what he loved even though he knew the dangers and no one else was apparently hurt.

It's his life, he knew the risks, he pushed the envelope anyway and died as a result....and apparently died quickly.

Most people die in agony and relative misery; desperately trying to hold onto life. Don't believe me - go and visit a palliative care ward.
He died doing what he loves without hurting anyone else - that idea is SO cool to me.

I hope I go out like that.

I watched my mother slowly wither away from cancer and a sadder demise of a free individual I could not easily imagine.

If you cannot understand what I feel about this - I could never explain it to you. And most don't as most people are desperate to live as long as possible. Not me.

It's not the length of time you live that matters...it's the quality of that time that matters.

Quality over quantity - why anyone would want otherwise is beyond me.
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