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Mobile Crematoria (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Nothing says confidence by the generals more than bringing the ovens along for the ride………
Standard practise .

But The Telegraph is an old fashioned paper that is still locked in Cecil Rhodes and the foundation of modern Globalism growing out of the British Empire .
They are very good for their Cryptic Cross Word and sports coverage.
Gave up buying about 14 years ago when MI5 took them over .

Bit like the Guardian take over except for old people.
Standard practise .

But The Telegraph is an old fashioned paper that is still locked in Cecil Rhodes and the foundation of modern Globalism growing out of the British Empire .
They are very good for their Cryptic Cross Word and sports coverage.
Gave up buying about 14 years ago when MI5 took them over .

Bit like the Guardian take over except for old people.
”standard practice”

Your source sux!

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