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Most pro-gay and most anti-gay US cities (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
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New Hampshire
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Most pro-gay and most anti-gay US cities with more than 100,000 people, based on support for same-sex marriage (ISideWith.com)

Most pro-gay US cities

1. Cambridge, MA: 90.8%
2. Berkeley, CA: 90.7%
3. Boulder, CO, CO: 87.5%
4. Richmond, CA: 86.5%
5. New Haven, CT: 86.5%
6. Oakland, CA: 85.6%
7. San Francisco, CA: 85.2%
8. Boston, MA: 84.9%
9. Providence, RI: 84.1%
10. New York City, NY: 83.8%

Most anti-gay US cities

1. Amarillo, TX: 46.3%
2. Midland, TX: 47%
3. Tyler, TX: 48%
4. Montgomery, AL: 48%
5. Odessa, TX: 48.6%
6. Killeen, TX: 49.1%
7. Provo, UT: 49.2%
8. Jackson, MS: 49.7%
9. Wichita Falls, TX: 50.7%
10. Shreveport, LA: 52.1%
Texas seems to have a pretty big majority there.
Most pro-gay and most anti-gay US cities with more than 100,000 people, based on support for same-sex marriage (ISideWith.com)

Most pro-gay US cities

1. Cambridge, MA: 90.8%
2. Berkeley, CA: 90.7%
3. Boulder, CO, CO: 87.5%
4. Richmond, CA: 86.5%
5. New Haven, CT: 86.5%
6. Oakland, CA: 85.6%
7. San Francisco, CA: 85.2%
8. Boston, MA: 84.9%
9. Providence, RI: 84.1%
10. New York City, NY: 83.8%

Most anti-gay US cities

1. Amarillo, TX: 46.3%
2. Midland, TX: 47%
3. Tyler, TX: 48%
4. Montgomery, AL: 48%
5. Odessa, TX: 48.6%
6. Killeen, TX: 49.1%
7. Provo, UT: 49.2%
8. Jackson, MS: 49.7%
9. Wichita Falls, TX: 50.7%
10. Shreveport, LA: 52.1%

What exactly does not supporting gay marriage have to do with being "anti-gay"?
Most pro-gay and most anti-gay US cities with more than 100,000 people, based on support for same-sex marriage (ISideWith.com)

Most pro-gay US cities

1. Cambridge, MA: 90.8%
2. Berkeley, CA: 90.7%
3. Boulder, CO, CO: 87.5%
4. Richmond, CA: 86.5%
5. New Haven, CT: 86.5%
6. Oakland, CA: 85.6%
7. San Francisco, CA: 85.2%
8. Boston, MA: 84.9%
9. Providence, RI: 84.1%
10. New York City, NY: 83.8%

Most anti-gay US cities

1. Amarillo, TX: 46.3%
2. Midland, TX: 47%
3. Tyler, TX: 48%
4. Montgomery, AL: 48%
5. Odessa, TX: 48.6%
6. Killeen, TX: 49.1%
7. Provo, UT: 49.2%
8. Jackson, MS: 49.7%
9. Wichita Falls, TX: 50.7%
10. Shreveport, LA: 52.1%

Texas.....nuff' said
Most pro-gay and most anti-gay US cities with more than 100,000 people, based on support for same-sex marriage (ISideWith.com)

Most pro-gay US cities

1. Cambridge, MA: 90.8%
2. Berkeley, CA: 90.7%
3. Boulder, CO, CO: 87.5%
4. Richmond, CA: 86.5%
5. New Haven, CT: 86.5%
6. Oakland, CA: 85.6%
7. San Francisco, CA: 85.2%
8. Boston, MA: 84.9%
9. Providence, RI: 84.1%
10. New York City, NY: 83.8%

Most anti-gay US cities

1. Amarillo, TX: 46.3%
2. Midland, TX: 47%
3. Tyler, TX: 48%
4. Montgomery, AL: 48%
5. Odessa, TX: 48.6%
6. Killeen, TX: 49.1%
7. Provo, UT: 49.2%
8. Jackson, MS: 49.7%
9. Wichita Falls, TX: 50.7%
10. Shreveport, LA: 52.1%

I call bs, for one palm springs cali was not in the top gay friendly list, which is a city that makes san fran look straight, also killeen tx is not the most anti gay, infact it would be evident by the fact it borders fort hood, has a very diverse population, to the point a large amount of it's population is not from texas at all.

The killeen thin in the list bugs me, I work in killeen, and have never had seen or heard any anti gay sentiment, yet there are some smaller areas in texas where you would get shot at for just looking gay, yet they did not make the list. Midland and Odessa I can see, amarillo no, and actually corpus christi is extremely anti gay in it's suberbs, to the point I have a childhood friend who lives there, turned out gay, and is constantly harrassed for it. Me and everyone else told him to move to austin, they love the wierd, but he refuses to move.
What exactly does not supporting gay marriage have to do with being "anti-gay"?

Doctored results to fit an agenda, of course not supporting ssm is not equal to being anti gay, for example my father came out of the closet a almost a decade ago, yet he is still anti ssm.

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