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More Food for the Stupid (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.

I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


Dumbass here. I've pre-ordered a copy. 'Course I also buy the Globe when they photoshop an alien on page one and tell us they've finally landed. I think it downloads early next week while I'm sitting by the pool in Florida. Watching the sky.
I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


I'm curious as to why you slam a book and insult anyone who might read it, when you haven't read the book yourself?
Dumbass here. I've pre-ordered a copy. 'Course I also buy the Globe when they photoshop an alien on page one and tell us they've finally landed. I think it downloads early next week while I'm sitting by the pool in Florida. Watching the sky.

Florida!?!?!?!? In late June!?!?!?!?!? :shock:

Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm curious as to why you slam a book and insult anyone who might read it, when you haven't read the book yourself?
Oh, maybe because this pretty much tells the "story."

Raging Hillary threw bible...

Dumbass here. I've pre-ordered a copy. 'Course I also buy the Globe when they photoshop an alien on page one and tell us they've finally landed. I think it downloads early next week while I'm sitting by the pool in Florida. Watching the sky.


Good one!

The book sounds entertaining.
I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


What's the matter, afraid some of the Clintons past might ACTUALLY hurt them this time?
I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


Do you not see how offensive your comments are to the human race? Because someone or someone(s) have a different belief than you do doesn't make them dumb-asses.
Anyone that supports Hillary Clinton is a dumbass or a clueless twat.
I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


You could use a laugh or two. Couldn't you? Get the book, live a little. Stop being so dour.:)
Anyone that supports Hillary Clinton is a dumbass or a clueless twat.

I couldn't imagine why anyone would vote for more corruption. It's unbelievable.
I couldn't imagine why anyone would vote for more corruption. It's unbelievable.

I just can't understand why anyone would support her. She has an absolutely terrible personality, is a blatant and unrepentant liar, is a political opportunist, has been proven to practice political expediency on pretty much every issue except gun control, claims to be a supporter of women and a feminist while at the same time blaming rape victims, has been shown repeatedly over the years to have no regard for laws that put limits on her behavior while in office, has shown to be completely and utterly incompetent while in office, is a warhawk, has never actually done anything political without the help of either her party or riding the coattails of her husband,
What's the matter, afraid some of the Clintons past might ACTUALLY hurt them this time?

Just the opposite actually. Feeding frenzy for the Drudge crowd, who would not vote for her anyway, and a cause célèbre for her loyalists to rally behind. The rest of us....we won't pay it much attention--except maybe to poke fun at the silliness like we did those movies created by Dinesh D'Souza.
I see Drudge is pushing this new book written by the Secret Service guy slamming the Clintons. It's at the top of his masthead. I'm sure the dumbasses will slobber all over the salacious details.


My I ask what your problem with the book is?
I just can't understand why anyone would support her. She has an absolutely terrible personality, is a blatant and unrepentant liar, is a political opportunist, has been proven to practice political expediency on pretty much every issue except gun control, claims to be a supporter of women and a feminist while at the same time blaming rape victims, has been shown repeatedly over the years to have no regard for laws that put limits on her behavior while in office, has shown to be completely and utterly incompetent while in office, is a warhawk, has never actually done anything political without the help of either her party or riding the coattails of her husband,

Because she is still better than Trump. I guess the Right just fails to grasp how damaging that nomination will turn out to be. Say hello to President Hillary.
My I ask what your problem with the book is?

It sounds made up...and, that fact seems to be supported.

Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book - POLITICO

The author of a new tell-all book about Hillary Clinton could never have seen any of what he claims — he was too low-ranking — say several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details, including the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.

...Byrne was a uniformed officer in Bill Clinton’s White House. But that’s the lowest level of protection within the White House and around the president.
People familiar with West Wing security laugh at the idea that Byrne or any uniformed officer ever would have walked in on Bill Clinton anywhere, whether in a meeting or, as a New York Post article over the weekend claims, in the middle of a make-out session in the Map Room with the late daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale. The Secret Service presidential detail would have stopped him.
I just can't understand why anyone would support her. She has an absolutely terrible personality, is a blatant and unrepentant liar, is a political opportunist, has been proven to practice political expediency on pretty much every issue except gun control, claims to be a supporter of women and a feminist while at the same time blaming rape victims, has been shown repeatedly over the years to have no regard for laws that put limits on her behavior while in office, has shown to be completely and utterly incompetent while in office, is a warhawk, has never actually done anything political without the help of either her party or riding the coattails of her husband,

And I am sure the price to rent out the Lincoln bedroom has gone up since she rented it last time.
And I am sure the price to rent out the Lincoln bedroom has gone up since she rented it last time.

