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Most of The World Could Be 100% Powered With Renewables by 2050 (1 Viewer)

Very likely but [it] will not. We are a for-profit culture and oil is the big profit center.

Western civilizations worship of money and profits, will delay renewables for as long as they can.

This will and mark my words, western civilization will make sure humans burn every single drop of oil

the plutocrats will force upon society.

Blogroids, the world, the oil, life itself...is for a profit. Nothing else matters.

Get on board or go to jail...or die.

If you produce electricity from some renewable at less than 4c/kWhr you get loads of money.
Very likely but [it] will not. We are a for-profit culture and oil is the big profit center.

Western civilizations worship of money and profits, will delay renewables for as long as they can.

This will and mark my words, western civilization will make sure humans burn every single drop of oil

the plutocrats will force upon society.

Blogroids, the world, the oil, life itself...is for a profit. Nothing else matters.

Get on board or go to jail...or die.
Except that the motive is profit and there is no rule saying the greater profits come from non renewable s.
Oil has a real cost of goods sold, when the cost of man made fuels is lower, that is where the greater profits will be.
Absolutely. And that has to do with logistics as well. But they won't replace all of it with renewable.

I commented on this before, and now I forget the numbers. They are planing to replace coal plants past their retirement already, with a little over 700 megawatts. Problem is, for a continuous grid, that's all they can add. The plan on retraining by that time something like 8.1 gigawatts of coal power by 2028 if I recall correctly, and they cannot replace it all with renewable energy. The rest will likely be natural gas.

Here is the energy mix that will replace the coal plants.

"To replace the retiring coal, NIPSCO plans to propose a mix of 1,500 MW of solar and storage, 150 MW of wind, 125 MW of efficiency and demand-side management and 50 MW of market purchases by 2028, shown in Scenario F below. The plans are based on renewable energy prices NIPSCO received in response to a request for proposals (RFP) earlier this year."

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If you produce electricity from some renewable at less than 4c/kWhr you get loads of money.

You have set record for solar power as low as 2.34 US-cents per kilowatt-hour.


That the cost of renewables have dropped so much that even oil companies invests in renewable energy. While 150 of the world’s most influential companies have committed to source 100 percent renewable electricity.

Exxon knows renewables are cheaper, even if Trump doesn't
[h=1]Wind farm turbines wear sooner than expected, says study[/h][FONT=&quot]From The Telegraph Britain’s wind farms are wearing out far more rapidly than previously thought, making them more expensive as a result, according to an authoritative new study. By Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter 8:40AM GMT 30 Dec 2012 The analysis of almost 3,000 onshore wind turbines — the biggest study of its kind —warns…
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Here is the energy mix that will replace the coal plants.

"To replace the retiring coal, NIPSCO plans to propose a mix of 1,500 MW of solar and storage, 150 MW of wind, 125 MW of efficiency and demand-side management and 50 MW of market purchases by 2028, shown in Scenario F below. The plans are based on renewable energy prices NIPSCO received in response to a request for proposals (RFP) earlier this year."


So they are still under 25% renewable of the coal they will replace.
You have set record for solar power as low as 2.34 US-cents per kilowatt-hour.


That the cost of renewables have dropped so much that even oil companies invests in renewable energy. While 150 of the world’s most influential companies have committed to source 100 percent renewable electricity.

Exxon knows renewables are cheaper, even if Trump doesn't

Yes, have to buy in now while is less attractive, because it will boom some day in the near future.,

So why can't we just let it happen naturally with the market forces? Why the push to waste tax dollars? Everything is now in motion. Subsidies need to stop.
That's a 2.34 cent tariff. What will it wholesale at?
Yes, have to buy in now while is less attractive, because it will boom some day in the near future.,

So why can't we just let it happen naturally with the market forces? Why the push to waste tax dollars? Everything is now in motion. Subsidies need to stop.

Even federal reports during Trump’s presidency that warns about climate changes and its negative effects.



Meeting the Paris Agreement could also save a millions lives per year globally just by reducing air pollutions.

“Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement could save about a million lives a year worldwide by 2050 through reductions in air pollution alone. The latest estimates from leading experts also indicate that the value of health gains from climate action would be approximately double the cost of mitigation policies at global level, and the benefit-to-cost ratio is even higher in countries such as China and India.”

That at the same time the energy market have never been a "free market". For example that global subsidies to fossil fuel are hundreds of billions each year. Much more than the subsidies to renewable energy.


Coal companies also use the power of the goverment to take over land and force people to leave their homes. That thousands of people have been forced from their homes just in Germany because of coal mining.

German Court to Rule on Property Rights in Brown Coal Mining Dispute - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Western governments have also heavily involved in the Middle East for many decades to protect the flow of cheap oil, with for example support of brutal dictators and costly wars.
What are your source for that?

It's called algebra.

Do you know what that is?

You take the power output for new renewable and divide it into the power of coal in use now.

Some of us can think, and don't have to be told by a pundit what to believe.

Can wind and solar replace fossil fuels?

