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More Republican Indictments (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
David Safavian, the Bush appointed Chief of Staff of the GSA has been indicted for obstruction of justice. Safavian resigned from the Bush administration on Friday.

Also, Jack Abramoff appeared in court today to answer to 6 felony counts of federal fraud and conspiracy, and may also be indicted in connection with the Safavaian charges.

Other prominent Republicans are still under investigation, and indictments are likely. Under the microscope in connection with the latest scandal are GOP Representative Bob Ney of Ohio, along with Tom Delay and others who took a golf junket to Scotland, paid for by Abramoff. Delay is in hot water in Texas too, where both the head and and former head of Texans for a Republican Majority have been indicted for money laundering and accepting illegal corporate donations. Delay is expected to be indicted in this case before the end of the year.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the smoke clears, the ruins of the most corrupt administration in US history will be laid bare for all the world to see.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
David Safavian, the Bush appointed Chief of Staff of the GSA has been indicted for obstruction of justice. Safavian resigned from the Bush administration on Friday.

Also, Jack Abramoff appeared in court today to answer to 6 felony counts of federal fraud and conspiracy, and may also be indicted in connection with the Safavaian charges.

Other prominent Republicans are still under investigation, and indictments are likely. Under the microscope in connection with the latest scandal are GOP Representative Bob Ney of Ohio, along with Tom Delay and others who took a golf junket to Scotland, paid for by Abramoff. Delay is in hot water in Texas too, where both the head and and former head of Texans for a Republican Majority have been indicted for money laundering and accepting illegal corporate donations. Delay is expected to be indicted in this case before the end of the year.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the smoke clears, the ruins of the most corrupt administration in US history will be laid bare for all the world to see.

Article is here.

And it won't be their fault either, it will be your fault for posting such anti-American crap. It will be the "media's" fault for printing such lies and of course, it will be the sheeple's fault when and if the rascals take a beating at the voting booth and are thrown out of office in 2006 and 2008. :cool:

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