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Mnuchin! (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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If I was POTUS, I sure would want the wooden, tone deaf SEC TREASURY defending me on the Sunday talk shows. Comes across as a rich entitled prick, whose first impression leaves much to be desired! And then there is the missus.....nice. Looks like someone strapped him to a board. Must be hung like donkey, that or his bank account is hung......ladies?

Mnuchin: NFL players ?can do free speech on their own time? | TheHill
If I was POTUS, I sure would want the wooden, tone deaf SEC TREASURY defending me on the Sunday talk shows. Comes across as a rich entitled prick, whose first impression leaves much to be desired! And then there is the missus.....nice. Looks like someone strapped him to a board. Must be hung like donkey, that or his bank account is hung......ladies?

Mnuchin: NFL players ?can do free speech on their own time? | TheHill

Trump and Mnuchin are entitled to their opinions. They're even entitled to be asinine on television if the want. The players who are kneeling during the anthem actually come across with far more dignity and respect for the rights of Americans which is what our flag stands for.
Trump and Mnuchin are entitled to their opinions. They're even entitled to be asinine on television if the want. The players who are kneeling during the anthem actually come across with far more dignity and respect for the rights of Americans which is what our flag stands for.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is a Trump Goldman Sachs multimillionaire swamp creature who recently married (his 3rd) trophy wife Louise Linton, a Scottish actress and model. Mnution has been under intense criticism for using US military aircraft for his political junckets.
If I was POTUS, I sure would want the wooden, tone deaf SEC TREASURY defending me on the Sunday talk shows. Comes across as a rich entitled prick, whose first impression leaves much to be desired! And then there is the missus.....nice. Looks like someone strapped him to a board. Must be hung like donkey, that or his bank account is hung......ladies?

Mnuchin: NFL players ?can do free speech on their own time? | TheHill

Yet another thread that you should remember next time you and others make comments about Trumps 'childish' comments on Twitter.
This is the man who did repossessions on anyone who could walk including many whose homes shouldn't have been repossessed. And he made millions off the deals. Great man to have on your team.

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