If she runs out of funds she will just steal from the White house again. :lol:
I just can't understand why anyone would support her. She has an absolutely terrible personality, is a blatant and unrepentant liar, is a political opportunist, has been proven to practice political expediency on pretty much every issue except gun control, claims to be a supporter of women and a feminist while at the same time blaming rape victims, has been shown repeatedly over the years to have no regard for laws that put limits on her behavior while in office, has shown to be completely and utterly incompetent while in office, is a warhawk, has never actually done anything political without the help of either her party or riding the coattails of her husband,

Yeah, that. Don't forget taking money from moderate Islamic countries that execute homosexuals, flog rape victims, and do other unspeakable things.
Today, as America increasingly resembles a sprawling insane asylum – with ever-growing numbers “identifying” as everything from socialist to jihadist to transgendered, with 50 million of us dependent on mind-altering psychiatric meds and another 25 million taking drugs illegally, suicide at a 30-year high, and addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, gambling and porn now a full-blown national health crisis – voters may soon be electing their very own national Nurse Ratched to run things, in the person of President Hillary Clinton.

For years the news media both left and right – from Chris Matthews to Rush Limbaugh – have likened Hillary Clinton to Nurse Ratched, who was voted the fifth worst movie villain of all time by the American Film Institute.

Of course, in a broader context, one could reasonably call the whole Democratic Party “the Nurse Ratched party.” As I document in “The Snapping of the American Mind,” the political and cultural left is responsible for a huge amount of the horrendous national and personal brokenness in today’s America. Yet ironically, the left holds itself out as the anointed leader, caretaker and problem-solver for the millions of dependent, dysfunctional people it has created.

Read more at President Hillary: America’s Nurse Ratched

BWAAA HAA HAA HAA ..... too funny but spot on!
Yeah, that. Don't forget taking money from moderate Islamic countries that execute homosexuals, flog rape victims, and do other unspeakable things.
Yeah, imagine that...

4 Salvadorans Say They Killed U.S. Nuns on Orders of Military - NYTimes.com

The killings came as the United States was beginning a decade-long, $7 billion aid effort to prevent left-wing guerrillas from coming to power here, and the case quickly became the focus of a bitter policy debate about Central America.

''This particular act of barbarism,'' a 1993 State Department report said, ''did more to inflame the debate over El Salvador in the United States than any other single incident.''

In 1993, a United Nations Truth Commission report concluded that Col. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, the director of the National Guard in 1980, and Gen. Jose Guillermo Garcia, the Minister of Defense at the time, had organized an official cover-up. Nevertheless, both men have been granted residence in the United States and now live in Florida, according to public records.
Today, as America increasingly resembles a sprawling insane asylum – with ever-growing numbers “identifying” as everything from socialist to jihadist to transgendered, with 50 million of us dependent on mind-altering psychiatric meds and another 25 million taking drugs illegally, suicide at a 30-year high, and addiction to alcohol, drugs, food, gambling and porn now a full-blown national health crisis – voters may soon be electing their very own national Nurse Ratched to run things, in the person of President Hillary Clinton.

For years the news media both left and right – from Chris Matthews to Rush Limbaugh – have likened Hillary Clinton to Nurse Ratched, who was voted the fifth worst movie villain of all time by the American Film Institute.

Of course, in a broader context, one could reasonably call the whole Democratic Party “the Nurse Ratched party.” As I document in “The Snapping of the American Mind,” the political and cultural left is responsible for a huge amount of the horrendous national and personal brokenness in today’s America. Yet ironically, the left holds itself out as the anointed leader, caretaker and problem-solver for the millions of dependent, dysfunctional people it has created.

Read more at President Hillary: America’s Nurse Ratched

BWAAA HAA HAA HAA ..... too funny but spot on!

5th? Man, now I have to look up who are 1-4.

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