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Moscow evil empire ‘moves missiles towards new country’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Moscow ‘moves missiles towards new country’​

Moscow threatening neighbor countries Also Moscow : Why is everyone want to join NATO?
Finland has modern weaponry, modern economy, and modern EVERYTHING. A Moscow invasion of Finland would end horrendously bad for Moscow. Considering how poor, broke, and incompetent the Moscow military is, their not gonna stand a chance in Finland. ps Finland should immediately join NATO before Moscow gets a chance.


Moscow ‘moves missiles towards new country’​

Moscow threatening neighbor countries Also Moscow : Why is everyone want to join NATO?
Finland has modern weaponry, modern economy, and modern EVERYTHING. A Moscow invasion of Finland would end horrendously bad for Moscow. Considering how poor, broke, and incompetent the Moscow military is, their not gonna stand a chance in Finland. ps Finland should immediately join NATO before Moscow gets a chance.

If the Butcher ordered Russian boys to attack Finland, maybe many of those boys would defect to Finland.

They would love to live in a prosperous and free society like Finland rather than in a drab dictatorship like Russia.
If the Butcher ordered Russian boys to attack Finland, maybe many of those boys would defect to Finland.

They would love to live in a prosperous and free society like Finland rather than in a drab dictatorship like Russia.

Attack how? Moscow dont have resources for a new war . this situation 1 to 1 , year 1917 for Moscow empire


Finland has a wartime troop strength of about 280,000 people while in total it has 900,000 trained as reservists. It carried on with conscription for all male school-leavers even after the end of the cold war, when many countries in Europe stopped, and Helsinki has maintained strong defence spending


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