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More leaked documents (1 Viewer)

Thank you vandree, I havent read these myself until now.

Interesting in the Jack Straw memo, that it implied that the US wanted regime change, but didn't exactly put a detailed account of the regime it wished to replace it with. It looks like the US just went in head first with this.
GarzaUK said:
Thank you vandree, I havent read these myself until now.

Interesting in the Jack Straw memo, that it implied that the US wanted regime change, but didn't exactly put a detailed account of the regime it wished to replace it with. It looks like the US just went in head first with this.

It was the explict policty of the United States. The Iraqi Liberation Act passed under President Clinton could be clearer.

These things are nothing new. And it makes perfect sense that if that is your policy you will plan for it.
The Meyer memo
strategy to sell the war is discussed

What exactly is it in this memo you object to? It makes perfect sense in light of the events.
Stinger said:
It was the explict policty of the United States. The Iraqi Liberation Act passed under President Clinton could be clearer.

These things are nothing new. And it makes perfect sense that if that is your policy you will plan for it.

My typo above should have read The Iraqi Liberation Act passed under President Clinton couldn't have be clearer.
Has anyone watched the hearing on the Downing Street memo yesterday? I know it will reair tonight on cspan2 at 8pm.
I realize the left is salivating over the prospect of hanging President Bush, but there is a very good chance this is another Rathergate.
Squawker said:
I realize the left is salivating over the prospect of hanging President Bush, but there is a very good chance this is another Rathergate.
Rathergate? Let's see...you used gate...

Anywho, forgetting the gate thing. It hasn't been reported by the media and it probably won't...and I don't want to hang Bush, I just don't want him to go down in history as a good president. I want him to be known that he was a good leader on 9-11 but after did some bad things.
vandree said:
Has anyone watched the hearing on the Downing Street memo yesterday? I know it will reair tonight on cspan2 at 8pm.
Yeah, the entire thing was shown on One Good Move, great blog with a lot of hilarious segments that are put up daily that show ineptitude of government.
I just don't want him to go down in history as a good president. I want him to be known that he was a good leader on 9-11 but after did some bad things.
The so called bad things are from the lefts perspective. I think he did everything right. Historians will not judge him through your eyes. His contribution to world peace will be monumental.
Squawker said:
The so called bad things are from the lefts perspective. I think he did everything right. Historians will not judge him through your eyes. His contribution to world peace will be monumental.
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." Ralph Waldo Emerso

Yeah, contribution to world peace. Historians won't see it through the right's eyes either. And your eyes are as far right as I have ever seen.
Historians won't see it through the right's eyes either. And your eyes are as far right as I have ever seen.
I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you. I came from the left and know how bad they lie about things. Guess that is why I am so anti-liberal -- nothing worse than an ex.
Squawker said:
I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you. I came from the left and know how bad they lie about things. Guess that is why I am so anti-liberal -- nothing worse than an ex.
Yeah, and I actually used to be a conservative. Cut from the same cloth in a way.

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