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Moscow Shutting Down Amnesty, Human Rights Watch in Russia (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Russia said Friday it was shutting down the local offices of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International that have been working in the country for the past 30 years. The announcement came on the 44th day of Russia's military campaign in pro-Western Ukraine, with thousands killed and more than 11 million having fled their homes or the country in the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Human Rights Watch has been operating in Russia for 30 years, while Amnesty has had a presence in the country since 1993. All in all, 15 organizations have been taken off Russia's registry of international organizations and foreign NGOs due to "violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation," the Justice Ministry said in a statement without providing further details.

Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia division at Human Rights Watch, said there was little doubt the move was in response to the organization's reporting on Russia's offensive in Ukraine. "The Russian government had already made it abundantly clear that it has no use for any facts, regarding the protection of civilians in Ukraine. This is just one small further proof of that," Denber said in a statement to AFP. Agnes Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said her organization would also continue to support Russians. "We will redouble our efforts to expose Russia's egregious human rights violations both at home and abroad," she said in a statement.

A human rights pariah nation, Russia was suspended from the United Nations Human Rights Council this past week

China, Cuba, El Salvador, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela... what do all those nations have in common?

Questionable human rights records and all have served 1 or 2 terms on the United Nations Human Rights Council.

While I am all for seeing Russia suspended from these councils I find the entire move as window dressing. Russia still has a seat at the UN and on the Security Council.

As for what Russia does internally, everyone knows Lord Putin is running the nation top to bottom.
China, Cuba, El Salvador, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela... what do all those nations have in common?

Questionable human rights records and all have served 1 or 2 terms on the United Nations Human Rights Council.

While I am all for seeing Russia suspended from these councils I find the entire move as window dressing. Russia still has a seat at the UN and on the Security Council.

As for what Russia does internally, everyone knows Lord Putin is running the nation top to bottom.

That's just the nature of the UN beast.

The UN's many flaws can't be remediated without terminating the UN and reformulating the entire shebang (which I wouldn't object to).


A human rights pariah nation, Russia was suspended from the United Nations Human Rights Council this past week

Which pretty much matches Russia's current attitude towards human rights
This is sorta redundant.
Putin is a genius.

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