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Moderate Democrats join GOP senators to back bill to delay end of Title 42 border expulsions (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
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Pretty bad when Biden starts losing support from members of his own party. But that's what happens when he bends to the will of the idiot Progs.
It's a big tent, dude. Marching in lockstep is for nazis and republicans.
Once again, conservatives and righties want to go after Brown people.
Americans in general love that shit so much they’d sacrifice their own chances to get good healthcare. I got mine **** you has won.
Who has to gain from unregulated and unrestrained migrants entering the US? Big Agriculture of course they need serfs to harvest their crops. That's why slavery was so popular in the 1800's. All that cotton wasn't going to pick itself.
Who has to gain from unregulated and unrestrained migrants entering the US? Big Agriculture of course they need serfs to harvest their crops. That's why slavery was so popular in the 1800's. All that cotton wasn't going to pick itself.
When there are plenty of AMERICANS to choose from. All these idiots who went to college to get a degree in Gender Studies or Basketweaving aren't doing anything.
When there are plenty of AMERICANS to choose from. All these idiots who went to college to get a degree in Gender Studies or Basketweaving aren't doing anything.
But those owners don’t want to pay Americans. At least not enough for them to keep the landlord fed. That’s why they lobby against guest worker programs. Because they’d have to pay them what an American would make.

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