By Richard D. Patton Statements implying that wind and solar can provide 50% of the power to the grid are not difficult to find on the internet. For example, Andrew Cuomo announced that “The Clean Energy Standard will require 50 percent of New York’s electricity to come from renewable energy sources like wind and solar…
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[FONT=&quot]. . . The real-life example of Germany shows that the engineers who said wind could only supply 10% of the power had a point.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]It has not been proven that the NY Clean Energy Mandate (or similar mandates elsewhere) can be met by relying on wind and solar power. Given the example of Germany, doubts are in order. As advertised by its politicians, Germany gets 19% of its energy from wind and solar. What they do not say is that it also exports 1/3 of that energy out of country, leaving its carbon footprint unchanged since 2011. Some small countries, notably Denmark, have advertised that they get 50% or more of their energy from sun and wind. What they really mean is that they have a large country (in the case of Denmark, Germany) next to them absorbing that power and selling them power when the wind stops blowing and the sun goes down. Because it is a small country selling into a big market, its energy sales do not disturb the grid stability of the bigger market. It is a much different case when the larger country (Germany) tries it. Germany’s attempt, the Energiewende (energy transition), is widely judged to have been a failure. If New York goes down that path, it is not likely to do much better.[/FONT]

[h=1]2018 Saw A Global Revolt Against Climate Change Policies[/h][FONT=&quot]From The Daily Caller 12:01 PM 12/31/2018 | Energy Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor 2018 saw a global revolt against policies aimed at fighting global warming Australia, Canada, France and the U.S. have all seen push back against global warming policies That included weeks of riots in France against planned carbon tax increases Despite increasingly…
[h=1]Polish government: wind turbines will be scrapped within 17 years[/h][FONT=&quot]From wysokienapiecie.pl All wind farms operating today in Poland will be scrapped by 2035, with no new turbines built to replace them, stipulates draft “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040” presented by Ministry of Energy on Friday. This is a political decision, the Minister explained. On Wednesday the government contracted with investors the construction of…
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Polish government: wind turbines will be scrapped within 17 years

[FONT="][FONT=inherit]From wysokienapiecie.pl All wind farms operating today in Poland will be scrapped by 2035, with no new turbines built to replace them, stipulates draft “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040” presented by Ministry of Energy on Friday. This is a political decision, the Minister explained. On Wednesday the government contracted with investors the construction of…[/FONT]
[FONT=inherit][URL="https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/01/03/polish-government-wind-turbines-will-be-scrapped-within-17-years/"]Continue reading →[/URL][/FONT]

From your own link:

“On Wednesday the government contracted with investors the construction of several hundred new wind turbines (with a capacity of approximately 1 GW). The average prices offered by investors, at which they committed to sell electricity, barely reached 197 PLN/MWh. This is less than the current market price (250 PLN/MWh) and much less that the total production cost in new coal-fired power plants (350 PLN/MWh).”

The polish government also spend massive amount of money on subsidies for coal plants.

European Fossil Fuel Subsidies Awards 2018 - Poland

Also even with the very pro coal government, Poland plan an increase in offshore wind power and solar power.

It's called algebra.

Do you know what that is?

You take the power output for new renewable and divide it into the power of coal in use now.

Some of us can think, and don't have to be told by a pundit what to believe.

Source for how much electricity and coal used today? So you can compare it to the renewables that will replace the coal.
The decline of coal and increase in renewables continue in Germany, with renewables accounting for just 40 of electricity production in 2018.


The same pattern can been seen in the UK. There energy efficiency program also have been successful. For example that more energy efficient appliances helped save the average household 290 pounds a year between 2008 and 2017.


While Australia is on track getting 50 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2025.

You have set record for solar power as low as 2.34 US-cents per kilowatt-hour.


That the cost of renewables have dropped so much that even oil companies invests in renewable energy. While 150 of the world’s most influential companies have committed to source 100 percent renewable electricity.

Exxon knows renewables are cheaper, even if Trump doesn't

If you can produce electricity at that price you need no subsidy. It will spread at lightning pace without any government intervention.
Source for how much electricity and coal used today? So you can compare it to the renewables that will replace the coal.

It's right on wiki, the amount of coal they use. I will trust non partisan facts on wiki, unless someone can show cause for them to be correct. I don't trust any partisan facts on wiki because that's when facts get ignored, and innuendo becomes fact.
It's right on wiki, the amount of coal they use. I will trust non partisan facts on wiki, unless someone can show cause for them to be correct. I don't trust any partisan facts on wiki because that's when facts get ignored, and innuendo becomes fact.

This should have read:

It's right on wiki, the amount of coal they use. I will trust non partisan facts on wiki, unless someone can show cause for them to be incorrect. I don't trust any partisan facts on wiki because that's when facts get ignored, and innuendo becomes fact.
[h=1]Where The Texas Winds Blow[/h][FONT=&quot]Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach There’s a typically hyper, deceptive, and Pollyanna article in the Houston Chronicle with the headline “Texas has enough sun and wind to quit coal, Rice researchers say“. You gotta watch out for these folks, it’s the old bait and switch. Because sure enough, as they say, there’s more sun and…
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It's right on wiki, the amount of coal they use. I will trust non partisan facts on wiki, unless someone can show cause for them to be correct. I don't trust any partisan facts on wiki because that's when facts get ignored, and innuendo becomes fact.

Can you provide a link to the Wikipedia article?
If you can produce electricity at that price you need no subsidy. It will spread at lightning pace without any government intervention.

We are starting to running out of time in limiting the devastating effects of manmade global warming.


So you can still need subsides to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels and spur innovation.

Subsidies to fossil fuels also continue to be much bigger than subsidies to renewables.

We are starting to running out of time in limiting the devastating effects of manmade global warming.


So you can still need subsides to speed up the transition away from fossil fuels and spur innovation.

Subsidies to fossil fuels also continue to be much bigger than subsidies to renewables.


I'm sorry that you listen to Chicken Little. Please grow up.

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