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Moscow troops 'systematically raped' 25 women, girls as young as 14 in a Bucha basement (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Moscow troops 'systematically raped' 25 women, girls as young as 14 in a Bucha basement

250 killed by bullets or shrapnel and now being investigated as war crimes, Bucha chief regional prosecutor Ruslan Kravchenko tells the Times. Along with the executions and random murder are horrific cases of torture and sexual violence.

One man who fled his home with his wife when a Russian armored vehicle rammed their fence, said when they finally returned home after the Russians left, they found it "ransacked, filled with rubbish and beer bottles," the Times reports. "Then, in a cellar under the garden shed, his nephew discovered the body of a woman" wearing "a fur coat and nothing else." Police said she had been shot in the head, and they found condom wrappers, a used condom, and other signs she was kept as a sex slave before being executed, the Times reports.

its clear as a sunny day a war - crime. the names of the rapers are known , what´d be our next step ?


Moscow troops 'systematically raped' 25 women, girls as young as 14 in a Bucha basement

250 killed by bullets or shrapnel and now being investigated as war crimes, Bucha chief regional prosecutor Ruslan Kravchenko tells the Times. Along with the executions and random murder are horrific cases of torture and sexual violence.

One man who fled his home with his wife when a Russian armored vehicle rammed their fence, said when they finally returned home after the Russians left, they found it "ransacked, filled with rubbish and beer bottles," the Times reports. "Then, in a cellar under the garden shed, his nephew discovered the body of a woman" wearing "a fur coat and nothing else." Police said she had been shot in the head, and they found condom wrappers, a used condom, and other signs she was kept as a sex slave before being executed, the Times reports.

its clear as a sunny day a war - crime. the names of the rapers are known , what´d be our next step ?

No one is astonished.

Everyone remembers what Russian troops did to German women at the end of World War II.

And, of course, the Butcher in the Kremlin has been doing it to Russia for twenty years.
Everyone remembers what Russian troops did to German women at the end of World War II.
my friend not only German, but all European woman, Belarusian, Finnish, Polish even the Jewish girls from Nazi death camps were GANG RAPPED BY SADISTIC MUSCOVITE HORDEMEN

Russian men can't attract a woman so they have to get drunk, grab an AK and invade a country to get laid.
Russian men can't attract a woman so they have to get drunk, grab an AK and invade a country to get laid.

I would normally write "It's funny because it's true" but nothing is less funny.
Russian men can't attract a woman so they have to get drunk, grab an AK and invade a country to get laid.
men? no, - the beasts who use to be raped ( army, prisons, streets ) by own czars and today they get the green light (from pootler) to do the same in Ukraine

By systematically committing war crimes and acts that are considered atrocities by anybody's definition, Russia has not only guaranteed its pariah status for generations, but they've completely eliminated any possibility of a resolution that doesn't involve their total military defeat. Imperial invasions are a no-no, but if they had at the very least abided by the Geneva Conventions then the possibility of granting Russia Eastern Ukraine might have been on the table. But after everything Russia has done, that is just simply not on the menu. Nothing short of their total defeat and eradication from Eastern Ukraine and Crimea will do. Sadly, Putin and his generals are never going to stand trial in the Hague, but that doesn't mean the world has to settle for handing him slices of the country he's invaded as some kind of reward.
Republicans would allow the rapists to sue these women if they are impregnated and have abortions.
No one is astonished.

Everyone remembers what Russian troops did to German women at the end of World War II.

And, of course, the Butcher in the Kremlin has been doing it to Russia for twenty years.

Russian veteran recalls their crimes in Germany

No one is astonished.

Everyone remembers what Russian troops did to German women at the end of World War II.

And, of course, the Butcher in the Kremlin has been doing it to Russia for twenty years.
look what I found, its clear like a sunny day that a rape is ok in Muscovite "army" , such low life scum both of them !!!

look what I found, its clear like a sunny day that a rape is ok in Muscovite "army" , such low life scum both of them !!!

I would normally write "It's funny because it's true" but nothing is less funny.

By systematically committing war crimes and acts that are considered atrocities by anybody's definition, Russia has not only guaranteed its pariah status for generations, but they've completely eliminated any possibility of a resolution that doesn't involve their total military defeat. Imperial invasions are a no-no, but if they had at the very least abided by the Geneva Conventions then the possibility of granting Russia Eastern Ukraine might have been on the table. But after everything Russia has done, that is just simply not on the menu. Nothing short of their total defeat and eradication from Eastern Ukraine and Crimea will do. Sadly, Putin and his generals are never going to stand trial in the Hague, but that doesn't mean the world has to settle for handing him slices of the country he's invaded as some kind of reward.


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